const config = require('../../config'); const PAGES = require('../../ui/constants/pages'); async function redirectMiddleware(ctx, next) { const requestHost =; const path = ctx.path; const url = ctx.url; if (path.endsWith('/') && path.length > 1) { ctx.redirect(url.replace(/\/$/, '')); return; } if (!path.startsWith('/$/') && path.match(/^([^@/:]+)\/([^:/]+)$/)) { ctx.redirect(url.replace(/^([^@/:]+)\/([^:/]+)(:(\/.*))/, '$1:$2')); // test against path, but use ctx.url to retain parameters return; } if (requestHost === '') { let redirectUrl = config.URL; const openQuery = '?src=open'; const matches = /(\/\?)([a-z]*)(.*)/.exec(url); if (matches && matches.length) { [, , page, queryString] = matches; // This is a lbry app page. Make sure to add the leading `/$/` if (page && Object.values(PAGES).includes(page)) { redirectUrl += '/$/' + page; } redirectUrl += openQuery + queryString; } else { redirectUrl += path + openQuery; } ctx.redirect(redirectUrl); return; } // No redirects needed await next(); } module.exports = redirectMiddleware;