# Change Log All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](http://keepachangelog.com/). The LBRY Web UI comes bundled as part of [LBRYApp](https://github.com/lbryio/lbry-app). Web UI version numbers should always match the corresponding version of LBRY App. ## [Unreleased] ### Added * Added a forward button and improved history behavior. Back/forward disable when unusable. * Added a new component, `FormFieldPrice` which is now used in Publish and Settings. * Added wallet backup guide reference. ### Changed * Updated to daemon [0.15](https://github.com/lbryio/lbry/releases). Most relevant changes for app are improved announcing of content and a fix for the daemon getting stuck running. * Continued to refine first-run process, process for new users, and introducing people to LBRY and LBRY credits. * Changed the default price settings. * When an "Open" button is clicked on a show page, if the file fails to open, the app will try to open the file's folder. * Some form field refactoring as we take baby steps towards form sanity. * Replaced confusing placeholder text from email input. * Refactored modal and settings logic. * Updated several packages and fixed warnings in build process (all but the [fsevents warning](https://github.com/yarnpkg/yarn/issues/3738), which is a rather dramatic debate) ### Fixed * Tiles will no longer be blurry on hover (Windows only bug) * Removed placeholder values from price selection form fields, which was causing confusion that these were real values (#426) * Fixed showing "other currency" help tip in publish form, which was caused due to not "setting" state for price * Public page now properly checks for all required fields are filled * Fixed pagination styling for pages > 5 (#416) * Fixed sizing on squat videos (#419) * Support claims no longer show up on Published page (#384) * Fixed rendering of small prices (#461) * Fixed incorrect URI in Downloads/Published page (#460) * Fixed backward / forward logic of history (#499) ### Deprecated * * ### Removed * Removed the label "Max Purchase Price" from settings page. It was redundant. * Unused old files from previous commit(9c3d633) * ## [0.14.3] - 2017-08-03 ### Added * Add tooltips to controls in header * New flow for rewards authentication failure ### Changed * Make it clearer how to skip identity verification and add link to FAQ * Reward-eligible content icon is now a rocket ship :D :D :D * Change install description shown by operating systems * Improved flow for when app is run with incompatible daemon ### Fixed * Corrected improper pluralization on loading screen ## [0.14.2] - 2017-07-30 ### Added * Replaced horizontal scrollbars with scroll arrows * Featured weekly reward content shows with an orange star * Added pagination to channel pages ### Fixed * Fixed requirement to double click play button on many videos * Fixed errors from calls to `get` not bubbling correctly * Fixed some corner-case flows that could break file pages ## [0.14.1] - 2017-07-28 ### Fixed * Fixed upgrade file path missing file name ## [0.14.0] - 2017-07-28 ### Added * Identity verification for new reward participants * Support rich markup in publishing descriptions and show pages. * Release past publishing claims (and recover LBC) via the UI * Added transition to card hovers to smooth animation * Use randomly colored tiles when image is missing from metadata * Added a loading message to file actions * URL is auto suggested in Publish Page ### Changed * Publishing revamped. Editing claims is much easier. * Daemon updated from v0.13.1 to [v0.14.2](https://github.com/lbryio/lbry/releases/tag/v0.14.2) * Publish page now use `claim_list` rather than `file_list` ### Removed * Removed bandwidth caps from settings, because the daemon was not respecting them anyway. ### Fixed * Fixed bug with download notice when switching window focus * Fixed newly published files appearing twice * Fixed unconfirmed published files missing channel name * Fixed old files from updated published claims appearing in downloaded list * Fixed inappropriate text showing on searches * Stop discover page from pushing jumping vertically while loading * Restored feedback on claim amounts * Fixed hiding price input when Free is checked on publish form * Fixed hiding new identity fields on publish form * Fixed files on downloaded tab not showing download progress * Fixed downloading files that are deleted not being removed from the downloading list * Fixed download progress bar not being cleared when a downloading file is deleted * Fixed refresh regression after adding scroll position to history state * Fixed app not monitoring download progress on files in progress between restarts ## [0.13.0] - 2017-06-30 ### Added * State is persisted through app close and re-open, resulting in faster opens * Desktop notifications on downloads finishing * Support webm, ogg, m4v, and a few others * Translations added to build process * Claim IDs are shown in your published files ### Changed * Upgraded to lbry daemon 0.13, including updating API signatures * Channels resolve much faster * Resolve is no longer cancelled on navigate * Updated API and authentication used by rewards process * Improved security of reward credential storage * Additional information submitted in DMCA reports * Switched packaging to yarn ### Removed * The author metadata field is no longer shown, in favor of first-class identities * Availability is no longer checked before showing Download options, due to unreliability ### Fixed * Fix help menu force reloading whole app * Show page updates correctly when navigating