// @flow import * as ICONS from 'constants/icons'; import * as PAGES from 'constants/pages'; import { SHOW_ADS, SITE_NAME, SIMPLE_SITE, ENABLE_NO_SOURCE_CLAIMS } from 'config'; import Ads from 'web/component/ads'; import React from 'react'; import Page from 'component/page'; import Button from 'component/button'; import ClaimTilesDiscover from 'component/claimTilesDiscover'; import ClaimPreviewTile from 'component/claimPreviewTile'; import Icon from 'component/common/icon'; import WaitUntilOnPage from 'component/common/wait-until-on-page'; import { useIsLargeScreen } from 'effects/use-screensize'; import { GetLinksData } from 'util/buildHomepage'; import { getLivestreamUris } from 'util/livestream'; import ScheduledStreams from 'component/scheduledStreams'; import { splitBySeparator } from 'util/lbryURI'; // @if TARGET='web' import Pixel from 'web/component/pixel'; import Meme from 'web/component/meme'; // @endif type Props = { authenticated: boolean, followedTags: Array<Tag>, subscribedChannels: Array<Subscription>, showNsfw: boolean, homepageData: any, activeLivestreams: any, doFetchActiveLivestreams: () => void, fetchingActiveLivestreams: boolean, }; function HomePage(props: Props) { const { followedTags, subscribedChannels, authenticated, showNsfw, homepageData, activeLivestreams, doFetchActiveLivestreams, fetchingActiveLivestreams, } = props; const showPersonalizedChannels = (authenticated || !IS_WEB) && subscribedChannels && subscribedChannels.length > 0; const showPersonalizedTags = (authenticated || !IS_WEB) && followedTags && followedTags.length > 0; const showIndividualTags = showPersonalizedTags && followedTags.length < 5; const isLargeScreen = useIsLargeScreen(); const channelIds = subscribedChannels.map((sub) => splitBySeparator(sub.uri)[1]); const rowData: Array<RowDataItem> = GetLinksData( homepageData, isLargeScreen, true, authenticated, showPersonalizedChannels, showPersonalizedTags, subscribedChannels, followedTags, showIndividualTags, showNsfw ); function getRowElements(title, route, link, icon, help, options, index, pinUrls) { const tilePlaceholder = ( <ul className="claim-grid"> {new Array(options.pageSize || 8).fill(1).map((x, i) => ( <ClaimPreviewTile showNoSourceClaims={ENABLE_NO_SOURCE_CLAIMS} key={i} placeholder /> ))} </ul> ); const claimTiles = ( <ClaimTilesDiscover {...options} showNoSourceClaims={ENABLE_NO_SOURCE_CLAIMS} hasSource prefixUris={getLivestreamUris(activeLivestreams, options.channelIds)} pinUrls={pinUrls} /> ); return ( <div key={title} className="claim-grid__wrapper"> {/* category header */} {index !== 0 && title && typeof title === 'string' && ( <h1 className="claim-grid__header"> <Button navigate={route || link} button="link"> {icon && <Icon className="claim-grid__header-icon" sectionIcon icon={icon} size={20} />} <span className="claim-grid__title">{__(title)}</span> {help} </Button> </h1> )} {index === 0 && <>{claimTiles}</>} {index !== 0 && ( <WaitUntilOnPage name={title} placeholder={tilePlaceholder} yOffset={800}> {claimTiles} </WaitUntilOnPage> )} {/* view more button */} {(route || link) && ( <Button className="claim-grid__title--secondary" button="link" navigate={route || link} iconRight={ICONS.ARROW_RIGHT} label={__('View More')} /> )} </div> ); } React.useEffect(() => { doFetchActiveLivestreams(); }, []); // returns true if passed element is fully visible on screen function isScrolledIntoView(el) { const rect = el.getBoundingClientRect(); const elemTop = rect.top; const elemBottom = rect.bottom; // Only completely visible elements return true: const isVisible = elemTop >= 0 && elemBottom <= window.innerHeight; return isVisible; } React.useEffect(() => { if (authenticated || !SHOW_ADS) { return; } (async () => { // test if adblock is enabled let adBlockEnabled = false; const