// @flow import * as ACTIONS from 'constants/action_types'; import * as REACTION_TYPES from 'constants/reactions'; import * as PAGES from 'constants/pages'; import { SORT_BY, BLOCK_LEVEL } from 'constants/comment'; import Lbry from 'lbry'; import { parseURI, buildURI, isURIEqual } from 'util/lbryURI'; import { selectClaimsByUri, selectMyChannelClaims } from 'redux/selectors/claims'; import { doClaimSearch } from 'redux/actions/claims'; import { doToast, doSeeNotifications } from 'redux/actions/notifications'; import { makeSelectMyReactionsForComment, makeSelectOthersReactionsForComment, selectPendingCommentReacts, selectModerationBlockList, selectModerationDelegatorsById, } from 'redux/selectors/comments'; import { makeSelectNotificationForCommentId } from 'redux/selectors/notifications'; import { selectActiveChannelClaim } from 'redux/selectors/app'; import { toHex } from 'util/hex'; import Comments from 'comments'; import { selectPrefsReady } from 'redux/selectors/sync'; import { doAlertWaitingForSync } from 'redux/actions/app'; const isDev = process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production'; const FETCH_API_FAILED_TO_FETCH = 'Failed to fetch'; const PROMISE_FULFILLED = 'fulfilled'; declare type CommentronErrorMap = { [string]: { commentron: string | RegExp, replacement: string, linkText?: string, linkTarget?: string, }, }; // prettier-ignore const ERR_MAP: CommentronErrorMap = { SIMILAR_NAME: { commentron: /^your user name (.*) is too close to the creator's user name (.*) and may cause confusion. Please use another identity.$/, replacement: 'Your user name "%1%" is too close to the creator\'s user name "%2%" and may cause confusion. Please use another identity.', }, SLOW_MODE_IS_ON: { commentron: /^Slow mode is on. Please wait at most (.*) seconds before commenting again.$/, replacement: 'Slow mode is on. Please wait up to %1% seconds before commenting again.', }, HAS_MUTED_WORDS: { commentron: /^the comment contents are blocked by (.*)$/, replacement: 'The comment contains contents that are blocked by %1%.', }, BLOCKED_BY_CREATOR: { commentron: 'channel is blocked by publisher', replacement: 'Unable to comment. This channel has blocked you.', }, BLOCKED_BY_ADMIN: { commentron: 'channel is not allowed to post comments', replacement: 'Unable to comment. Your channel has been blocked by an admin.', }, CREATOR_DISABLED: { commentron: 'comments are disabled by the creator', replacement: 'Unable to comment. The content owner has disabled comments.', }, STOP_SPAMMING: { commentron: 'duplicate comment!', replacement: 'Please do not spam.', }, }; function devToast(dispatch, msg) { if (isDev) { console.error(msg); // eslint-disable-line dispatch(doToast({ isError: true, message: `DEV: ${msg}` })); } } function resolveCommentronError(commentronMsg: string) { for (const key in ERR_MAP) { // noinspection JSUnfilteredForInLoop const data = ERR_MAP[key]; if (typeof data.commentron === 'string') { if (data.commentron === commentronMsg) { return { message: __(data.replacement), linkText: data.linkText ? __(data.linkText) : undefined, linkTarget: data.linkTarget, isError: true, }; } } else { const match = commentronMsg.match(data.commentron); if (match) { const subs = {}; for (let i = 1; i < match.length; ++i) { subs[`${i}`] = match[i]; } return { message: __(data.replacement, subs), linkText: data.linkText ? __(data.linkText) : undefined, linkTarget: data.linkTarget, isError: true, }; } } } return { // Fallback to commentron original message. It will be in English // only and most likely not capitalized correctly. message: commentronMsg, isError: true, }; } export function doCommentList( uri: string, parentId: string, page: number = 1, pageSize: number = 99999, sortBy: number = SORT_BY.NEWEST ) { return (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: GetState) => { const state = getState(); const claim = selectClaimsByUri(state)[uri]; const claimId = claim ? claim.claim_id : null; if (!claimId) { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.COMMENT_LIST_FAILED, data: 'unable to find claim for uri', }); return; } dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.COMMENT_LIST_STARTED, data: { parentId, }, }); // Adding 'channel_id' and 'channel_name' enables "CreatorSettings > commentsEnabled". const creatorChannelClaim = claim.value_type === 'channel' ? claim : claim.signing_channel; return Comments.comment_list({ page, claim_id: claimId, page_size: pageSize, parent_id: parentId || undefined, top_level: !parentId, channel_id: creatorChannelClaim ? creatorChannelClaim.claim_id : undefined, channel_name: creatorChannelClaim ? creatorChannelClaim.name : undefined, sort_by: sortBy, }) .then((result: CommentListResponse) => { const { items: comments, total_items, total_filtered_items, total_pages } = result; dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.COMMENT_LIST_COMPLETED, data: { comments, parentId, totalItems: total_items, totalFilteredItems: total_filtered_items, totalPages: total_pages, claimId: claimId, creatorClaimId: creatorChannelClaim ? creatorChannelClaim.claim_id : undefined, uri: uri, }, }); return result; }) .catch((error) => { switch (error.message) { case 'comments are disabled by the creator': dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.COMMENT_LIST_COMPLETED, data: { creatorClaimId: creatorChannelClaim ? creatorChannelClaim.claim_id : undefined, disabled: true, }, }); break; case FETCH_API_FAILED_TO_FETCH: dispatch( doToast({ isError: true, message: Comments.isCustomServer ? __('Failed to fetch comments. Verify custom server