// @flow import * as ACTIONS from 'constants/action_types'; import { doClaimSearch } from 'redux/actions/claims'; import { LIVESTREAM_LIVE_API, LIVESTREAM_STARTS_SOON_BUFFER } from 'constants/livestream'; import moment from 'moment'; const LiveStatus = Object.freeze({ LIVE: 'LIVE', NOT_LIVE: 'NOT_LIVE', UNKNOWN: 'UNKNOWN', }); type LiveStatusType = $Keys<typeof LiveStatus>; type LiveChannelStatus = { channelStatus: LiveStatusType, channelData?: LivestreamInfo }; export const doFetchNoSourceClaims = (channelId: string) => async (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: GetState) => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.FETCH_NO_SOURCE_CLAIMS_STARTED, data: channelId, }); try { await dispatch( doClaimSearch({ channel_ids: [channelId], has_no_source: true, claim_type: ['stream'], no_totals: true, page_size: 20, page: 1, include_is_my_output: true, }) ); dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.FETCH_NO_SOURCE_CLAIMS_COMPLETED, data: channelId, }); } catch (error) { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.FETCH_NO_SOURCE_CLAIMS_FAILED, data: channelId, }); } }; const FETCH_ACTIVE_LIVESTREAMS_MIN_INTERVAL_MS = 5 * 60 * 1000; const transformLivestreamData = (data: Array<any>): LivestreamInfo => { return data.reduce((acc, curr) => { acc[curr.claimId] = { live: curr.live, viewCount: curr.viewCount, creatorId: curr.claimId, startedStreaming: moment(curr.timestamp), }; return acc; }, {}); }; const fetchLiveChannels = async (): Promise<LivestreamInfo> => { const response = await fetch(LIVESTREAM_LIVE_API); const json = await response.json(); if (!json.data) throw new Error(); return transformLivestreamData(json.data); }; const fetchLiveChannel = async (channelId: string): Promise<LiveChannelStatus> => { try { const response = await fetch(`${LIVESTREAM_LIVE_API}/${channelId}`); const json = await response.json(); if (json.data?.live === false) return { channelStatus: LiveStatus.NOT_LIVE }; return { channelStatus: LiveStatus.LIVE, channelData: transformLivestreamData([json.data]) }; } catch { return { channelStatus: LiveStatus.UNKNOWN }; } }; const filterUpcomingLiveStreamClaims = (upcomingClaims) => { const startsSoonMoment = moment().startOf('minute').add(LIVESTREAM_STARTS_SOON_BUFFER, 'minutes'); const startingSoonClaims = {}; Object.keys(upcomingClaims).forEach((key) => { if (moment.unix(upcomingClaims[key].stream.value.release_time).isSameOrBefore(startsSoonMoment)) { startingSoonClaims[key] = upcomingClaims[key]; } }); return startingSoonClaims; }; const fetchUpcomingLivestreamClaims = (channelIds: Array<string>, lang: ?Array<string> = null) => { return doClaimSearch( { page: 1, page_size: 50, has_no_source: true, channel_ids: channelIds, claim_type: ['stream'], order_by: ['^release_time'], release_time: `>${moment().subtract(5, 'minutes').unix()}`, limit_claims_per_channel: 1, no_totals: true, ...(lang ? { any_languages: lang } : {}), }, { useAutoPagination: true, } ); }; const fetchMostRecentLivestreamClaims = ( channelIds: Array<string>, orderBy: Array<string> = ['release_time'], lang: ?Array<string> = null ) => { return doClaimSearch( { page: 1, page_size: 50, has_no_source: true, channel_ids: channelIds, claim_type: ['stream'], order_by: orderBy, release_time: `<${moment().unix()}`, limit_claims_per_channel: 2, no_totals: true, ...(lang ? { any_languages: lang } : {}), }, { useAutoPagination: true, } ); }; const distanceFromStreamStart = (claimA: any, claimB: any, channelStartedStreaming) => { return [ Math.abs(moment.unix(claimA.stream.value.release_time).diff(channelStartedStreaming, 'minutes')), Math.abs(moment.unix(claimB.stream.value.release_time).diff(channelStartedStreaming, 'minutes')), ]; }; const determineLiveClaim = (claims: any, activeLivestreams: any) => { const activeClaims = {}; Object.values(claims).forEach((claim: any) => { const channelID = claim.stream.signing_channel.claim_id; if (activeClaims[channelID]) { const [distanceA, distanceB] = distanceFromStreamStart( claim, activeClaims[channelID], activeLivestreams[channelID].startedStreaming ); if (distanceA < distanceB) { activeClaims[channelID] = claim; } } else { activeClaims[channelID] = claim; } }); return activeClaims; }; const findActiveStreams = async ( channelIDs: Array<string>, orderBy: Array<string>, liveChannels: any, dispatch, lang: ?Array<string> = null ) => { // @Note: This can likely be simplified down to one query, but first we'll need to address the query limit / pagination issue. // Find the two most recent claims for the channels that are actively broadcasting a stream. const mostRecentClaims = await dispatch(fetchMostRecentLivestreamClaims(channelIDs, orderBy, lang)); // Find the first upcoming claim (if one exists) for each channel that's actively broadcasting a stream. const upcomingClaims = await dispatch(fetchUpcomingLivestreamClaims(channelIDs, lang)); // Filter out any of those claims that aren't scheduled to start within the configured "soon" buffer time (ex. next 5 min). const startingSoonClaims = filterUpcomingLiveStreamClaims(upcomingClaims); // Reduce the claim list to one "live" claim per channel, based on how close each claim's // release time is to the time the channels stream started. const allClaims = Object.assign({}, mostRecentClaims, startingSoonClaims); return determineLiveClaim(allClaims, liveChannels); }; export const doFetchChannelLiveStatus = (channelId: string) => { return async (dispatch: Dispatch) => { try { const { channelStatus, channelData } = await fetchLiveChannel(channelId); if (channelStatus === LiveStatus.NOT_LIVE) { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.REMOVE_CHANNEL_FROM_ACTIVE_LIVESTREAMS, data: { channelId } }); return; } if (channelStatus === LiveStatus.UNKNOWN) { return; } const currentlyLiveClaims = await findActiveStreams([channelId], ['release_time'], channelData, dispatch); const liveClaim = currentlyLiveClaims[channelId]; if (channelData && liveClaim) { channelData[channelId].claimId = liveClaim.stream.claim_id; channelData[channelId].claimUri = liveClaim.stream.canonical_url; dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.ADD_CHANNEL_TO_ACTIVE_LIVESTREAMS, data: { ...channelData } }); } } catch (err) { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.REMOVE_CHANNEL_FROM_ACTIVE_LIVESTREAMS, data: { channelId } }); } }; }; export const doFetchActiveLivestreams = (orderBy: Array<string> = ['release_time'], lang: ?Array<string> = null) => { return async (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: GetState) => { const state = getState(); const now = Date.now(); const timeDelta = now - state.livestream.activeLivestreamsLastFetchedDate; const prevOptions = state.livestream.activeLivestreamsLastFetchedOptions; const nextOptions = { order_by: orderBy, ...(lang ? { any_languages: lang } : {}) }; const sameOptions = JSON.stringify(prevOptions) === JSON.stringify(nextOptions); if (sameOptions && timeDelta < FETCH_ACTIVE_LIVESTREAMS_MIN_INTERVAL_MS) { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.FETCH_ACTIVE_LIVESTREAMS_SKIPPED }); return; } dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.FETCH_ACTIVE_LIVESTREAMS_STARTED }); try { const liveChannels = await fetchLiveChannels(); const liveChannelIds = Object.keys(liveChannels); const currentlyLiveClaims = await findActiveStreams( liveChannelIds, nextOptions.order_by, liveChannels, dispatch, nextOptions.any_languages ); Object.values(currentlyLiveClaims).forEach((claim: any) => { const channelId = claim.stream.signing_channel.claim_id; liveChannels[channelId] = { ...liveChannels[channelId], claimId: claim.stream.claim_id, claimUri: claim.stream.canonical_url, }; }); dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.FETCH_ACTIVE_LIVESTREAMS_COMPLETED, data: { activeLivestreams: liveChannels, activeLivestreamsLastFetchedDate: now, activeLivestreamsLastFetchedOptions: nextOptions, }, }); } catch (err) { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.FETCH_ACTIVE_LIVESTREAMS_FAILED }); } }; };