// @flow import * as React from 'react'; import { remote } from 'electron'; import Button from 'component/button'; import { FormField } from 'component/common/form'; type Props = { type: string, currentPath?: ?string, onFileChosen: WebFile => void, label?: string, placeholder?: string, accept?: string, error?: string, disabled?: boolean, autoFocus?: boolean, }; class FileSelector extends React.PureComponent<Props> { static defaultProps = { autoFocus: false, }; componentDidUpdate(prevProps: Props) { // If the form has just been cleared, // clear the file input if (prevProps.currentPath && !this.props.currentPath) { this.fileInput.current.value = null; } } static defaultProps = { type: 'file', }; fileInput: React.ElementRef<any>; constructor() { super(); this.fileInput = React.createRef(); this.handleFileInputSelection = this.handleFileInputSelection.bind(this); this.fileInputButton = this.fileInputButton.bind(this); } handleFileInputSelection = () => { const { files } = this.fileInput.current; if (!files) { return; } const file = files[0]; if (this.props.onFileChosen) { this.props.onFileChosen(file); } }; handleDirectoryInputSelection = () => { remote.dialog.showOpenDialog({ properties: ['openDirectory'] }).then(result => { const path = result && result.filePaths[0]; if (path) { // $FlowFixMe this.props.onFileChosen({ path }); } }); }; fileInputButton = () => { this.fileInput.current.click(); }; input: ?HTMLInputElement; render() { const { type, currentPath, label, placeholder, accept, error, disabled, autoFocus = false } = this.props; const placeHolder = currentPath || placeholder; return ( <React.Fragment> <FormField label={label} webkitdirectory="true" className="form-field--copyable" error={error} disabled={disabled} type="text" readOnly="readonly" value={placeHolder || __('Choose a file')} inputButton={ <Button autoFocus={autoFocus} button="secondary" disabled={disabled} onClick={type === 'openDirectory' ? this.handleDirectoryInputSelection : this.fileInputButton} label={__('Browse')} /> } /> <input type={'file'} style={{ display: 'none' }} accept={accept} ref={this.fileInput} onChange={() => (type === 'openDirectory' ? () => {} : this.handleFileInputSelection())} webkitdirectory={type === 'openDirectory' ? 'True' : null} /> </React.Fragment> ); } } export default FileSelector;