import { execSync } from 'child_process'; import isDev from 'electron-is-dev'; import Lbry from 'lbry'; import path from 'path'; import * as ACTIONS from 'constants/action_types'; import * as MODALS from 'constants/modal_types'; import { ipcRenderer, remote } from 'electron'; import { doFetchRewardedContent } from 'redux/actions/content'; import { doFetchFileInfosAndPublishedClaims } from 'redux/actions/file_info'; import { doAuthNavigate } from 'redux/actions/navigation'; import { doFetchDaemonSettings } from 'redux/actions/settings'; import { doAuthenticate } from 'redux/actions/user'; import { doBalanceSubscribe } from 'redux/actions/wallet'; import { doPause } from 'redux/actions/media'; import { doCheckSubscriptions } from 'redux/actions/subscriptions'; import { selectCurrentModal, selectIsUpgradeSkipped, selectUpdateUrl, selectUpgradeDownloadItem, selectUpgradeDownloadPath, selectUpgradeFilename, selectAutoUpdateDeclined, selectRemoteVersion, } from 'redux/selectors/app'; import { lbrySettings as config } from 'package.json'; const { autoUpdater } = remote.require('electron-updater'); const { download } = remote.require('electron-dl'); const Fs = remote.require('fs'); const CHECK_UPGRADE_INTERVAL = 10 * 60 * 1000; export function doOpenModal(modal, modalProps = {}) { return { type: ACTIONS.OPEN_MODAL, data: { modal, modalProps, }, }; } export function doCloseModal() { return { type: ACTIONS.CLOSE_MODAL, }; } export function doUpdateDownloadProgress(percent) { return { type: ACTIONS.UPGRADE_DOWNLOAD_PROGRESSED, data: { percent, }, }; } export function doSkipUpgrade() { return { type: ACTIONS.SKIP_UPGRADE, }; } export function doStartUpgrade() { return (dispatch, getState) => { const state = getState(); const upgradeDownloadPath = selectUpgradeDownloadPath(state); ipcRenderer.send('upgrade', upgradeDownloadPath); }; } export function doDownloadUpgrade() { return (dispatch, getState) => { const state = getState(); // Make a new directory within temp directory so the filename is guaranteed to be available const dir = Fs.mkdtempSync('temp') + path.sep); const upgradeFilename = selectUpgradeFilename(state); const options = { onProgress: p => dispatch(doUpdateDownloadProgress(Math.round(p * 100))), directory: dir, }; download(remote.getCurrentWindow(), selectUpdateUrl(state), options).then(downloadItem => { /** * TODO: get the download path directly from the download object. It should just be * downloadItem.getSavePath(), but the copy on the main process is being garbage collected * too soon. */ dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.UPGRADE_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETED, data: { downloadItem, path: path.join(dir, upgradeFilename), }, }); }); dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.UPGRADE_DOWNLOAD_STARTED, }); dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.OPEN_MODAL, data: { modal: MODALS.DOWNLOADING, }, }); }; } export function doDownloadUpgradeRequested() { // This means the user requested an upgrade by clicking the "upgrade" button in the navbar. // If on Mac and Windows, we do some new behavior for the auto-update system. // This will probably be reorganized once we get auto-update going on Linux and remove // the old logic. return (dispatch, getState) => { const state = getState(); // Pause video if needed dispatch(doPause()); const autoUpdateDeclined = selectAutoUpdateDeclined(state); if (['win32', 'darwin'].includes(process.platform)) { // electron-updater behavior if (autoUpdateDeclined) { // The user declined an update before, so show the "confirm" dialog dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.OPEN_MODAL, data: { modal: MODALS.AUTO_UPDATE_CONFIRM }, }); } else { // The user was never shown the original update dialog (e.g. because they were // watching a video). So show the inital "update downloaded" dialog. dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.OPEN_MODAL, data: { modal: MODALS.AUTO_UPDATE_DOWNLOADED }, }); } } else { // Old behavior for Linux dispatch(doDownloadUpgrade()); } }; } export function doAutoUpdate() { return dispatch => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.AUTO_UPDATE_DOWNLOADED, }); dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.OPEN_MODAL, data: { modal: MODALS.AUTO_UPDATE_DOWNLOADED }, }); }; } export function doAutoUpdateDeclined() { return dispatch => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.AUTO_UPDATE_DECLINED, }); }; } export function doCancelUpgrade() { return (dispatch, getState) => { const state = getState(); const upgradeDownloadItem = selectUpgradeDownloadItem(state); if (upgradeDownloadItem) { /* * Right now the remote reference to the download item gets garbage collected as soon as the * the download is over (maybe even earlier), so trying to cancel a finished download may * throw an error. */ try { upgradeDownloadItem.cancel(); } catch (err) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.error(err); // Do nothing } } dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.UPGRADE_CANCELLED }); }; } export function doCheckUpgradeAvailable() { return (dispatch, getState) => { const state = getState(); dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.CHECK_UPGRADE_START, }); if (['win32', 'darwin'].includes(process.platform)) { // On Windows and Mac, updates happen silently through // electron-updater. const autoUpdateDeclined = selectAutoUpdateDeclined(state); if (!autoUpdateDeclined && !isDev) { autoUpdater.checkForUpdates(); } return; } const success = ({ remoteVersion, upgradeAvailable }) => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.CHECK_UPGRADE_SUCCESS, data: { upgradeAvailable, remoteVersion, }, }); if ( upgradeAvailable && !selectCurrentModal(state) && (!selectIsUpgradeSkipped(state) || remoteVersion !== selectRemoteVersion(state)) ) { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.OPEN_MODAL, data: { modal: MODALS.UPGRADE, }, }); } }; const fail = () => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.CHECK_UPGRADE_FAIL, }); }; Lbry.getAppVersionInfo().then(success, fail); }; } /* Initiate a timer that will check for an app upgrade every 10 minutes. */ export function doCheckUpgradeSubscribe() { return dispatch => { const checkUpgradeTimer = setInterval( () => dispatch(doCheckUpgradeAvailable()), CHECK_UPGRADE_INTERVAL ); dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.CHECK_UPGRADE_SUBSCRIBE, data: { checkUpgradeTimer }, }); }; } export function doCheckDaemonVersion() { return dispatch => { Lbry.version().then(({ lbrynet_version: lbrynetVersion }) => { dispatch({ type: config.lbrynetDaemonVersion === lbrynetVersion ? ACTIONS.DAEMON_VERSION_MATCH : ACTIONS.DAEMON_VERSION_MISMATCH, }); }); }; } export function doAlertError(errorList) { return dispatch => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.OPEN_MODAL, data: { modal: MODALS.ERROR, modalProps: { error: errorList }, }, }); }; } export function doDaemonReady() { return (dispatch, getState) => { const state = getState(); dispatch(doAuthenticate()); dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.DAEMON_READY }); dispatch(doFetchDaemonSettings()); dispatch(doBalanceSubscribe()); dispatch(doFetchFileInfosAndPublishedClaims()); dispatch(doFetchRewardedContent()); if (!selectIsUpgradeSkipped(state)) { dispatch(doCheckUpgradeAvailable()); } dispatch(doCheckUpgradeSubscribe()); dispatch(doCheckSubscriptions()); }; } export function doShowSnackBar(data) { return { type: ACTIONS.SHOW_SNACKBAR, data, }; } export function doRemoveSnackBarSnack() { return { type: ACTIONS.REMOVE_SNACKBAR_SNACK, }; } export function doClearCache() { return () => { window.cacheStore.purge(); return Promise.resolve(); }; } export function doQuit() { return () => {; }; } export function doQuitAnyDaemon() { return dispatch => { try { if (process.platform === 'win32') { execSync('taskkill /im lbrynet-daemon.exe /t /f'); } else { execSync('pkill lbrynet-daemon'); } } catch (error) { dispatch(doAlertError(`Quitting daemon failed due to: ${error.message}`)); } finally { dispatch(doQuit()); } }; } export function doChangeVolume(volume) { return dispatch => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.VOLUME_CHANGED, data: { volume, }, }); }; } export function doConditionalAuthNavigate(newSession) { return (dispatch, getState) => { const state = getState(); if (newSession || selectCurrentModal(state) !== 'email_collection') { dispatch(doAuthNavigate()); } }; }