import lbryio from './lbryio.js'; import lighthouse from './lighthouse.js'; import jsonrpc from './jsonrpc.js'; import lbryuri from './lbryuri.js'; import {getLocal, getSession, setSession, setLocal} from './utils.js'; const {remote, ipcRenderer} = require('electron'); const menu = remote.require('./menu/main-menu'); let lbry = { isConnected: false, daemonConnectionString: 'http://localhost:5279/lbryapi', pendingPublishTimeout: 20 * 60 * 1000, defaultClientSettings: { showNsfw: false, showUnavailable: true, debug: false, useCustomLighthouseServers: false, customLighthouseServers: [], showDeveloperMenu: false, } }; /** * Records a publish attempt in local storage. Returns a dictionary with all the data needed to * needed to make a dummy claim or file info object. */ function savePendingPublish({name, channel_name}) { let uri; if (channel_name) { uri ={name: channel_name, path: name}, false); } else { uri ={name: name}, false); } const pendingPublishes = getLocal('pendingPublishes') || []; const newPendingPublish = { name, channel_name, claim_id: 'pending_claim_' + uri, txid: 'pending_' + uri, nout: 0, outpoint: 'pending_' + uri + ':0', time:, }; setLocal('pendingPublishes', [...pendingPublishes, newPendingPublish]); return newPendingPublish; } /** * If there is a pending publish with the given name or outpoint, remove it. * A channel name may also be provided along with name. */ function removePendingPublishIfNeeded({name, channel_name, outpoint}) { function pubMatches(pub) { return pub.outpoint === outpoint || ( === name && (!channel_name || pub.channel_name === channel_name)); } setLocal('pendingPublishes', lbry.getPendingPublishes().filter(pub => !pubMatches(pub))); } /** * Gets the current list of pending publish attempts. Filters out any that have timed out and * removes them from the list. */ lbry.getPendingPublishes = function() { const pendingPublishes = getLocal('pendingPublishes') || []; const newPendingPublishes = pendingPublishes.filter(pub => - pub.time <= lbry.pendingPublishTimeout); setLocal('pendingPublishes', newPendingPublishes); return newPendingPublishes; } /** * Gets a pending publish attempt by its name or (fake) outpoint. A channel name can also be * provided along withe the name. If no pending publish is found, returns null. */ function getPendingPublish({name, channel_name, outpoint}) { const pendingPublishes = lbry.getPendingPublishes(); return pendingPublishes.find( pub => pub.outpoint === outpoint || ( === name && (!channel_name || pub.channel_name === channel_name)) ) || null; } function pendingPublishToDummyClaim({channel_name, name, outpoint, claim_id, txid, nout}) { return {name, outpoint, claim_id, txid, nout, channel_name}; } function pendingPublishToDummyFileInfo({name, outpoint, claim_id}) { return {name, outpoint, claim_id, metadata: null}; } = function (method, params, callback, errorCallback, connectFailedCallback) { return, method, params, callback, errorCallback, connectFailedCallback); } //core lbry._connectPromise = null; lbry.connect = function() { if (lbry._connectPromise === null) { lbry._connectPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // Check every half second to see if the daemon is accepting connections function checkDaemonStarted(tryNum = 0) { lbry.isDaemonAcceptingConnections(function (runningStatus) { if (runningStatus) { resolve(true); } else { if (tryNum <= 600) { // Move # of tries into constant or config option setTimeout(function () { checkDaemonStarted(tryNum + 1); }, tryNum < 100 ? 200 : 1000); } else { reject(new Error("Unable to connect to LBRY")); } } }); } checkDaemonStarted(); }); } return lbry._connectPromise; } lbry.isDaemonAcceptingConnections = function (callback) { // Returns true/false whether the daemon is at a point it will start returning status'status', {}, () => callback(true), null, () => callback(false)) }; lbry.checkAddressIsMine = function(address, callback) {'address_is_mine', {address: address}, callback); } lbry.sendToAddress = function(amount, address, callback, errorCallback) {"send_amount_to_address", { "amount" : amount, "address": address }, callback, errorCallback); } /** * Takes a LBRY URI; will first try and calculate a total cost using * Lighthouse. If Lighthouse can't be reached, it