from show page to another show page * NSFW setting respected on show page * URI handling navigates to correct page if app is closed * URI handling issues specific to Windows (maybe) * Changing the NSFW setting refreshes properly (previously required app restart) ## [0.12.0] - 2017-06-09 ### Added * More file types, like audio and documents, can be streamed and/or served from the app * App is no longer gated. Reward authorization re-written. Added basic flows for new users. * Videos now have a classy loading spinner ### Changed * All UI strings are now rendered according to gettext standard, in prep for i18n * Switched to new fee metadata format ### Fixed * If a daemon is running but unresponsive, startup is no longer blocked indefinitely * Updated deprecated LBRY API call signatures * App scrolls to the top of the page on navigation * Download progress works properly for purchased but deleted files * Publish channels for less than 1 LBC ## [0.11.9] - 2017-06-01 ### Fixed * Windows upgrade process fixed * Upgrade process on Mac and Linux will open the file rather than the folder ## [0.11.8] - 2017-05-31 ### Fixed * Verified access from two different installation ids * Version upgrade check on help page ## [0.11.7] - 2017-05-30 ### Changed * Video player switched from plyr to render-media ### Fixed * Video player should behave better on streaming * Daemon times out more quickly when it cannot start * Connection should fail more cleanly, rather than get stuck entirely * Closing modal dialogs was broken on some download and stream errors * Discover landing page improperly showed loading error when it was loading correctly ## [0.11.6] - 2017-05-29 ### Changed * Do not use a separate claim cache for publishes ### Fixed * Upgrade process should now works on Windows * Crudely handle failed publishes missing outpoints ## [0.11.5] - 2017-05-28 ### Fixed * Eliminated instance of costs being double fetched * Fixed issue preventing file re-download * Fixed race condition that could prevent file playbac * Fixed issue with batch actions and thunk ## [0.11.4] - 2017-05-26 ### Added * New reward for watching weekly featured content ### Fixed * Video playback will always properly fetch cost info (this was a big playback bug) * Fixed view rewards ## [0.11.3] - 2017-05-26 ### Fixed * Fixed always showing welcome message on run * "Fixed" upgrade process * Version info now shows properly on Help page * Claim info is properly accessed on Publish page ## [0.11.0] - 2017-05-25 ### Added * Entire app re-written to use Redux as state store. Far saner and faster. Will also increase productivity moving forward. * Channel page shows content published in channel. * URI handling. Clicking lbry:// links should open the app and appropriate URI on all OSes. * File cards have an icon indicating you posses that file. * Download directory setting now uses a proper dialog. * Movie player automatically shows if the file has already been downloaded. ### Changed * Plyr replaces mediaelement as the movie player. ### Fixed * Publisher indicator on show pages and file cards/tiles will now always show the proper channel name. * Performance improvements related to avoiding duplicate fetches. * Fix incorrect prompt on empty published page ## [0.10.0] - 2017-05-04 ### Added * The UI has been overhauled to use an omnibar and drop the sidebar. * The app is much more responsive switching pages. It no longer reloads the entire page and all assets on each page change. * lbry.js now offers a subscription model for wallet balance similar to file info. * Fixed file info subscribes not being unsubscribed in unmount. * Fixed drawer not highlighting selected page. * You can now make API calls directly on the lbry module, e.g. lbry.peer_list() * New-style API calls return promises instead of using callbacks * Wherever possible, use outpoints for unique IDs instead of names or SD hashes * New publishes now display immediately in My Files, even before they hit the lbrynet file manager. * New welcome flow for new users * Redesigned UI for Discover * Handle more of price calculations at the daemon layer to improve page load time * Add special support for building channel claims in lbryuri module * Enable windows code signing of binary * Support for opening LBRY URIs from links in other apps ### Changed * Update process now easier and more reliable * Updated search to be compatible with new Lighthouse servers * Cleaned up shutdown logic * Support lbry v0.10 API signatures ### Fixed * Fix Watch page and progress bars for new API changes * On Windows, prevent opening multiple LBRY instances (launching LBRY again just focuses the current instance) ## [0.9.0rc15] - 2017-03-09 ### Added * A way to access the Developer Settings panel in Electron (Ctrl-Shift and click logo) * Option in Developer Settings to toggle developer menu ### Changed * Open and reveal files using Electron instead of daemon ## [0.9.0rc12] - 2017-03-06 ### Changed * Improved ability to style FormFields and form field labels * Refactored Publish page to use form field changes ## [0.9.0rc11] - 2017-02-27 ### Added * "Back to LBRY" button on Watch page ### Changed * In error modal, hide details in expandable section ### Fixed * On load screen, always show Cancel link if a previous page is available * When user hits "Watch," don't check balance if download already started * Restore UI version on Help page * Fix sorting on My Files page ## [0.9.0rc9] - 2017-02-22 ### Changed * Use local file for publishing * Use local file and html5 for video playback * Misc changes needed to make UI compatible with electron