settings.') : __('Failed to fetch comments.'), }) ); dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.COMMENT_LIST_FAILED, data: error }); break; default: dispatch(doToast({ isError: true, message: `${error.message}` })); dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.COMMENT_LIST_FAILED, data: error }); } }); }; } export function doCommentListOwn( channelId: string, page: number = 1, pageSize: number = 99999, sortBy: number = SORT_BY.NEWEST_NO_PINS ) { return async (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: GetState) => { const state = getState(); const myChannelClaims = selectMyChannelClaims(state); if (!myChannelClaims) { console.error('Failed to fetch channel list.'); // eslint-disable-line return; } const channelClaim = myChannelClaims.find((x) => x.claim_id === channelId); if (!channelClaim) { console.error('You do not own this channel.'); // eslint-disable-line return; } const channelSignature = await channelSignName(channelClaim.claim_id, channelClaim.name); if (!channelSignature) { console.error('Failed to sign channel name.'); // eslint-disable-line return; } dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.COMMENT_LIST_STARTED, data: {}, }); return Comments.comment_list({ page, page_size: pageSize, sort_by: sortBy, author_claim_id: channelId, requestor_channel_name: channelClaim.name, requestor_channel_id: channelClaim.claim_id, signature: channelSignature.signature, signing_ts: channelSignature.signing_ts, }) .then((result: CommentListResponse) => { const { items: comments, total_items, total_filtered_items, total_pages } = result; if (!comments) { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.COMMENT_LIST_FAILED, data: 'No more comments.' }); return; } dispatch( doClaimSearch({ page: 1, page_size: 20, no_totals: true, claim_ids: comments.map((c) => c.claim_id), }) ) .then((result) => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.COMMENT_LIST_COMPLETED, data: { comments, totalItems: total_items, totalFilteredItems: total_filtered_items, totalPages: total_pages, uri: channelClaim.canonical_url, // hijack "Discussion Page" claimId: channelClaim.claim_id, // hijack "Discussion Page" }, }); }) .catch((err) => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.COMMENT_LIST_FAILED, data: err }); }); }) .catch((error) => { switch (error.message) { case FETCH_API_FAILED_TO_FETCH: dispatch( doToast({ isError: true, message: Comments.isCustomServer ? __('Failed to fetch comments. Verify custom server settings.') : __('Failed to fetch comments.'), }) ); dispatch(doToast({ isError: true, message: `${error.message}` })); dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.COMMENT_LIST_FAILED, data: error }); break; default: dispatch(doToast({ isError: true, message: `${error.message}` })); dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.COMMENT_LIST_FAILED, data: error }); } }); }; } export function doCommentById(commentId: string, toastIfNotFound: boolean = true) { return (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: GetState) => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.COMMENT_BY_ID_STARTED, }); return Comments.comment_by_id({ comment_id: commentId, with_ancestors: true }) .then((result: CommentByIdResponse) => { const { item, items, ancestors } = result; dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.COMMENT_BY_ID_COMPLETED, data: { comment: item || items, // Requested a change to rename it to 'item'. This covers both. ancestors: ancestors, }, }); return result; }) .catch((error) => { const ID_NOT_FOUND_REGEX = /^comment for id (.*) could not be found$/; if (ID_NOT_FOUND_REGEX.test(error.message) && toastIfNotFound) { dispatch( doToast({ isError: true, message: __('The requested comment is no longer available.'), }) ); } else { devToast(dispatch, error.message); } return error; }); }; } export function doCommentReset(claimId: string) { return (dispatch: Dispatch) => { if (!claimId) { console.error(`Failed to reset comments`); //eslint-disable-line return; } dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.COMMENT_LIST_RESET, data: { claimId, }, }); }; } export function doSuperChatList(uri: string) { return (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: GetState) => { const state = getState(); const claim = selectClaimsByUri(state)[uri]; const claimId = claim ? claim.claim_id : null; if (!claimId) { console.error('No claimId found for uri: ', uri); //eslint-disable-line return; } dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.COMMENT_SUPER_CHAT_LIST_STARTED, }); return Comments.super_list({ claim_id: claimId, }) .then((result: SuperListResponse) => { const { items: comments, total_amount: totalAmount } = result; dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.COMMENT_SUPER_CHAT_LIST_COMPLETED, data: { comments, totalAmount, uri: uri, }, }); }) .catch((error) => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.COMMENT_SUPER_CHAT_LIST_FAILED, data: error, }); }); }; } export function doCommentReactList(commentIds: Array<string>) { return async (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: GetState) => { const state = getState(); const activeChannelClaim = selectActiveChannelClaim(state); dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.COMMENT_REACTION_LIST_STARTED, }); const params: ReactionListParams = { comment_ids: commentIds.join(','), }; if (activeChannelClaim) { const signatureData = await channelSignName(activeChannelClaim.claim_id, activeChannelClaim.name); if (!signatureData) { return dispatch(doToast({ isError: true, message: __('Unable to verify your