const { URL, SITE_NAME, LBRY_WEB_API, THUMBNAIL_CARDS_CDN_URL, THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT, THUMBNAIL_WIDTH, } = require('../../config.js'); const { generateEmbedUrl } = require('../../ui/util/web'); const { lbryProxy: Lbry } = require('../lbry'); const { normalizeURI } = require('./lbryURI'); const SDK_API_PATH = `${LBRY_WEB_API}/api/v1`; const proxyURL = `${SDK_API_PATH}/proxy`; Lbry.setDaemonConnectionString(proxyURL); // **************************************************************************** // Fetch claim info // **************************************************************************** function getThumbnailCdnUrl(url) { if ( !THUMBNAIL_CARDS_CDN_URL || !url || (url && (url.includes('https://twitter-card') || url.includes(''))) ) { return url; } if (url) { const encodedURL = Buffer.from(url).toString('base64'); return `${THUMBNAIL_CARDS_CDN_URL}${encodedURL}.jpg`; } } async function getClaim(requestUrl) { const path = requestUrl.replace(URL, '').substring(1); let uri; let claim; let error; try { uri = normalizeURI(path); const response = await Lbry.resolve({ urls: [uri] }); if (response && response[uri] && !response[uri].error) { claim = response[uri]; } } catch {} if (!claim) { error = 'The URL is invalid or is not associated with any claim.'; } else { const { value_type, value } = claim; if (value_type !== 'stream' || value.stream_type !== 'video') { error = 'The URL is not associated with a video claim.'; } } return { claim, error }; } // **************************************************************************** // Generate // **************************************************************************** function generateOEmbedData(claim) { const { value, signing_channel: authorClaim } = claim; const claimTitle = value.title; const authorName = authorClaim ? authorClaim.value.title || : 'Anonymous'; const authorUrlPath = authorClaim && authorClaim.canonical_url.replace('lbry://', ''); const authorUrl = authorClaim ? `${URL}/${authorUrlPath}` : null; const thumbnailUrl = value && value.thumbnail && value.thumbnail.url && getThumbnailCdnUrl(value.thumbnail.url); const videoUrl = generateEmbedUrl(, claim.claim_id); const videoWidth = &&; const videoHeight = &&; return { type: 'video', version: '1.0', title: claimTitle, author_name: authorName, author_url: authorUrl, provider_name: SITE_NAME, provider_url: URL, thumbnail_url: thumbnailUrl, thumbnail_width: THUMBNAIL_WIDTH, thumbnail_height: THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT, html: ``, width: videoWidth, height: videoHeight, }; } async function getOEmbed(ctx) { const path = ctx.request.url; const urlQuery = '?url='; const formatQuery = '&format='; const requestUrl = decodeURIComponent( path.substring( path.indexOf(urlQuery) + urlQuery.length, path.indexOf('&') > path.indexOf(urlQuery) ? path.indexOf('&') : path.length ) ); const requestFormat = path.substring( path.indexOf(formatQuery) + formatQuery.length, path.indexOf('&') > path.indexOf(formatQuery) ? path.indexOf('&') : path.length ); const isXml = requestFormat === 'xml'; const { claim, error } = await getClaim(requestUrl); if (error) return error; const oEmbedData = generateOEmbedData(claim); if (isXml) { ctx.set('Content-Type', 'text/xml+oembed'); return oEmbedData.xml(); } ctx.set('Content-Type', 'application/json+oembed'); return oEmbedData; } module.exports = { getOEmbed };