googleAdUrl = 'https://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js'; try { await fetch(new Request(googleAdUrl)).catch((_) => { adBlockEnabled = true; }); } catch (e) { adBlockEnabled = true; } finally { if (!adBlockEnabled) { // select the cards on page let cards = document.getElementsByClassName('card claim-preview--tile'); // eslint-disable-next-line no-inner-declarations function checkFlag() { if (cards.length === 0) { window.setTimeout(checkFlag, 100); } else { // find the last fully visible card let lastCard; // width of browser window const windowWidth = window.innerWidth; // on small screens, grab the second item if (windowWidth <= 900) { lastCard = cards[1]; } else { // otherwise, get the last fully visible card for (const card of cards) { const isFullyVisible = isScrolledIntoView(card); if (!isFullyVisible) break; lastCard = card; } // if no last card was found, just exit the function to not cause errors if (!lastCard) return; } // clone the last card // $FlowFixMe const clonedCard = lastCard.cloneNode(true); // insert cloned card // $FlowFixMe lastCard.parentNode.insertBefore(clonedCard, lastCard); // change the appearance of the cloned card // $FlowFixMe clonedCard.querySelector('.claim__menu-button').remove(); // $FlowFixMe clonedCard.querySelector('.truncated-text').innerHTML = __( 'Hate these? Login to Odysee for an ad free experience' ); // $FlowFixMe clonedCard.querySelector('.claim-tile__info').remove(); // $FlowFixMe clonedCard.querySelector('[role="none"]').removeAttribute('href'); // $FlowFixMe clonedCard.querySelector('.claim-tile__header').firstChild.href = '/$/signin'; // $FlowFixMe clonedCard.querySelector('.claim-tile__title').firstChild.removeAttribute('aria-label'); // $FlowFixMe clonedCard.querySelector('.claim-tile__title').firstChild.removeAttribute('title'); // $FlowFixMe clonedCard.querySelector('.claim-tile__header').firstChild.removeAttribute('aria-label'); // $FlowFixMe clonedCard .querySelector('.media__thumb') .replaceWith(document.getElementsByClassName('homepageAdContainer')[0]); // show the homepage ad which is not displayed at first document.getElementsByClassName('homepageAdContainer')[0].style.display = 'block'; const thumbnail = window.getComputedStyle(lastCard.querySelector('.media__thumb')); const styles = `#av-container, #AVcontent, #aniBox { height: ${thumbnail.height} !important; width: ${thumbnail.width} !important; }`; const styleSheet = document.createElement('style'); styleSheet.type = 'text/css'; styleSheet.id = 'customAniviewStyling'; styleSheet.innerText = styles; // $FlowFixMe document.head.appendChild(styleSheet); // delete last card to not introduce layout shifts lastCard.remove(); } } checkFlag(); } } })(); }, []); return ( <Page fullWidthPage> {!SIMPLE_SITE && (authenticated || !IS_WEB) && !subscribedChannels.length && ( <div className="notice-message"> <h1 className="section__title"> {__("%SITE_NAME% is more fun if you're following channels", { SITE_NAME })} </h1> <p className="section__actions"> <Button button="primary" navigate={`/$/${PAGES.CHANNELS_FOLLOWING_DISCOVER}`} label={__('Find new channels to follow')} /> </p> </div> )} {/* @if TARGET='web' */} {SIMPLE_SITE && <Meme />} <Ads type="homepage" /> {/* @endif */} {!fetchingActiveLivestreams && ( <> {authenticated && channelIds.length > 0 && ( <ScheduledStreams channelIds={channelIds} tileLayout liveUris={getLivestreamUris(activeLivestreams, channelIds)} limitClaimsPerChannel={2} /> )} {rowData.map(({ title, route, link, icon, help, pinnedUrls: pinUrls, options = {} }, index) => { // add pins here return getRowElements(title, route, link, icon, help, options, index, pinUrls); })} </> )} {/* @if TARGET='web' */} <Pixel type={'retargeting'} /> {/* @endif */} </Page> ); } export default HomePage;