channel. Please try again.') })); } params.channel_name = activeChannelClaim.name; params.channel_id = activeChannelClaim.claim_id; params.signature = signatureData.signature; params.signing_ts = signatureData.signing_ts; } return Comments.reaction_list(params) .then((result: ReactionListResponse) => { const { my_reactions: myReactions, others_reactions: othersReactions } = result; dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.COMMENT_REACTION_LIST_COMPLETED, data: { myReactions, othersReactions, channelId: activeChannelClaim ? activeChannelClaim.claim_id : undefined, commentIds, }, }); }) .catch((error) => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.COMMENT_REACTION_LIST_FAILED, data: error, }); }); }; } export function doCommentReact(commentId: string, type: string) { return async (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: GetState) => { const state = getState(); const activeChannelClaim = selectActiveChannelClaim(state); const pendingReacts = selectPendingCommentReacts(state); const notification = makeSelectNotificationForCommentId(commentId)(state); if (!activeChannelClaim) { console.error('Unable to react to comment. No activeChannel is set.'); // eslint-disable-line return; } if (notification && !notification.is_seen) { dispatch(doSeeNotifications([notification.id])); } const exclusiveTypes = { [REACTION_TYPES.LIKE]: REACTION_TYPES.DISLIKE, [REACTION_TYPES.DISLIKE]: REACTION_TYPES.LIKE, }; if (pendingReacts.includes(commentId + exclusiveTypes[type]) || pendingReacts.includes(commentId + type)) { // ignore dislikes during likes, for example return; } const reactKey = `${commentId}:${activeChannelClaim.claim_id}`; const myReacts = makeSelectMyReactionsForComment(reactKey)(state); const othersReacts = makeSelectOthersReactionsForComment(reactKey)(state); const signatureData = await channelSignName(activeChannelClaim.claim_id, activeChannelClaim.name); if (!signatureData) { return dispatch(doToast({ isError: true, message: __('Unable to verify your channel. Please try again.') })); } const params: ReactionReactParams = { comment_ids: commentId, channel_name: activeChannelClaim.name, channel_id: activeChannelClaim.claim_id, signature: signatureData.signature, signing_ts: signatureData.signing_ts, type: type, }; if (myReacts.includes(type)) { params['remove'] = true; myReacts.splice(myReacts.indexOf(type), 1); } else { myReacts.push(type); if (Object.keys(exclusiveTypes).includes(type)) { params['clear_types'] = exclusiveTypes[type]; if (myReacts.indexOf(exclusiveTypes[type]) !== -1) { myReacts.splice(myReacts.indexOf(exclusiveTypes[type]), 1); } } } dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.COMMENT_REACT_STARTED, data: commentId + type, }); // simulate api return shape: ['like'] -> { 'like': 1 } const myReactsObj = myReacts.reduce((acc, el) => { acc[el] = 1; return acc; }, {}); dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.COMMENT_REACTION_LIST_COMPLETED, data: { myReactions: { [reactKey]: myReactsObj }, othersReactions: { [reactKey]: othersReacts }, }, }); Comments.reaction_react(params) .then((result: ReactionReactResponse) => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.COMMENT_REACT_COMPLETED, data: commentId + type, }); }) .catch((error) => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.COMMENT_REACT_FAILED, data: commentId + type, }); const myRevertedReactsObj = myReacts .filter((el) => el !== type) .reduce((acc, el) => { acc[el] = 1; return acc; }, {}); dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.COMMENT_REACTION_LIST_COMPLETED, data: { myReactions: { [commentId]: myRevertedReactsObj }, othersReactions: { [commentId]: othersReacts }, }, }); }); }; } /** * * @param comment * @param claim_id - File claim id * @param parent_id - What is this? * @param uri * @param {string} [txid] Optional transaction id * @param {string} [payment_intent_id] Optional transaction id * @param {string} [environment] Optional environment for Stripe (test|live) * @returns {(function(Dispatch, GetState): Promise<undefined|void|*>)|*} */ export function doCommentCreate( comment: string = '', claim_id: string = '', parent_id?: string, uri: string, txid?: string, payment_intent_id?: string, environment?: string ) { return async (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: GetState) => { const state = getState(); // get active channel that will receive comment and optional tip const activeChannelClaim = selectActiveChannelClaim(state); if (!activeChannelClaim) { console.error('Unable to create comment. No activeChannel is set.'); // eslint-disable-line return; } dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.COMMENT_CREATE_STARTED, }); let signatureData; if (activeChannelClaim) { try { signatureData = await Lbry.channel_sign({ channel_id: activeChannelClaim.claim_id, hexdata: toHex(comment), }); } catch (e) {} } // send a notification if (parent_id) { const notification = makeSelectNotificationForCommentId(parent_id)(state); if (notification && !notification.is_seen) { dispatch(doSeeNotifications([notification.id])); } } if (!signatureData) { return dispatch(doToast({ isError: true, message: __('Unable to verify your channel. Please try again.') })); } // Comments is a function which helps make calls to the backend // these params passed in POST call. return Comments.comment_create({ comment: comment, claim_id: claim_id, channel_id: activeChannelClaim.claim_id, channel_name: activeChannelClaim.name, parent_id: parent_id, signature: signatureData.signature, signing_ts: signatureData.signing_ts, ...