just retrives the * key fee. * * Returns an object with members: * - cost: Number; the calculated cost of the name * - includes_data: Boolean; indicates whether or not the data fee info * from Lighthouse is included. */ lbry.costPromiseCache = {} lbry.getCostInfo = function(uri) { if (lbry.costPromiseCache[uri] === undefined) { lbry.costPromiseCache[uri] = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const COST_INFO_CACHE_KEY = 'cost_info_cache'; let costInfoCache = getSession(COST_INFO_CACHE_KEY, {}) function cacheAndResolve(cost, includesData) { costInfoCache[uri] = {cost, includesData}; setSession(COST_INFO_CACHE_KEY, costInfoCache); resolve({cost, includesData}); } if (!uri) { return reject(new Error(`URI required.`)); } if (costInfoCache[uri] && costInfoCache[uri].cost) { return resolve(costInfoCache[uri]) } function getCost(uri, size) { lbry.stream_cost_estimate({uri, ... size !== null ? {size} : {}}).then((cost) => { cacheAndResolve(cost, size !== null); }, reject); } const uriObj = lbryuri.parse(uri); const name = uriObj.path ||; lighthouse.get_size_for_name(name).then((size) => { if (size) { getCost(name, size); } else { getCost(name, null); } }) }); } return lbry.costPromiseCache[uri]; } /** * Publishes a file. The optional fileListedCallback is called when the file becomes available in * lbry.file_list() during the publish process. * * This currently includes a work-around to cache the file in local storage so that the pending * publish can appear in the UI immediately. */ lbry.publish = function(params, fileListedCallback, publishedCallback, errorCallback) {'publish', params, (result) => { if (returnedPending) { return; } clearTimeout(returnPendingTimeout); publishedCallback(result); }, (err) => { if (returnedPending) { return; } clearTimeout(returnPendingTimeout); errorCallback(err); }); let returnedPending = false; // Give a short grace period in case publish() returns right away or (more likely) gives an error const returnPendingTimeout = setTimeout(() => { returnedPending = true; if (publishedCallback) { savePendingPublish({name:, channel_name: params.channel_name}); publishedCallback(true); } if (fileListedCallback) { const {name, channel_name} = params; savePendingPublish({name:, channel_name: params.channel_name}); fileListedCallback(true); } }, 2000); } lbry.getClientSettings = function() { var outSettings = {}; for (let setting of Object.keys(lbry.defaultClientSettings)) { var localStorageVal = localStorage.getItem('setting_' + setting); outSettings[setting] = (localStorageVal === null ? lbry.defaultClientSettings[setting] : JSON.parse(localStorageVal)); } return outSettings; } lbry.getClientSetting = function(setting) { var localStorageVal = localStorage.getItem('setting_' + setting); if (setting == 'showDeveloperMenu') { return true; } return (localStorageVal === null ? lbry.defaultClientSettings[setting] : JSON.parse(localStorageVal)); } lbry.setClientSettings = function(settings) { for (let setting of Object.keys(settings)) { lbry.setClientSetting(setting, settings[setting]); } } lbry.setClientSetting = function(setting, value) { return localStorage.setItem('setting_' + setting, JSON.stringify(value)); } lbry.getSessionInfo = function(callback) {'get_lbry_session_info', {}, callback); } lbry.reportBug = function(message, callback) {'report_bug', { message: message }, callback); } //utilities lbry.formatCredits = function(amount, precision) { return amount.toFixed(precision || 1).replace(/\.?0+$/, ''); } lbry.formatName = function(name) { // Converts LBRY name to standard format (all lower case, no special characters, spaces replaced by dashes) name = name.replace('/\s+/g', '-'); name = name.toLowerCase().replace(/[^a-z0-9\-]/g, ''); return name; } lbry.imagePath = function(file) { return 'img/' + file; } lbry.getMediaType = function(contentType, fileName) { if (contentType) { return /^[^/]+/.exec(contentType); } else if (fileName) { var dotIndex = fileName.lastIndexOf('.'); if (dotIndex == -1) { return 'unknown'; } var ext = fileName.substr(dotIndex + 1); if (/^mp4|mov|m4v|flv|f4v$/i.test(ext)) { return 'video'; } else if (/^mp3|m4a|aac|wav|flac|ogg$/i.test(ext)) { return 'audio'; } else if (/^html|htm|pdf|odf|doc|docx|md|markdown|txt$/i.test(ext)) { return 