// @flow import * as ICONS from 'constants/icons'; import * as RENDER_MODES from 'constants/file_render_modes'; import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react'; import Button from 'component/button'; import classnames from 'classnames'; import LoadingScreen from 'component/common/loading-screen'; import FileRender from 'component/fileRender'; import UriIndicator from 'component/uriIndicator'; import usePersistedState from 'effects/use-persisted-state'; import { PRIMARY_PLAYER_WRAPPER_CLASS } from 'page/file/view'; import Draggable from 'react-draggable'; import { onFullscreenChange } from 'util/full-screen'; import { generateListSearchUrlParams, formatLbryUrlForWeb } from 'util/url'; import { useIsMobile } from 'effects/use-screensize'; import debounce from 'util/debounce'; import { useHistory } from 'react-router'; import { isURIEqual } from 'util/lbryURI'; import AutoplayCountdown from 'component/autoplayCountdown'; const IS_DESKTOP_MAC = typeof process === 'object' ? process.platform === 'darwin' : false; const DEBOUNCE_WINDOW_RESIZE_HANDLER_MS = 60; export const INLINE_PLAYER_WRAPPER_CLASS = 'inline-player__wrapper'; type Props = { isFloating: boolean, fileInfo: FileListItem, mature: boolean, uri: string, streamingUrl?: string, title: ?string, floatingPlayerEnabled: boolean, closeFloatingPlayer: () => void, clearSecondarySource: (string) => void, renderMode: string, playingUri: ?PlayingUri, primaryUri: ?string, videoTheaterMode: boolean, doFetchRecommendedContent: (string, boolean) => void, doPlayUri: (string, string, boolean) => void, collectionId: string, costInfo: any, claimWasPurchased: boolean, nextListUri: string, previousListUri: string, }; export default function FileRenderFloating(props: Props) { const { fileInfo, mature, uri, streamingUrl, title, isFloating, closeFloatingPlayer, clearSecondarySource, floatingPlayerEnabled, renderMode, playingUri, primaryUri, videoTheaterMode, doFetchRecommendedContent, doPlayUri, collectionId, costInfo, claimWasPurchased, nextListUri, previousListUri, } = props; const { location, push } = useHistory(); const hideFloatingPlayer = location.state && location.state.hideFloatingPlayer; const playingUriSource = playingUri && playingUri.source; const isComment = playingUriSource === 'comment'; const isMobile = useIsMobile(); const mainFilePlaying = !isFloating && primaryUri && isURIEqual(uri, primaryUri); const [fileViewerRect, setFileViewerRect] = useState(); const [desktopPlayStartTime, setDesktopPlayStartTime] = useState(); const [wasDragging, setWasDragging] = useState(false); const [doNavigate, setDoNavigate] = useState(false); const [playNextUrl, setPlayNextUrl] = useState(true); const [countdownCanceled, setCountdownCanceled] = useState(false); const [position, setPosition] = usePersistedState('floating-file-viewer:position', { x: -25, y: window.innerHeight - 400, }); const [relativePos, setRelativePos] = useState({ x: 0, y: 0, }); const navigateUrl = playingUri && (playingUri.primaryUri || playingUri.uri) + (collectionId ? generateListSearchUrlParams(collectionId) : ''); const isFree = costInfo && costInfo.cost === 0; const canViewFile = isFree || claimWasPurchased; const isPlayable = RENDER_MODES.FLOATING_MODES.includes(renderMode); const isReadyToPlay = isPlayable && (streamingUrl || (fileInfo && fileInfo.completed)); const loadingMessage = fileInfo && fileInfo.blobs_completed >= 1 && (!fileInfo.download_path || !fileInfo.written_bytes) ? __("It looks like you deleted or moved this file. We're rebuilding it now. It will only take a few seconds.") : __('Loading'); function getScreenWidth() { if (document && document.documentElement) { return document.documentElement.clientWidth; } else { return window.innerWidth; } } function getScreenHeight() { if (document && document.documentElement) { return document.documentElement.clientHeight; } else { return window.innerHeight; } } const clampToScreen = React.useCallback((pos) => { const ESTIMATED_SCROLL_BAR_PX = 50; const FLOATING_PLAYER_CLASS = 'content__viewer--floating'; const fpPlayerElem = document.querySelector(`.