(txid ? { support_tx_id: txid } : {}), // add transaction id if it exists ...(payment_intent_id ? { payment_intent_id } : {}), // add payment_intent_id if it exists ...(environment ? { environment } : {}), // add environment for stripe if it exists }) .then((result: CommentCreateResponse) => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.COMMENT_CREATE_COMPLETED, data: { uri, comment: result, claimId: claim_id, }, }); return result; }) .catch((error) => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.COMMENT_CREATE_FAILED, data: error }); dispatch(doToast(resolveCommentronError(error.message))); return Promise.reject(error); }); }; } export function doCommentPin(commentId: string, claimId: string, remove: boolean) { return async (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: GetState) => { const state = getState(); const activeChannel = selectActiveChannelClaim(state); if (!activeChannel) { console.error('Unable to pin comment. No activeChannel is set.'); // eslint-disable-line return; } const signedCommentId = await channelSignData(activeChannel.claim_id, commentId); if (!signedCommentId) { return dispatch(doToast({ isError: true, message: __('Unable to verify your channel. Please try again.') })); } dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.COMMENT_PIN_STARTED, }); const params: CommentPinParams = { comment_id: commentId, channel_id: activeChannel.claim_id, channel_name: activeChannel.name, remove: remove, signature: signedCommentId.signature, signing_ts: signedCommentId.signing_ts, }; return Comments.comment_pin(params) .then((result: CommentPinResponse) => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.COMMENT_PIN_COMPLETED, data: { pinnedComment: result.items, claimId, unpin: remove, }, }); }) .catch((error) => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.COMMENT_PIN_FAILED, data: error, }); dispatch( doToast({ message: 'Unable to pin this comment, please try again later.', isError: true, }) ); }); }; } export function doCommentAbandon(commentId: string, creatorChannelUri?: string) { return async (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: GetState) => { const state = getState(); const claim = creatorChannelUri ? selectClaimsByUri(state)[creatorChannelUri] : undefined; const creatorChannelId = claim ? claim.claim_id : null; const creatorChannelName = claim ? claim.name : null; const activeChannelClaim = selectActiveChannelClaim(state); dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.COMMENT_ABANDON_STARTED, }); let commentIdSignature; if (activeChannelClaim) { try { commentIdSignature = await Lbry.channel_sign({ channel_id: activeChannelClaim.claim_id, hexdata: toHex(commentId), }); } catch (e) {} } return Comments.comment_abandon({ comment_id: commentId, ...(creatorChannelId ? { creator_channel_id: creatorChannelId } : {}), ...(creatorChannelName ? { creator_channel_name: creatorChannelName } : {}), ...(commentIdSignature || {}), }) .then((result: CommentAbandonResponse) => { // Comment may not be deleted if the signing channel can't be signed. // This will happen if the channel was recently created or abandoned. if (result.abandoned) { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.COMMENT_ABANDON_COMPLETED, data: { comment_id: commentId, }, }); } else { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.COMMENT_ABANDON_FAILED, }); dispatch( doToast({ message: 'Your channel is still being setup, try again in a few moments.', isError: true, }) ); } }) .catch((error) => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.COMMENT_ABANDON_FAILED, data: error, }); dispatch( doToast({ message: 'Unable to delete this comment, please try again later.', isError: true, }) ); }); }; } export function doCommentUpdate(comment_id: string, comment: string) { // if they provided an empty string, they must have wanted to abandon if (comment === '') { return doCommentAbandon(comment_id); } else { return async (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: GetState) => { const state = getState(); const activeChannelClaim = selectActiveChannelClaim(state); if (!activeChannelClaim) { return dispatch(doToast({ isError: true, message: __('No active channel selected.') })); } const signedComment = await channelSignData(activeChannelClaim.claim_id, comment); if (!signedComment) { return dispatch(doToast({ isError: true, message: __('Unable to verify your channel. Please try again.') })); } dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.COMMENT_UPDATE_STARTED, }); return Comments.comment_edit({ comment_id: comment_id, comment: comment, signature: signedComment.signature, signing_ts: signedComment.signing_ts, }) .then((result: CommentEditResponse) => { if (result != null) { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.COMMENT_UPDATE_COMPLETED, data: { comment: result, }, }); } else { // the result will return null dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.COMMENT_UPDATE_FAILED, }); dispatch( doToast({ message: 'Your channel is still being setup, try again in a few moments.', isError: true, }) ); } }) .catch((error) => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.COMMENT_UPDATE_FAILED, data: error, }); dispatch( doToast({ message: 'Unable to edit this comment, please try again later.', isError: true, }) ); }); }; } } async function channelSignName(channelClaimId: string, channelName: string) { let signedObject; try { signedObject = await Lbry.channel_sign({ channel_id: channelClaimId, hexdata: toHex(channelName), }); signedObject['claim_id'] = channelClaimId; signedObject['name'] = channelName; } catch (e) {} return signedObject; } async