'document'; } else { return 'unknown'; } } else { return 'unknown'; } } lbry.stop = function(callback) {'stop', {}, callback); }; lbry._subscribeIdCount = 0; lbry._balanceSubscribeCallbacks = {}; lbry._balanceSubscribeInterval = 5000; lbry._balanceUpdateInterval = null; lbry._updateBalanceSubscribers = function() { lbry.get_balance().then(function(balance) { for (let callback of Object.values(lbry._balanceSubscribeCallbacks)) { callback(balance); } }); if (!lbry._balanceUpdateInterval && Object.keys(lbry._balanceSubscribeCallbacks).length) { lbry._balanceUpdateInterval = setInterval(() => { lbry._updateBalanceSubscribers(); }, lbry._balanceSubscribeInterval); } } lbry.balanceSubscribe = function(callback) { const subscribeId = ++lbry._subscribeIdCount; lbry._balanceSubscribeCallbacks[subscribeId] = callback; lbry._updateBalanceSubscribers(); return subscribeId; } lbry.balanceUnsubscribe = function(subscribeId) { delete lbry._balanceSubscribeCallbacks[subscribeId]; if (lbry._balanceUpdateInterval && !Object.keys(lbry._balanceSubscribeCallbacks).length) { clearInterval(lbry._balanceUpdateInterval) } } lbry.showMenuIfNeeded = function() { const showingMenu = sessionStorage.getItem('menuShown') || null; const chosenMenu = lbry.getClientSetting('showDeveloperMenu') ? 'developer' : 'normal'; if (chosenMenu != showingMenu) { menu.showMenubar(chosenMenu == 'developer'); } sessionStorage.setItem('menuShown', chosenMenu); }; lbry.getAppVersionInfo = function() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { ipcRenderer.once('version-info-received', (event, versionInfo) => { resolve(versionInfo) }); ipcRenderer.send('version-info-requested'); }); } /** * Wrappers for API methods to simulate missing or future behavior. Unlike the old-style stubs, * these are designed to be transparent wrappers around the corresponding API methods. */ /** * Returns results from the file_list API method, plus dummy entries for pending publishes. * (If a real publish with the same name is found, the pending publish will be ignored and removed.) */ lbry.file_list = function(params={}) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const {name, channel_name, outpoint} = params; /** * If we're searching by outpoint, check first to see if there's a matching pending publish. * Pending publishes use their own faux outpoints that are always unique, so we don't need * to check if there's a real file. */ if (outpoint) { const pendingPublish = getPendingPublish({outpoint}); if (pendingPublish) { resolve([pendingPublishToDummyFileInfo(pendingPublish)]); return; } }'file_list', params, (fileInfos) => { removePendingPublishIfNeeded({name, channel_name, outpoint}); const dummyFileInfos = lbry.getPendingPublishes().map(pendingPublishToDummyFileInfo); resolve([...fileInfos, ...dummyFileInfos]); }, reject, reject); }); } lbry.claim_list_mine = function(params={}) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {'claim_list_mine', params, (claims) => { for (let {name, channel_name, txid, nout} of claims) { removePendingPublishIfNeeded({name, channel_name, outpoint: txid + ':' + nout}); } const dummyClaims = lbry.getPendingPublishes().map(pendingPublishToDummyClaim); resolve([, ...dummyClaims]); }, reject, reject) }); } const claimCacheKey = 'resolve_claim_cache'; lbry._claimCache = getSession(claimCacheKey, {}); lbry._resolveXhrs = {} lbry.resolve = function(params={}) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (!params.uri) { throw "Resolve has hacked cache on top of it that requires a URI" } if (params.uri && lbry._claimCache[params.uri] !== undefined) { resolve(lbry._claimCache[params.uri]); } else { lbry._resolveXhrs[params.uri] ='resolve', params, function(data) { if (data !== undefined) { lbry._claimCache[params.uri] = data; } setSession(claimCacheKey, lbry._claimCache) resolve(data) }, reject) } }); } lbry.cancelResolve = function(params={}) { const xhr = lbry._resolveXhrs[params.uri] if (xhr && xhr.readyState > 0 && xhr.readyState < 4) { xhr.abort() } } lbry = new Proxy(lbry, { get: function(target, name) { if (name in target) { return target[name]; } return function(params={}) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {, name, params, resolve, reject, reject); }); }; } }); export default lbry;