// @flow // This file has a lot of FlowFixMe comments // It's due to Flow's support of Object.{values,entries} // https://github.com/facebook/flow/issues/2221 // We could move to es6 Sets/Maps, but those are not recommended for redux // https://github.com/reduxjs/redux/issues/1499 // Unsure of the best solution at the momentf // - Sean import * as ACTIONS from 'constants/action_types'; import mergeClaim from 'util/merge-claim'; type State = { createChannelError: ?string, createCollectionError: ?string, channelClaimCounts: { [string]: number }, claimsByUri: { [string]: string }, byId: { [string]: Claim }, pendingById: { [string]: Claim }, // keep pending claims resolvingUris: Array<string>, reflectingById: { [string]: ReflectingUpdate }, myClaims: ?Array<string>, myChannelClaims: ?Array<string>, myCollectionClaims: ?Array<string>, abandoningById: { [string]: boolean }, fetchingChannelClaims: { [string]: number }, fetchingMyChannels: boolean, fetchingMyCollections: boolean, fetchingClaimSearchByQuery: { [string]: boolean }, purchaseUriSuccess: boolean, myPurchases: ?Array<string>, myPurchasesPageNumber: ?number, myPurchasesPageTotalResults: ?number, fetchingMyPurchases: boolean, fetchingMyPurchasesError: ?string, claimSearchByQuery: { [string]: Array<string> }, claimSearchByQueryLastPageReached: { [string]: Array<boolean> }, creatingChannel: boolean, creatingCollection: boolean, paginatedClaimsByChannel: { [string]: { all: Array<string>, pageCount: number, itemCount: number, [number]: Array<string>, }, }, updateChannelError: ?string, updateCollectionError: ?string, updatingChannel: boolean, updatingCollection: boolean, pendingChannelImport: string | boolean, repostLoading: boolean, repostError: ?string, fetchingClaimListMinePageError: ?string, myClaimsPageResults: Array<string>, myClaimsPageNumber: ?number, myClaimsPageTotalResults: ?number, isFetchingClaimListMine: boolean, isCheckingNameForPublish: boolean, checkingPending: boolean, checkingReflecting: boolean, }; const reducers = {}; const defaultState = { byId: {}, claimsByUri: {}, paginatedClaimsByChannel: {}, channelClaimCounts: {}, fetchingChannelClaims: {}, resolvingUris: [], myChannelClaims: undefined, myCollectionClaims: [], myClaims: undefined, myPurchases: undefined, myPurchasesPageNumber: undefined, myPurchasesPageTotalResults: undefined, purchaseUriSuccess: false, fetchingMyPurchases: false, fetchingMyPurchasesError: undefined, fetchingMyChannels: false, fetchingMyCollections: false, abandoningById: {}, pendingById: {}, reflectingById: {}, claimSearchError: false, claimSearchByQuery: {}, claimSearchByQueryLastPageReached: {}, fetchingClaimSearchByQuery: {}, updateChannelError: '', updateCollectionError: '', updatingChannel: false, creatingChannel: false, createChannelError: undefined, updatingCollection: false, creatingCollection: false, createCollectionError: undefined, pendingChannelImport: false, repostLoading: false, repostError: undefined, fetchingClaimListMinePageError: undefined, myClaimsPageResults: [], myClaimsPageNumber: undefined, myClaimsPageTotalResults: undefined, isFetchingClaimListMine: false, isFetchingMyPurchases: false, isCheckingNameForPublish: false, checkingPending: false, checkingReflecting: false, }; function handleClaimAction(state: State, action: any): State { const { resolveInfo }: ClaimActionResolveInfo = action.data; const byUri = Object.assign({}, state.claimsByUri); const byId = Object.assign({}, state.byId); const channelClaimCounts = Object.assign({}, state.channelClaimCounts); const pendingById = state.pendingById; let