function channelSignData(channelClaimId: string, data: string) { let signedObject; try { signedObject = await Lbry.channel_sign({ channel_id: channelClaimId, hexdata: toHex(data), }); } catch (e) {} return signedObject; } function safeParseURI(uri) { try { return parseURI(uri); } catch { return {}; } } // Hides a users comments from all creator's claims and prevent them from commenting in the future function doCommentModToggleBlock( unblock: boolean, commenterUri: string, creatorUri: string, blockerIds: Array<string>, // [] = use all my channels blockLevel: string, timeoutSec?: number, showLink: boolean = false ) { return async (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: GetState) => { const state = getState(); const ready = selectPrefsReady(state); let blockerChannelClaims = selectMyChannelClaims(state); if (!ready) { return dispatch(doAlertWaitingForSync()); } if (!blockerChannelClaims) { return dispatch( doToast({ message: __('Create a channel to change this setting.'), isError: false, }) ); } const { channelName, channelClaimId } = parseURI(commenterUri); const { channelName: creatorName, channelClaimId: creatorId } = safeParseURI(creatorUri); if (blockerIds.length === 0) { // Specific blockers not provided, so find one based on block-level. switch (blockLevel) { case BLOCK_LEVEL.MODERATOR: { // Find the first channel that is a moderator for 'creatorId'. const delegatorsById = selectModerationDelegatorsById(state); blockerChannelClaims = [ blockerChannelClaims.find((x) => { const delegatorDataForId = delegatorsById[x.claim_id]; return delegatorDataForId && Object.values(delegatorDataForId.delegators).includes(creatorId); }), ]; } break; case BLOCK_LEVEL.ADMIN: { // Find the first admin channel and use that. const delegatorsById = selectModerationDelegatorsById(state); blockerChannelClaims = [ blockerChannelClaims.find((x) => delegatorsById[x.claim_id] && delegatorsById[x.claim_id].global), ]; } break; } } else { // Client wants to block for specific channels only. Ensure we own those channels. blockerChannelClaims = blockerChannelClaims.filter((x) => blockerIds.includes(x.claim_id)); } dispatch({ type: unblock ? ACTIONS.COMMENT_MODERATION_UN_BLOCK_STARTED : ACTIONS.COMMENT_MODERATION_BLOCK_STARTED, data: { blockedUri: commenterUri, creatorUri: creatorUri || undefined, blockLevel: blockLevel, }, }); const commenterIdForAction = channelClaimId; const commenterNameForAction = channelName; let channelSignatures = []; const sharedModBlockParams = unblock ? { un_blocked_channel_id: commenterIdForAction, un_blocked_channel_name: commenterNameForAction, } : { blocked_channel_id: commenterIdForAction, blocked_channel_name: commenterNameForAction, }; const commentAction = unblock ? Comments.moderation_unblock : Comments.moderation_block; return Promise.all(blockerChannelClaims.map((x) => channelSignName(x.claim_id, x.name))) .then((response) => { channelSignatures = response; // $FlowFixMe return Promise.allSettled( channelSignatures .filter((x) => x !== undefined && x !== null) .map((signatureData) => commentAction({ // $FlowFixMe mod_channel_id: signatureData.claim_id, // $FlowFixMe mod_channel_name: signatureData.name, // $FlowFixMe signature: signatureData.signature, // $FlowFixMe signing_ts: signatureData.signing_ts, creator_channel_id: creatorUri ? creatorId : undefined, creator_channel_name: creatorUri ? creatorName : undefined, block_all: unblock ? undefined : blockLevel === BLOCK_LEVEL.ADMIN, global_un_block: unblock ? blockLevel === BLOCK_LEVEL.ADMIN : undefined, ...sharedModBlockParams, time_out: unblock ? undefined : timeoutSec, }) ) ) .then((response) => { const failures = []; response.forEach((res, index) => { if (res.status === 'rejected') { // TODO: This should be error codes if (res.reason.message !== 'validation is disallowed for non controlling channels') { // $FlowFixMe failures.push(channelSignatures[index].name + ': ' + res.reason.message); } } }); if (failures.length !== 0) { dispatch(doToast({ message: failures.join(), isError: true })); dispatch({ type: unblock ? ACTIONS.COMMENT_MODERATION_UN_BLOCK_FAILED : ACTIONS.COMMENT_MODERATION_BLOCK_FAILED, data: { blockedUri: commenterUri, creatorUri: creatorUri || undefined, blockLevel: blockLevel, }, }); return; } dispatch({ type: unblock ? ACTIONS.COMMENT_MODERATION_UN_BLOCK_COMPLETE : ACTIONS.COMMENT_MODERATION_BLOCK_COMPLETE, data: { blockedUri: commenterUri, creatorUri: creatorUri || undefined, blockLevel: blockLevel, }, }); dispatch( doToast({ message: unblock ? __('Channel unblocked!') : __('Channel "%channel%" blocked.', { channel: commenterNameForAction }), linkText: __(showLink ? 'See All' : ''), linkTarget: '/settings/block_and_mute', }) ); }) .catch(() => { dispatch({ type: unblock ? ACTIONS.COMMENT_MODERATION_UN_BLOCK_FAILED : ACTIONS.COMMENT_MODERATION_BLOCK_FAILED, data: { blockedUri: commenterUri, creatorUri: creatorUri || undefined, blockLevel: blockLevel, }, }); }); }) .catch(() => { dispatch({ type: unblock ? ACTIONS.COMMENT_MODERATION_UN_BLOCK_FAILED : ACTIONS.COMMENT_MODERATION_BLOCK_FAILED, data: { blockedUri: commenterUri, creatorUri: creatorUri || undefined, blockLevel: blockLevel, }, }); }); }; } /** * Blocks the commenter for all channels that I own. * * @param commenterUri * @param timeoutSec * @param showLink * @returns {function(Dispatch): *} */ export function doCommentModBlock(commenterUri: string, timeoutSec?: number, showLink: boolean = true) { return (dispatch: Dispatch) => { return dispatch(doCommentModToggleBlock(false, commenterUri, '', [], BLOCK_LEVEL.SELF, timeoutSec, showLink)); }; } /** * Blocks