// @flow type Props = { uri: ?string, isResolvingUri: boolean, amountNeededForTakeover: number, }; function BidHelpText(props: Props) { const { uri, isResolvingUri, amountNeededForTakeover } = props; let bidHelpText; if (uri) { if (isResolvingUri) { bidHelpText = __('Checking the winning claim amount...'); } else if (amountNeededForTakeover === 0) { bidHelpText = __('You currently have the highest bid for this name.'); } else if (!amountNeededForTakeover) { bidHelpText = __('Any amount will give you the winning bid.'); } else { bidHelpText = __( 'If you bid more than %amount% LBC, when someone navigates to %uri%, it will load your published content. However, you can get a longer version of this URL for any bid.', { amount: amountNeededForTakeover, uri: uri, } ); } } else { bidHelpText = __('This LBC remains yours and the deposit can be undone at any time.'); } return bidHelpText; } export default BidHelpText;