${FLOATING_PLAYER_CLASS}`); if (fpPlayerElem) { if (pos.x + fpPlayerElem.getBoundingClientRect().width > getScreenWidth() - ESTIMATED_SCROLL_BAR_PX) { pos.x = getScreenWidth() - fpPlayerElem.getBoundingClientRect().width - ESTIMATED_SCROLL_BAR_PX; } if (pos.y + fpPlayerElem.getBoundingClientRect().height > getScreenHeight()) { pos.y = getScreenHeight() - fpPlayerElem.getBoundingClientRect().height; } } }, []); // Updated 'relativePos' based on persisted 'position': const stringifiedPosition = JSON.stringify(position); useEffect(() => { const jsonPosition = JSON.parse(stringifiedPosition); setRelativePos({ x: jsonPosition.x / getScreenWidth(), y: jsonPosition.y / getScreenHeight(), }); }, [stringifiedPosition]); // Ensure player is within screen when 'isFloating' changes. useEffect(() => { const jsonPosition = JSON.parse(stringifiedPosition); if (isFloating) { // When the player begins floating, remove the comment source // so that it doesn't try to resize again in case of going back // to the origin's comment section and fail to position correctly if (isComment && playingUri) clearSecondarySource(playingUri.uri); let pos = { x: jsonPosition.x, y: jsonPosition.y }; clampToScreen(pos); if (pos.x !== position.x || pos.y !== position.y) { setPosition({ x: pos.x, y: pos.y }); } } }, [ clampToScreen, clearSecondarySource, isComment, isFloating, playingUri, position.x, position.y, setPosition, stringifiedPosition, ]); // Listen to main-window resizing and adjust the fp position accordingly: useEffect(() => { const handleMainWindowResize = debounce(() => { let newPos = { x: Math.round(relativePos.x * getScreenWidth()), y: Math.round(relativePos.y * getScreenHeight()), }; clampToScreen(newPos); setPosition({ x: newPos.x, y: newPos.y }); }, DEBOUNCE_WINDOW_RESIZE_HANDLER_MS); window.addEventListener('resize', handleMainWindowResize); return () => window.removeEventListener('resize', handleMainWindowResize); // 'relativePos' is needed in the dependency list to avoid stale closure. // Otherwise, this could just be changed to a one-time effect. }, [clampToScreen, relativePos.x, relativePos.y, setPosition]); const handleResize = React.useCallback(() => { const element = mainFilePlaying ? document.querySelector(`.${PRIMARY_PLAYER_WRAPPER_CLASS}`) : document.querySelector(`.${INLINE_PLAYER_WRAPPER_CLASS}`); if (!element) return; const rect = element.getBoundingClientRect(); // getBoundingClientRect returns a DomRect, not an object const objectRect = { top: rect.top, right: rect.right, bottom: rect.bottom, left: rect.left, width: rect.width, height: rect.height, // $FlowFixMe x: rect.x, }; // $FlowFixMe setFileViewerRect({ ...objectRect, windowOffset: window.pageYOffset }); }, [mainFilePlaying]); useEffect(() => { if (playingUri && (playingUri.primaryUri || playingUri.uri)) { handleResize(); setCountdownCanceled(false); } }, [handleResize, playingUri, videoTheaterMode]); useEffect(() => { handleResize(); window.addEventListener('resize', handleResize); onFullscreenChange(window, 'add', handleResize); return () => { window.removeEventListener('resize', handleResize); onFullscreenChange(window, 'remove', handleResize); }; }, [handleResize]); useEffect(() => { // @if