the commenter using the given channel that has Global privileges. * * @param commenterUri * @param blockerId * @param timeoutSec * @returns {function(Dispatch): *} */ export function doCommentModBlockAsAdmin(commenterUri: string, blockerId: string, timeoutSec?: number) { return (dispatch: Dispatch) => { return dispatch( doCommentModToggleBlock(false, commenterUri, '', blockerId ? [blockerId] : [], BLOCK_LEVEL.ADMIN, timeoutSec) ); }; } /** * Blocks the commenter using the given channel that has been granted * moderation rights by the creator. * * @param commenterUri * @param creatorUri * @param blockerId * @param timeoutSec * @returns {function(Dispatch): *} */ export function doCommentModBlockAsModerator( commenterUri: string, creatorUri: string, blockerId: string, timeoutSec?: number ) { return (dispatch: Dispatch) => { return dispatch( doCommentModToggleBlock( false, commenterUri, creatorUri, blockerId ? [blockerId] : [], BLOCK_LEVEL.MODERATOR, timeoutSec ) ); }; } /** * Unblocks the commenter for all channels that I own. * * @param commenterUri * @param showLink * @returns {function(Dispatch): *} */ export function doCommentModUnBlock(commenterUri: string, showLink: boolean = true) { return (dispatch: Dispatch) => { return dispatch(doCommentModToggleBlock(true, commenterUri, '', [], BLOCK_LEVEL.SELF, undefined, showLink)); }; } /** * Unblocks the commenter using the given channel that has Global privileges. * * @param commenterUri * @param blockerId * @returns {function(Dispatch): *} */ export function doCommentModUnBlockAsAdmin(commenterUri: string, blockerId: string) { return (dispatch: Dispatch) => { return dispatch(doCommentModToggleBlock(true, commenterUri, '', blockerId ? [blockerId] : [], BLOCK_LEVEL.ADMIN)); }; } /** * Unblocks the commenter using the given channel that has been granted * moderation rights by the creator. * * @param commenterUri * @param creatorUri * @param blockerId * @returns {function(Dispatch): *} */ export function doCommentModUnBlockAsModerator(commenterUri: string, creatorUri: string, blockerId: string) { return (dispatch: Dispatch) => { return dispatch( doCommentModToggleBlock(true, commenterUri, creatorUri, blockerId ? [blockerId] : [], BLOCK_LEVEL.MODERATOR) ); }; } export function doFetchModBlockedList() { return async (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: GetState) => { const state = getState(); const myChannels = selectMyChannelClaims(state); if (!myChannels) { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.COMMENT_MODERATION_BLOCK_LIST_FAILED }); return; } dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.COMMENT_MODERATION_BLOCK_LIST_STARTED, }); let channelSignatures = []; return Promise.all(myChannels.map((channel) => channelSignName(channel.claim_id, channel.name))) .then((response) => { channelSignatures = response; // $FlowFixMe return Promise.allSettled( channelSignatures .filter((x) => x !== undefined && x !== null) .map((signatureData) => Comments.moderation_block_list({ mod_channel_id: signatureData.claim_id, mod_channel_name: signatureData.name, signature: signatureData.signature, signing_ts: signatureData.signing_ts, }) ) ) .then((res) => { let personalBlockList = []; let adminBlockList = []; let moderatorBlockList = []; let moderatorBlockListDelegatorsMap = {}; // These should just be part of the block list above, but it is // separated for now because there are too many clients that we need // to update. const personalTimeoutMap = {}; const adminTimeoutMap = {}; const moderatorTimeoutMap = {}; const blockListsPerChannel = res.map((r) => r.value); blockListsPerChannel .sort((a, b) => { return 1; }) .forEach((channelBlockLists) => { const storeList = (fetchedList, blockedList, timeoutMap, blockedByMap) => { if (fetchedList) { fetchedList.forEach((blockedChannel) => { if (blockedChannel.blocked_channel_name) { const channelUri = buildURI({ channelName: blockedChannel.blocked_channel_name, claimId: blockedChannel.blocked_channel_id, }); if (!blockedList.find((blockedChannel) => isURIEqual(blockedChannel.channelUri, channelUri))) { blockedList.push({ channelUri, blockedAt: blockedChannel.blocked_at }); if (blockedChannel.banned_for) { timeoutMap[channelUri] = { blockedAt: blockedChannel.blocked_at, bannedFor: blockedChannel.banned_for, banRemaining: blockedChannel.ban_remaining, }; } } if (blockedByMap !== undefined) { const blockedByChannelUri = buildURI({ channelName: blockedChannel.blocked_by_channel_name, claimId: blockedChannel.blocked_by_channel_id, }); if (blockedByMap[channelUri]) { if (!blockedByMap[channelUri].includes(blockedByChannelUri)) { blockedByMap[channelUri].push(blockedByChannelUri); } } else { blockedByMap[channelUri] = [blockedByChannelUri]; } } } }); } }; const blocked_channels = channelBlockLists && channelBlockLists.blocked_channels; const globally_blocked_channels = channelBlockLists && channelBlockLists.globally_blocked_channels; const delegated_blocked_channels = channelBlockLists && channelBlockLists.delegated_blocked_channels; storeList(blocked_channels, personalBlockList, personalTimeoutMap); storeList(globally_blocked_channels, adminBlockList, adminTimeoutMap); storeList( delegated_blocked_channels, moderatorBlockList, moderatorTimeoutMap, moderatorBlockListDelegatorsMap ); }); dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.COMMENT_MODERATION_BLOCK_LIST_COMPLETED, data: { personalBlockList: personalBlockList.length > 0 ? personalBlockList .sort((a, b) => new Date(a.blockedAt) - new Date(b.blockedAt)) .map((blockedChannel) => blockedChannel.channelUri) : null, adminBlockList: adminBlockList.length > 0 ? adminBlockList .sort((a, b) => new Date(a.blockedAt) - new Date(b.blockedAt)) .map((blockedChannel) => blockedChannel.channelUri) : null, moderatorBlockList: moderatorBlockList.length > 0 ? moderatorBlockList .sort((a, b) => new Date(a.blockedAt) - new Date(b.blockedAt)) .map((blockedChannel) => blockedChannel.channelUri) : null, moderatorBlockListDelegatorsMap: moderatorBlockListDelegatorsMap, personalTimeoutMap, adminTimeoutMap, moderatorTimeoutMap, }, }); }) .catch(() => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.COMMENT_MODERATION_BLOCK_LIST_FAILED, }); }); }) .catch(() => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.COMMENT_MODERATION_BLOCK_LIST_FAILED, }); }); }; } export const doUpdateBlockListForPublishedChannel = (channelClaim: ChannelClaim) => { return async (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: GetState) => { const state = getState(); const blockedUris = selectModerationBlockList(state); let channelSignature: ?{ signature: string, signing_ts: string, }; try { channelSignature = await Lbry.channel_sign({ channel_id: channelClaim.claim_id, hexdata: toHex(channelClaim.name), }); } catch (e) {} if (!channelSignature) { return; } return Promise.all( blockedUris.map((uri) => { const { channelName, channelClaimId } = parseURI(uri); if (channelName && channelClaimId) { return Comments.moderation_block({ mod_channel_id: channelClaim.claim_id, mod_channel_name: channelClaim.name, // $FlowFixMe signature: channelSignature.signature, // $FlowFixMe signing_ts: channelSignature.signing_ts, blocked_channel_id: channelClaimId, blocked_channel_name: channelName, }); } }) ); }; }; export function doCommentModAddDelegate( modChannelId: string, modChannelName: string, creatorChannelClaim: ChannelClaim, showToast: boolean = false ) { return async (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: GetState) => { let signature: ?{ signature: string, signing_ts: string, }; try { signature = await Lbry.channel_sign({ channel_id: creatorChannelClaim.claim_id, hexdata: toHex(creatorChannelClaim.name), }); } catch (e) {} if (!signature) { return; } return Comments.moderation_add_delegate({ mod_channel_id: modChannelId, mod_channel_name: modChannelName, creator_channel_id: creatorChannelClaim.claim_id, creator_channel_name: creatorChannelClaim.name, signature: signature.signature, signing_ts: signature.signing_ts, }) .then(() => { if (showToast) { dispatch( doToast({ message: __('Added %user% as moderator for %myChannel%', { user: modChannelName, myChannel: creatorChannelClaim.name, }), linkText: __('Manage'), linkTarget: `/${PAGES.SETTINGS_CREATOR}`, }) ); } }) .catch((err) => { dispatch( doToast({ message: err.message, isError: true, }) ); }); }; } export function doCommentModRemoveDelegate( modChannelId: string, modChannelName: string, creatorChannelClaim: ChannelClaim ) { return async (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: GetState) => { let signature: ?{ signature: string, signing_ts: string, }; try { signature = await Lbry.channel_sign({ channel_id: creatorChannelClaim.claim_id, hexdata: toHex(creatorChannelClaim.name), }); } catch (e) {} if (!signature) { return; } return Comments.moderation_remove_delegate({ mod_channel_id: modChannelId, mod_channel_name: modChannelName, creator_channel_id: creatorChannelClaim.claim_id, creator_channel_name: creatorChannelClaim.name, signature: signature.signature, signing_ts: signature.signing_ts, }).catch((err) => { dispatch( doToast({ message: err.message, isError: true, }) ); }); }; } export function doCommentModListDelegates(channelClaim: ChannelClaim) { return async (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: GetState) => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.COMMENT_FETCH_MODERATION_DELEGATES_STARTED, }); let signature: ?{ signature: string, signing_ts: string, }; try { signature = await Lbry.channel_sign({ channel_id: channelClaim.claim_id, hexdata: toHex(channelClaim.name), }); } catch (e) {} if (!signature) { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.COMMENT_FETCH_MODERATION_DELEGATES_FAILED, }); return; } return Comments.moderation_list_delegates({ creator_channel_id: channelClaim.claim_id, creator_channel_name: channelClaim.name, signature: signature.signature, signing_ts: signature.signing_ts, }) .then((response) => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.COMMENT_FETCH_MODERATION_DELEGATES_COMPLETED, data: { id: channelClaim.claim_id, delegates: response.Delegates, }, }); }) .catch((err) => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.COMMENT_FETCH_MODERATION_DELEGATES_FAILED, }); }); }; } export function doFetchCommentModAmIList(channelClaim: ChannelClaim) { return async (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: GetState) => { const state = getState(); const myChannels = selectMyChannelClaims(state); if (!myChannels) { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.COMMENT_MODERATION_AM_I_LIST_FAILED }); return; } dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.COMMENT_MODERATION_AM_I_LIST_STARTED }); let channelSignatures = []; return Promise.all(myChannels.map((channel) => channelSignName(channel.claim_id, channel.name))) .then((response) => { channelSignatures = response; // $FlowFixMe return Promise.allSettled( channelSignatures .filter((x) => x !== undefined && x !