newResolvingUrls = new Set(state.resolvingUris); let myClaimIds = new Set(state.myClaims); Object.entries(resolveInfo).forEach(([url, resolveResponse]) => { // $FlowFixMe const { claimsInChannel, stream, channel: channelFromResolve, collection } = resolveResponse; const channel = channelFromResolve || (stream && stream.signing_channel); if (stream) { if (pendingById[stream.claim_id]) { byId[stream.claim_id] = mergeClaim(stream, byId[stream.claim_id]); } else { byId[stream.claim_id] = stream; } byUri[url] = stream.claim_id; // If url isn't a canonical_url, make sure that is added too byUri[stream.canonical_url] = stream.claim_id; // Also add the permanent_url here until lighthouse returns canonical_url for search results byUri[stream.permanent_url] = stream.claim_id; newResolvingUrls.delete(stream.canonical_url); newResolvingUrls.delete(stream.permanent_url); if (stream.is_my_output) { myClaimIds.add(stream.claim_id); } } if (channel && channel.claim_id) { if (!stream) { byUri[url] = channel.claim_id; } if (claimsInChannel) { channelClaimCounts[url] = claimsInChannel; channelClaimCounts[channel.canonical_url] = claimsInChannel; } if (pendingById[channel.claim_id]) { byId[channel.claim_id] = mergeClaim(channel, byId[channel.claim_id]); } else { byId[channel.claim_id] = channel; } byUri[channel.permanent_url] = channel.claim_id; byUri[channel.canonical_url] = channel.claim_id; newResolvingUrls.delete(channel.canonical_url); newResolvingUrls.delete(channel.permanent_url); } if (collection) { if (pendingById[collection.claim_id]) { byId[collection.claim_id] = mergeClaim(collection, byId[collection.claim_id]); } else { byId[collection.claim_id] = collection; } byUri[url] = collection.claim_id; byUri[collection.canonical_url] = collection.claim_id; byUri[collection.permanent_url] = collection.claim_id; newResolvingUrls.delete(collection.canonical_url); newResolvingUrls.delete(collection.permanent_url); if (collection.is_my_output) { myClaimIds.add(collection.claim_id); } } newResolvingUrls.delete(url); if (!stream && !channel && !collection && !pendingById[byUri[url]]) { byUri[url] = null; } }); return Object.assign({}, state, { byId, claimsByUri: byUri, channelClaimCounts, resolvingUris: Array.from(newResolvingUrls), myClaims: Array.from(myClaimIds), }); } reducers[ACTIONS.RESOLVE_URIS_STARTED] = (state: State, action: any): State => { const { uris }: { uris: Array<string> } = action.data; const oldResolving = state.resolvingUris || []; const newResolving = oldResolving.slice(); uris.forEach((uri) => { if (!newResolving.includes(uri)) { newResolving.push(uri); } }); return Object.assign({}, state, { resolvingUris: newResolving, }); }; reducers[ACTIONS.RESOLVE_URIS_COMPLETED] = (state: State, action: any): State => { return { ...handleClaimAction(state, action), }; }; reducers[ACTIONS.FETCH_CLAIM_LIST_MINE_STARTED] = (state: State): State => Object.assign({}, state, { isFetchingClaimListMine: true, }); reducers[ACTIONS.FETCH_CLAIM_LIST_MINE_COMPLETED] = (state: State, action: any): State => { const { result }: { result: ClaimListResponse } = action.data; const claims = result.items; const page = result.page; const totalItems = result.total_items; const byId = Object.assign({}, state.byId); const byUri = Object.assign({}, state.claimsByUri); const pendingById = Object.assign({}, state.pendingById); let myClaimIds = new Set(state.myClaims); let urlsForCurrentPage = []; claims.forEach((claim: Claim) => { const { permanent_url: permanentUri, claim_id: claimId, canonical_url: canonicalUri } = claim; if (claim.type && claim.type.match(/claim|update/)) { urlsForCurrentPage.push(permanentUri); if (claim.confirmations < 1) { pendingById[claimId] = claim; if (byId[claimId]) { byId[claimId] = mergeClaim(claim, byId[claimId]); } else { byId[claimId] = claim; } } else { byId[claimId] = claim; } byUri[permanentUri] = claimId; byUri[canonicalUri] = claimId; myClaimIds.add(claimId); } }); return Object.assign({}, state, { isFetchingClaimListMine: false, myClaims: Array.from(myClaimIds), byId, pendingById, claimsByUri: byUri, myClaimsPageResults: urlsForCurrentPage, myClaimsPageNumber: page, myClaimsPageTotalResults: totalItems, }); }; reducers[ACTIONS.FETCH_CHANNEL_LIST_STARTED] = (state: State): State => Object.assign({}, state, { fetchingMyChannels: true }); reducers[ACTIONS.FETCH_CHANNEL_LIST_COMPLETED] = (state: State, action: any): State => { const { claims }: { claims: Array<ChannelClaim> } = action.data; let myClaimIds = new Set(state.myClaims); const pendingById = Object.assign({}, state.pendingById); let myChannelClaims; const byId = Object.assign({}, state.byId); const byUri = Object.assign({}, state.claimsByUri); const channelClaimCounts = Object.assign({}, state.channelClaimCounts); if (!claims.length) { // $FlowFixMe myChannelClaims = null; } else { myChannelClaims = new Set(state.myChannelClaims); claims.forEach((claim) => { const { meta } = claim; const { claims_in_channel: claimsInChannel } = meta; const { canonical_url: canonicalUrl, permanent_url: permanentUrl, claim_id: claimId, confirmations } = claim; byUri[canonicalUrl] = claimId; byUri[permanentUrl] = claimId; channelClaimCounts[canonicalUrl] = claimsInChannel; channelClaimCounts[permanentUrl] = claimsInChannel; // $FlowFixMe myChannelClaims.add(claimId); if (confirmations < 1) { pendingById[claimId] = claim; if (byId[claimId]) { byId[claimId] = mergeClaim(claim, byId[claimId]); } else { byId[claimId] = claim; } } else { byId[claimId] = claim; } myClaimIds.add(claimId); }); } return Object.assign({}, state, { byId, pendingById, claimsByUri: byUri, channelClaimCounts, fetchingMyChannels: false, myChannelClaims: myChannelClaims ? Array.from(myChannelClaims) : null, myClaims: myClaimIds ? Array.from(myClaimIds) : null, }); }; reducers[ACTIONS.FETCH_CHANNEL_LIST_FAILED] = (state: State, action: any): State => { return Object.assign({}, state, { fetchingMyChannels: false, }); }; reducers[ACTIONS.FETCH_COLLECTION_LIST_STARTED] = (state: State): State => ({ ...state, fetchingMyCollections: true, }); reducers[ACTIONS.FETCH_COLLECTION_LIST_COMPLETED] = (state: State, action: any): State => { const { claims }: { claims: Array<CollectionClaim> } = action.data; const myClaims = state.myClaims || []; let myClaimIds = new Set(myClaims); const pendingById = Object.assign({}, state.pendingById); let myCollectionClaimsSet = new Set([]); const byId = Object.assign({}, state.byId); const byUri = Object.assign({}, state.claimsByUri); if (claims.length) { myCollectionClaimsSet = new Set(state.myCollectionClaims); claims.forEach((claim) => { const { canonical_url: canonicalUrl, permanent_url: permanentUrl, claim_id: claimId, confirmations } = claim; byUri[canonicalUrl] = claimId; byUri[permanentUrl] = claimId; // $FlowFixMe myCollectionClaimsSet.add(claimId); // we don't want to overwrite a pending result with a resolve if (confirmations < 1) { pendingById[claimId] = claim; if (byId[claimId]) { byId[claimId] = mergeClaim(claim, byId[claimId]); } else { byId[claimId] = claim; } } else { byId[claimId] = claim; } myClaimIds.add(claimId); }); } return { ...state, byId, pendingById, claimsByUri: byUri, fetchingMyCollections: false, myCollectionClaims: Array.from(myCollectionClaimsSet), myClaims: myClaimIds ? Array.from(myClaimIds) : null, }; }; reducers[ACTIONS.FETCH_COLLECTION_LIST_FAILED] = (state: State): State => { return { ...state, fetchingMyCollections: false }; }; reducers[ACTIONS.FETCH_CHANNEL_CLAIMS_STARTED] = (state: State, action: any): State => { const { uri, page } = action.data; const fetchingChannelClaims = Object.assign({}, state.fetchingChannelClaims); fetchingChannelClaims[uri] = page; return Object.assign({}, state, { fetchingChannelClaims, currentChannelPage: page, }); }; reducers[ACTIONS.FETCH_CHANNEL_CLAIMS_COMPLETED] = (state: State, action: any): State => { const { uri, claims, claimsInChannel, page, totalPages, }: { uri: string, claims: Array<StreamClaim>, claimsInChannel?: number, page: number, totalPages: number, } = action.data; // byChannel keeps claim_search relevant results by page. If the total changes, erase it. const channelClaimCounts = Object.assign({}, state.channelClaimCounts); const paginatedClaimsByChannel = Object.assign({}, state.paginatedClaimsByChannel); // check if count has changed - that means cached pagination will be wrong, so clear it const previousCount = paginatedClaimsByChannel[uri] && paginatedClaimsByChannel[uri]['itemCount']; const byChannel = claimsInChannel === previousCount ? Object.assign({}, paginatedClaimsByChannel[uri]) : {}; const allClaimIds = new Set(byChannel.all); const currentPageClaimIds = []; const byId = Object.assign({}, state.byId); const fetchingChannelClaims = Object.assign({}, state.fetchingChannelClaims); const claimsByUri = Object.assign({}, state.claimsByUri); if (claims !== undefined) { claims.forEach((claim) => { allClaimIds.add(claim.claim_id); currentPageClaimIds.push(claim.claim_id); byId[claim.claim_id] = claim; claimsByUri[claim.canonical_url] = claim.claim_id; }); } byChannel.all = allClaimIds; byChannel.pageCount = totalPages; byChannel.itemCount = claimsInChannel; byChannel[page] = currentPageClaimIds; paginatedClaimsByChannel[uri] = byChannel; delete fetchingChannelClaims[uri]; return Object.assign({}, state, { paginatedClaimsByChannel, byId, fetchingChannelClaims, claimsByUri, channelClaimCounts, currentChannelPage: page, }); }; reducers[ACTIONS.ABANDON_CLAIM_STARTED] = (state: State, action: any): State => { const { claimId }: { claimId: string } = action.data; const abandoningById = Object.assign({}, state.abandoningById); abandoningById[claimId] = true; return Object.assign({}, state, { abandoningById, }); }; reducers[ACTIONS.UPDATE_PENDING_CLAIMS] = (state: State, action: any): State => { const { claims: pendingClaims }: { claims: Array<Claim> } = action.data; const byId = Object.assign({}, state.byId); const pendingById = Object.assign({}, state.pendingById); const byUri = Object.assign({}, state.claimsByUri); let myClaimIds = new Set(state.myClaims); const myChannelClaims = new Set(state.myChannelClaims); // $FlowFixMe pendingClaims.forEach((claim: Claim) => { let newClaim; const { permanent_url: uri, claim_id: claimId, type, value_type: valueType } = claim; pendingById[claimId] = claim; // make sure we don't need to merge? const oldClaim = byId[claimId]; if (oldClaim && oldClaim.canonical_url) { newClaim = mergeClaim(oldClaim, claim); } else { newClaim = claim; } if (valueType === 'channel') { myChannelClaims.add(claimId); } if (type && type.match(/claim|update/)) { byId[claimId] = newClaim; byUri[uri] = claimId; } myClaimIds.add(claimId); }); return Object.assign({}, state, { myClaims: Array.from(myClaimIds), byId, pendingById, myChannelClaims: Array.from(myChannelClaims), claimsByUri: byUri, }); }; reducers[ACTIONS.UPDATE_CONFIRMED_CLAIMS] = (state: State, action: any): State => { const { claims: confirmedClaims, pending: pendingClaims, }: { claims: Array<Claim>, pending: { [string]: Claim } } = action.data; const byId = Object.assign({}, state.byId); const byUri = Object.assign({}, state.claimsByUri); // confirmedClaims.forEach((claim: GenericClaim) => { const { claim_id: claimId, type } = claim; let newClaim = claim; const oldClaim = byId[claimId]; if (oldClaim && oldClaim.canonical_url) { newClaim = mergeClaim(oldClaim, claim); } if (type && type.match(/claim|update|channel/)) { byId[claimId] = newClaim; } }); return Object.assign({}, state, { pendingById: pendingClaims, byId, claimsByUri: byUri, }); }; reducers[ACTIONS.ABANDON_CLAIM_SUCCEEDED] = (state: State, action: any): State => { const { claimId }: { claimId: string } = action.data; const byId = Object.assign({}, state.byId); const newMyClaims = state.myClaims ? state.myClaims.slice() : []; const newMyChannelClaims = state.myChannelClaims ? state.myChannelClaims.slice() : []; const claimsByUri = Object.assign({}, state.claimsByUri); const newMyCollectionClaims = state.myCollectionClaims ? state.myCollectionClaims.slice() : []; Object.keys(claimsByUri).forEach((uri) => { if (claimsByUri[uri] === claimId) { delete claimsByUri[uri]; } }); const myClaims = newMyClaims.filter((i) => i !== claimId); const myChannelClaims = newMyChannelClaims.filter((i) => i !== claimId); const myCollectionClaims = newMyCollectionClaims.filter((i) => i !== claimId); delete byId[claimId]; return Object.assign({}, state, { myClaims, myChannelClaims, myCollectionClaims, byId, claimsByUri, }); }; reducers[ACTIONS.CLEAR_CHANNEL_ERRORS] = (state: State): State => ({ ...state, createChannelError: null, updateChannelError: null, }); reducers[ACTIONS.CREATE_CHANNEL_STARTED] = (state: State): State => ({ ...state, creatingChannel: true, createChannelError: null, }); reducers[ACTIONS.CREATE_CHANNEL_COMPLETED] = (state: State, action: any): State => { return Object.assign({}, state, { creatingChannel: false, }); }; reducers[ACTIONS.CREATE_CHANNEL_FAILED] = (state: State, action: any): State => { return Object.assign({}, state, { creatingChannel: false, createChannelError: action.data, }); }; reducers[ACTIONS.UPDATE_CHANNEL_STARTED] = (state: State, action: any): State => { return Object.assign({}, state, { updateChannelError: '', updatingChannel: true, }); }; reducers[ACTIONS.UPDATE_CHANNEL_COMPLETED] = (state: State, action: any): State => { return Object.assign({}, state, { updateChannelError: '', updatingChannel: false, }); }; reducers[ACTIONS.UPDATE_CHANNEL_FAILED] = (state: State, action: any): State => { return Object.assign({}, state, { updateChannelError: action.data.message, updatingChannel: false, }); }; reducers[ACTIONS.CLEAR_COLLECTION_ERRORS] = (state: State): State => ({ ...state, createCollectionError: null, updateCollectionError: null, }); reducers[ACTIONS.COLLECTION_PUBLISH_STARTED] = (state: State): State => ({ ...state, creatingCollection: true, createCollectionError: null, }); reducers[ACTIONS.COLLECTION_PUBLISH_COMPLETED] = (state: State, action: any): State => { const myCollections = state.myCollectionClaims || []; const myClaims = state.myClaims || []; const { claimId } = action.data; let myClaimIds = new Set(myClaims); let myCollectionClaimsSet = new Set(myCollections); myClaimIds.add(claimId); myCollectionClaimsSet.add(claimId); return Object.assign({}, state, { creatingCollection: false, myClaims: Array.from(myClaimIds), myCollectionClaims: Array.from(myCollectionClaimsSet), }); }; reducers[ACTIONS.COLLECTION_PUBLISH_FAILED] = (state: State, action: any): State => { return Object.assign({}, state, { creatingCollection: false, createCollectionError: action.data.error, }); }; reducers[ACTIONS.COLLECTION_PUBLISH_UPDATE_STARTED] = (state: State, action: any): State => { return Object.assign({}, state, { updateCollectionError: '', updatingCollection: true, }); }; reducers[ACTIONS.COLLECTION_PUBLISH_UPDATE_COMPLETED] = (state: State, action: any): State => { return Object.assign({}, state, { updateCollectionError: '', updatingCollection: false, }); }; reducers[ACTIONS.COLLECTION_PUBLISH_UPDATE_FAILED] = (state: State, action: any): State => { return Object.assign({}, state, { updateCollectionError: action.data.error, updatingCollection: false, }); }; reducers[ACTIONS.IMPORT_CHANNEL_STARTED] = (state: State): State => Object.assign({}, state, { pendingChannelImports: true }); reducers[ACTIONS.IMPORT_CHANNEL_COMPLETED] = (state: State): State => Object.assign({}, state, { pendingChannelImports: false }); reducers[ACTIONS.CLAIM_SEARCH_STARTED] = (state: State, action: any): State => { const fetchingClaimSearchByQuery = Object.assign({}, state.fetchingClaimSearchByQuery); fetchingClaimSearchByQuery[action.data.query] = true; return Object.assign({}, state, { fetchingClaimSearchByQuery, }); }; reducers[ACTIONS.CLAIM_SEARCH_COMPLETED] = (state: State, action: any): State => { const fetchingClaimSearchByQuery = Object.assign({}, state.fetchingClaimSearchByQuery); const claimSearchByQuery = Object.assign({}, state.claimSearchByQuery); const claimSearchByQueryLastPageReached = Object.assign({}, state.claimSearchByQueryLastPageReached); const { append, query, urls, pageSize } = action.data; if (append) { // todo: check for duplicate urls when concatenating? claimSearchByQuery[query] = claimSearchByQuery[query] && claimSearchByQuery[query].length ? claimSearchByQuery[query].concat(urls) : urls; } else { claimSearchByQuery[query] = urls; } // the returned number of urls is less than the page size, so we're on the last page claimSearchByQueryLastPageReached[query] = urls.length < pageSize; delete fetchingClaimSearchByQuery[query]; return Object.assign({}, state, { ...handleClaimAction(state, action), claimSearchByQuery, claimSearchByQueryLastPageReached, fetchingClaimSearchByQuery, }); }; reducers[ACTIONS.CLAIM_SEARCH_FAILED] = (state: State, action: any): State => { const { query } = action.data; const claimSearchByQuery = Object.assign({}, state.claimSearchByQuery); const fetchingClaimSearchByQuery = Object.assign({}, state.fetchingClaimSearchByQuery); const claimSearchByQueryLastPageReached = Object.assign({}, state.claimSearchByQueryLastPageReached); delete fetchingClaimSearchByQuery[query]; if (claimSearchByQuery[query] && claimSearchByQuery[query].length !== 0) { claimSearchByQueryLastPageReached[query] = true; } else { claimSearchByQuery[query] = null; } return Object.assign({}, state, { fetchingClaimSearchByQuery, claimSearchByQuery, claimSearchByQueryLastPageReached, }); }; reducers[ACTIONS.CLAIM_REPOST_STARTED] = (state: State): State => { return { ...state, repostLoading: true, repostError: null, }; }; reducers[ACTIONS.CLAIM_REPOST_COMPLETED] = (state: State, action: any): State => { const { originalClaimId, repostClaim } = action.data; const byId = { ...state.byId }; const claimsByUri = { ...state.claimsByUri }; const claimThatWasReposted = byId[originalClaimId]; const repostStub = { ...repostClaim, reposted_claim: claimThatWasReposted }; byId[repostStub.claim_id] = repostStub; claimsByUri[repostStub.permanent_url] = repostStub.claim_id; return { ...state, byId, claimsByUri, repostLoading: false, repostError: null, }; }; reducers[ACTIONS.CLAIM_REPOST_FAILED] = (state: State, action: any): State => { const { error } = action.data; return { ...state, repostLoading: false, repostError: error, }; }; reducers[ACTIONS.CLEAR_REPOST_ERROR] = (state: State): State => { return { ...state, repostError: null, }; }; reducers[ACTIONS.ADD_FILES_REFLECTING] = (state: State, action): State => { const pendingClaim = action.data; const { reflectingById } = state; const claimId = pendingClaim && pendingClaim.claim_id; reflectingById[claimId] = { fileListItem: pendingClaim, progress: 0, stalled: false }; return Object.assign({}, state, { ...state, reflectingById: reflectingById, }); }; reducers[ACTIONS.UPDATE_FILES_REFLECTING] = (state: State, action): State => { const newReflectingById = action.data; return Object.assign({}, state, { ...state, reflectingById: newReflectingById, }); }; reducers[ACTIONS.TOGGLE_CHECKING_REFLECTING] = (state: State, action): State => { const checkingReflecting = action.data; return Object.assign({}, state, { ...state, checkingReflecting, }); }; reducers[ACTIONS.TOGGLE_CHECKING_PENDING] = (state: State, action): State => { const checking = action.data; return Object.assign({}, state, { ...state, checkingPending: checking, }); }; reducers[ACTIONS.PURCHASE_LIST_STARTED] = (state: State): State => { return { ...state, fetchingMyPurchases: true, fetchingMyPurchasesError: null, }; }; reducers[ACTIONS.PURCHASE_LIST_COMPLETED] = (state: State, action: any): State => { const { result }: { result: PurchaseListResponse, resolve: boolean } = action.data; const page = result.page; const totalItems = result.total_items; let byId = Object.assign({}, state.byId); let byUri = Object.assign({}, state.claimsByUri); let urlsForCurrentPage = []; result.items.forEach((item) => { if (!item.claim) { // Abandoned claim return; } const { claim, ...purchaseInfo } = item; claim.purchase_receipt = purchaseInfo; const claimId = claim.claim_id; const uri = claim.canonical_url; byId[claimId] = claim; byUri[uri] = claimId; urlsForCurrentPage.push(uri); }); return Object.assign({}, state, { byId, claimsByUri: byUri, myPurchases: urlsForCurrentPage, myPurchasesPageNumber: page, myPurchasesPageTotalResults: totalItems, fetchingMyPurchases: false, }); }; reducers[ACTIONS.PURCHASE_LIST_FAILED] = (state: State, action: any): State => { const { error } = action.data; return { ...state, fetchingMyPurchases: false, fetchingMyPurchasesError: error, }; }; reducers[ACTIONS.PURCHASE_URI_COMPLETED] = (state: State, action: any): State => { const { uri, purchaseReceipt } = action.data; let byId = Object.assign({}, state.byId); let byUri = Object.assign({}, state.claimsByUri); let myPurchases = state.myPurchases ? state.myPurchases.slice() : []; const claimId = byUri[uri]; if (claimId) { let claim = byId[claimId]; claim.purchase_receipt = purchaseReceipt; } myPurchases.push(uri); return { ...state, byId, myPurchases, purchaseUriSuccess: true, }; }; reducers[ACTIONS.PURCHASE_URI_FAILED] = (state: State): State => { return { ...state, purchaseUriSuccess: false, }; }; reducers[ACTIONS.CLEAR_PURCHASED_URI_SUCCESS] = (state: State): State => { return { ...state, purchaseUriSuccess: false, }; }; export function claimsReducer(state: State = defaultState, action: any) { const handler = reducers[action.type]; if (handler) return handler(state, action); return state; }