// @flow import * as ICONS from 'constants/icons'; import React from 'react'; import Tooltip from 'component/common/tooltip'; import classnames from 'classnames'; import { icons } from './icon-custom'; // It would be nice to standardize this somehow // These are copied from `scss/vars`, can they both come from the same source? const RED_COLOR = '#e2495e'; const GREEN_COLOR = '#44b098'; const BLUE_COLOR = '#49b2e2'; type Props = { icon: string, tooltip?: boolean, customTooltipText?: string, iconColor?: string, size?: number, className?: string, sectionIcon?: boolean, }; class IconComponent extends React.PureComponent<Props> { getTooltip = (icon: string) => { switch (icon) { case ICONS.REWARDS: return __('Featured content. Earn rewards for watching.'); case ICONS.DOWNLOAD: return __('This file is in your library.'); case ICONS.SUBSCRIBE: return __('You are subscribed to this channel.'); case ICONS.SETTINGS: return __('Your settings.'); default: return null; } }; getIconColor = (color: string) => { switch (color) { case 'red': return RED_COLOR; case 'green': return GREEN_COLOR; case 'blue': return BLUE_COLOR; default: return color; } }; render() { const { icon, tooltip, customTooltipText, iconColor, size, className, sectionIcon = false, ...rest } = this.props; const Icon = icons[this.props.icon]; if (!Icon) { return null; } let color; if (iconColor) { color = this.getIconColor(iconColor); } let tooltipText; if (tooltip) { tooltipText = customTooltipText || this.getTooltip(icon); } const component = ( <Icon size={size || (sectionIcon ? 20 : 16)} className={classnames(`icon icon--${icon}`, className)} color={color} {...rest} /> ); const inner = sectionIcon ? <span className={`icon__wrapper icon__wrapper--${icon}`}>{component}</span> : component; return tooltipText ? <Tooltip label={tooltipText}>{inner}</Tooltip> : inner; } } export default IconComponent;