== null) .map((signatureData) => Comments.moderation_am_i({ channel_name: signatureData.name, channel_id: signatureData.claim_id, signature: signatureData.signature, signing_ts: signatureData.signing_ts, }) ) ) .then((results) => { const delegatorsById = {}; results.forEach((result, index) => { if (result.status === PROMISE_FULFILLED) { const value = result.value; delegatorsById[value.channel_id] = { global: value ? value.type === 'Global' : false, delegators: value && value.authorized_channels ? value.authorized_channels : {}, }; } }); dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.COMMENT_MODERATION_AM_I_LIST_COMPLETED, data: delegatorsById, }); }) .catch((err) => { devToast(dispatch, `AmI: ${err}`); dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.COMMENT_MODERATION_AM_I_LIST_FAILED }); }); }) .catch(() => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.COMMENT_MODERATION_AM_I_LIST_FAILED }); }); }; } export const doFetchCreatorSettings = (channelId: string) => { return async (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: GetState) => { const state = getState(); const myChannels = selectMyChannelClaims(state); dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.COMMENT_FETCH_SETTINGS_STARTED, }); let signedName; if (myChannels) { const index = myChannels.findIndex((myChannel) => myChannel.claim_id === channelId); if (index > -1) { signedName = await channelSignName(channelId, myChannels[index].name); } } const cmd = signedName ? Comments.setting_list : Comments.setting_get; return cmd({ channel_id: channelId, channel_name: (signedName && signedName.name) || undefined, signature: (signedName && signedName.signature) || undefined, signing_ts: (signedName && signedName.signing_ts) || undefined, }) .then((response: SettingsResponse) => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.COMMENT_FETCH_SETTINGS_COMPLETED, data: { channelId: channelId, settings: response, partialUpdate: !signedName, }, }); }) .catch((err) => { if (err.message === 'validation is disallowed for non controlling channels') { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.COMMENT_FETCH_SETTINGS_COMPLETED, data: { channelId: channelId, settings: null, partialUpdate: !signedName, }, }); } else { devToast(dispatch, `Creator: ${err}`); dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.COMMENT_FETCH_SETTINGS_FAILED, }); } }); }; }; /** * Updates creator settings, except for 'Words', which will be handled by * 'doCommentWords, doCommentBlockWords, etc.' * * @param channelClaim * @param settings * @returns {function(Dispatch, GetState): any} */ export const doUpdateCreatorSettings = (channelClaim: ChannelClaim, settings: PerChannelSettings) => { return async (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: GetState) => { const channelSignature = await channelSignName(channelClaim.claim_id, channelClaim.name); if (!channelSignature) { devToast(dispatch, 'doUpdateCreatorSettings: failed to sign channel name'); return; } return Comments.setting_update({ channel_name: channelClaim.name, channel_id: channelClaim.claim_id, signature: channelSignature.signature, signing_ts: channelSignature.signing_ts, ...settings, }).catch((err) => { dispatch(doToast({ message: err.message, isError: true })); }); }; }; export const doCommentWords = (channelClaim: ChannelClaim, words: Array<string>, isUnblock: boolean) => { return async (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: GetState) => { let channelSignature: ?{ signature: string, signing_ts: string, }; try { channelSignature = await Lbry.channel_sign({ channel_id: channelClaim.claim_id, hexdata: toHex(channelClaim.name), }); } catch (e) {} if (!channelSignature) { return; } const cmd = isUnblock ? Comments.setting_unblock_word : Comments.setting_block_word; return cmd({ channel_name: channelClaim.name, channel_id: channelClaim.claim_id, words: words.join(','), signature: channelSignature.signature, signing_ts: channelSignature.signing_ts, }).catch((err) => { dispatch( doToast({ message: err.message, isError: true, }) ); }); }; }; export const doCommentBlockWords = (channelClaim: ChannelClaim, words: Array<string>) => { return (dispatch: Dispatch) => { return dispatch(doCommentWords(channelClaim, words, false)); }; }; export const doCommentUnblockWords = (channelClaim: ChannelClaim, words: Array<string>) => { return (dispatch: Dispatch) => { return dispatch(doCommentWords(channelClaim, words, true)); }; }; export const doFetchBlockedWords = () => { return async (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: GetState) => { const state = getState(); const myChannels = selectMyChannelClaims(state); dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.COMMENT_FETCH_BLOCKED_WORDS_STARTED, }); let channelSignatures = []; if (myChannels) { for (const channelClaim of myChannels) { try { const channelSignature = await Lbry.channel_sign({ channel_id: channelClaim.claim_id, hexdata: toHex(channelClaim.name), }); channelSignatures.push({ ...channelSignature, claim_id: channelClaim.claim_id, name: channelClaim.name }); } catch (e) {} } } return Promise.all( channelSignatures.map((signatureData) => Comments.setting_list_blocked_words({ channel_name: signatureData.name, channel_id: signatureData.claim_id, signature: signatureData.signature, signing_ts: signatureData.signing_ts, }) ) ) .then((blockedWords) => { const blockedWordsByChannelId = {}; for (let i = 0; i < channelSignatures.length; ++i) { const claim_id = channelSignatures[i].claim_id; blockedWordsByChannelId[claim_id] = blockedWords[i].word_list; } dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.COMMENT_FETCH_BLOCKED_WORDS_COMPLETED, data: blockedWordsByChannelId, }); }) .catch(() => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.COMMENT_FETCH_BLOCKED_WORDS_FAILED, }); }); }; };