// @flow import { FF_MAX_CHARS_IN_DESCRIPTION } from 'constants/form-field'; import React from 'react'; import { FormFieldAreaAdvanced } from 'component/common/form'; import usePersistedState from 'effects/use-persisted-state'; import Card from 'component/common/card'; type Props = { description: ?string, disabled: boolean, updatePublishForm: ({}) => void, }; function PublishDescription(props: Props) { const { description, updatePublishForm, disabled } = props; const [advancedEditor, setAdvancedEditor] = usePersistedState('publish-form-description-mode', false); function toggleMarkdown() { setAdvancedEditor(!advancedEditor); } function handleCommentChange(event) { let descriptionValue = advancedEditor ? event : event.target.value; updatePublishForm({ description: descriptionValue }); } return ( <Card actions={ <FormFieldAreaAdvanced type={advancedEditor ? 'markdown' : 'textarea'} name="content_description" label={__('Description')} placeholder={__( 'What is your content about? Use this space to include any other relevant details you may like to share about your content and channel.' )} value={description} disabled={disabled} onChange={handleCommentChange} quickActionLabel={advancedEditor ? __('Simple Editor') : __('Advanced Editor')} quickActionHandler={toggleMarkdown} textAreaMaxLength={FF_MAX_CHARS_IN_DESCRIPTION} /> } /> ); } export default PublishDescription;