@import 'breakpoints'; :root { --border-radius: 6px; --border-radius-thumbnail: 6px; --height-input: 2.5rem; --height-input-slim: 1.8rem; --height-button: 2.5rem; --height-button-mobile: 2rem; --height-checkbox: 24px; --height-radio: 24px; --height-badge: 24px; // Spacing --spacing-xxxs: calc(2rem / 6); // 0.33 --spacing-xxs: calc(2rem / 5); // 0.4 --spacing-xs: calc(2rem / 4); // 0.5 --spacing-s: calc(2rem / 3); // 0.66 --spacing-m: 1rem; --spacing-l: 2rem; --spacing-xl: 3rem; --spacing-xxl: 4rem; --spacing-vertical: 2rem; --spacing-width: 36px; // Aspect ratio --aspect-ratio-bluray: 41.6666666667%; // 12:5 --aspect-ratio-panavision: 36.3636363636%; // 11:4 --aspect-ratio-sd: 75%; // 4:3 --aspect-ratio-standard: 56.25%; // 16:9 // Type --font-mono: 'Fira Code'; --font-sans: Inter; --font-serif: Georgia; --font-weight-base: 400; --font-weight-light: 300; --font-weight-bold: 700; --font-base: 14px; --font-body: 1rem; --font-xxxsmall: 0.5rem; --font-xxsmall: 0.65rem; --font-xsmall: 0.7777rem; --font-small: 0.8333rem; --font-large: 1.3rem; --font-title: 1.71rem; --font-heading: 2.94rem; // Width & spacing --page-max-width: 1280px; --page-max-width--filepage: 1700px; --mac-titlebar-height: 24px; --mobile: 600px; --side-nav-width: 230px; --side-nav-width--micro: 93px; --recommended-content-width: 32rem; --spacing-main-padding: var(--spacing-xl); --floating-viewer-width: 32rem; --floating-viewer-height: 18rem; // 32 * 9/16 --option-select-width: 8rem; // Text --text-max-width: 660px; --text-link-padding: 4px; // Tabs --tab-indicator-size: 0.5rem; // Header // This is tied to the floating player so it knows where to attach to // ui/component/fileRenderFloating/view.jsx --header-height: 60px; --header-height-mobile: 56px; // Inline Player --inline-player-max-height: calc(100vh - var(--header-height) - var(--spacing-l) * 4); --mobile-player-max-height: 70vh; --desktop-portrait-player-max-height: 80vh; // Card --card-radius: var(--border-radius); --card-max-width: 1000px; --card-box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05); // Modal --modal-width: 750px; // Animation :) --animation-duration: 0.2s; --animation-style: ease-in-out; // Image --thumbnail-preview-height: 100px; --thumbnail-preview-width: 177px; --cover-photo-height: 210px; --channel-thumbnail-width: 10rem; --channel-thumbnail-width--small: 4rem; --file-list-thumbnail-width: 12rem; --tag-height: 1.5rem; --livestream-comments-width: 30rem; --live-timestamp-opacity: 0; // Animations --resizing-animation-function: ease-in; --resizing-animation-timing: 180ms; //Scrollbars --body-scrollbar-width: 12px; --scrollbar-width: 6px; --scrollbar-radius: 0.5rem; --floating-player-z-index: 9999; } @media (max-width: $breakpoint-small) { :root { // --font-body: 0.8rem; --body-scrollbar-width: 0px; } }