TARGET='app' setDesktopPlayStartTime(Date.now()); // @endif return () => { // @if TARGET='app' setDesktopPlayStartTime(undefined); // @endif }; }, [uri]); useEffect(() => { if (isFloating) { doFetchRecommendedContent(uri, mature); } }, [doFetchRecommendedContent, isFloating, mature, uri]); const doPlay = React.useCallback( (playUri) => { setDoNavigate(false); if (!isFloating) { const navigateUrl = formatLbryUrlForWeb(playUri); push({ pathname: navigateUrl, search: collectionId && generateListSearchUrlParams(collectionId), state: { collectionId, forceAutoplay: true, hideFloatingPlayer: true }, }); } else { doPlayUri(playUri, collectionId, true); } }, [collectionId, doPlayUri, isFloating, push] ); useEffect(() => { if (!doNavigate) return; if (playNextUrl && nextListUri) { doPlay(nextListUri); } else if (previousListUri) { doPlay(previousListUri); } setPlayNextUrl(true); }, [doNavigate, doPlay, nextListUri, playNextUrl, previousListUri]); if ( !isPlayable || !uri || (isFloating && (isMobile || !floatingPlayerEnabled || hideFloatingPlayer)) || (collectionId && !isFloating && ((!canViewFile && !nextListUri) || countdownCanceled)) ) { return null; } function handleDragStart() { // Not really necessary, but reset just in case 'handleStop' didn't fire. setWasDragging(false); } function handleDragMove(e, ui) { const { x, y } = position; const newX = x + ui.deltaX; const newY = y + ui.deltaY; // Mark as dragging if the position changed and we were not dragging before. if (!wasDragging && (newX !== x || newY !== y)) { setWasDragging(true); } setPosition({ x: newX, y: newY, }); } function handleDragStop(e) { if (wasDragging) { setWasDragging(false); setRelativePos({ x: position.x / getScreenWidth(), y: position.y / getScreenHeight(), }); } } return ( <Draggable onDrag={handleDragMove} onStart={handleDragStart} onStop={handleDragStop} defaultPosition={position} position={isFloating ? position : { x: 0, y: 0 }} bounds="parent" disabled={!isFloating} handle=".draggable" cancel=".button" > <div className={classnames('content__viewer', { 'content__viewer--floating': isFloating, 'content__viewer--inline': !isFloating, 'content__viewer--secondary': isComment, 'content__viewer--theater-mode': !isFloating && videoTheaterMode, 'content__viewer--disable-click': wasDragging, })} style={ !isFloating && fileViewerRect ? { width: fileViewerRect.width, height: fileViewerRect.height, left: fileViewerRect.x, // 80px is header height in scss/init/vars.scss top: fileViewerRect.windowOffset + fileViewerRect.top - 80 - (IS_DESKTOP_MAC ? 24 : 0), } : {} } > <div className={classnames('content__wrapper', { 'content__wrapper--floating': isFloating, })} > {isFloating && ( <Button title={__('Close')} onClick={closeFloatingPlayer} icon={ICONS.REMOVE} button="primary" className="content__floating-close" /> )} {isReadyToPlay ? ( <FileRender className="draggable" uri={uri} // @if TARGET='app' desktopPlayStartTime={desktopPlayStartTime} // @endif /> ) : ( <> {collectionId && !canViewFile ? ( <div className="content__loading"> <AutoplayCountdown nextRecommendedUri={nextListUri} doNavigate={() => setDoNavigate(true)} doReplay={() => doPlayUri(uri, collectionId, false)} doPrevious={() => { setPlayNextUrl(false); setDoNavigate(true); }} onCanceled={() => setCountdownCanceled(true)} skipPaid /> </div> ) : ( <LoadingScreen status={loadingMessage} /> )} </> )} {isFloating && ( <div className="draggable content__info"> <div className="claim-preview__title" title={title || uri}> <Button label={title || uri} navigate={navigateUrl} button="link" className="content__floating-link" /> </div> <UriIndicator link uri={uri} /> </div> )} </div> </div> </Draggable> ); }