// @flow import * as ICONS from 'constants/icons'; import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react'; import CreditAmount from 'component/common/credit-amount'; import Button from 'component/button'; import { Form, FormField } from 'component/common/form'; import Card from 'component/common/card'; import I18nMessage from 'component/i18nMessage'; import ErrorText from 'component/common/error-text'; type Props = { balance: number, totalBalance: number, claimsBalance: number, supportsBalance: number, tipsBalance: number, claim: any, metaData: any, handleClose: () => void, abandonSupportForClaim: (string, string, boolean | string, boolean) => any, abandonClaimError: ?string, }; const SupportsLiquidate = (props: Props) => { const { claim, abandonSupportForClaim, handleClose, abandonClaimError } = props; const [previewBalance, setPreviewBalance] = useState(undefined); const [amount, setAmount] = useState(-1); const [error, setError] = useState(false); const initialMessage = __('How much would you like to unlock?'); const [message, setMessage] = useState(initialMessage); const keep = previewBalance && amount && Number(amount) < previewBalance ? Number.parseFloat(String(previewBalance - Number(amount))).toFixed(8) : false; const claimId = claim && claim.claim_id; const type = claim.value_type; useEffect(() => { if (claimId && abandonSupportForClaim) { abandonSupportForClaim(claimId, type, false, true).then(r => { setPreviewBalance(r.total_input); }); } }, [abandonSupportForClaim, claimId, type, setPreviewBalance]); function handleSubmit() { abandonSupportForClaim(claimId, type, keep, false).then(r => { if (r) { handleClose(); } }); } function handleChange(a) { if (a === undefined || isNaN(Number(a))) { setMessage(__('Amount must be a number')); setError(true); setAmount(0); } else if (a === '') { setAmount(0); setError(true); setMessage(__('Amount cannot be blank')); } else if (Number(a) > Number(previewBalance)) { setMessage(__('Amount cannot be more than available')); setError(false); } else if (Number(a) === Number(previewBalance)) { setMessage(__(`She's about to close up the library!`)); setAmount(a); setError(false); } else if (Number(a) > Number(previewBalance) / 2) { setMessage(__('Your content will do better with more staked on it')); setAmount(a); setError(false); } else if (Number(a) === 0) { setMessage(__('Amount cannot be zero')); setAmount(0); setError(true); } else if (Number(a) <= Number(previewBalance) / 2) { setMessage(__('A prudent choice')); setAmount(Number(a)); setError(false); } else { setMessage(initialMessage); setAmount(a); setError(false); } } return (

{__('You can unlock all or some of this LBC at any time.')}{' '} {__('Keeping it locked improves the trust and discoverability of your content.')}

, }} > It's usually only worth unlocking what you intend to use immediately. %learn_more%

} body={ abandonClaimError ? (
{__('%message%', { message: abandonClaimError })}
) : ( <>
), }} > %amount% available to unlock
{previewBalance === 0 &&

{__('No unlockable tips available')}

} {previewBalance === undefined &&


} {previewBalance && (
= 0 ? amount : previewBalance / 4} // by default, set it to 25% of available onChange={e => handleChange(e.target.value)} /> = 0 ? amount || '' : previewBalance && previewBalance / 4} helper={message} onChange={e => handleChange(e.target.value)} /> )}
) } actions={
} /> ); }; export default SupportsLiquidate;