// @flow import * as PAGES from 'constants/pages'; import type { Node } from 'react'; import React, { useEffect } from 'react'; import Button from 'component/button'; import { FormField } from 'component/common/form'; import UserSignOutButton from 'component/userSignOutButton'; import Card from 'component/common/card'; type Props = { cancelButton: Node, email: string, resendVerificationEmail: (string) => void, checkEmailVerified: () => void, user: { has_verified_email: boolean, }, fetchAccessToken: () => void, accessToken: string, }; function UserEmail(props: Props) { const { email, user, accessToken, fetchAccessToken } = props; let isVerified = false; if (user) { isVerified = user.has_verified_email; } useEffect(() => { if (!accessToken) { fetchAccessToken(); } }, [accessToken, fetchAccessToken]); return ( <Card title={__('Cloud Account')} subtitle={ isVerified ? undefined : __( 'Connecting with a cloud account will allow you to earn rewards, receive content and security updates, and optionally backup your data.' ) } actions={ isVerified ? ( <FormField type="text" className="form-field--copyable" readOnly label={ <React.Fragment> {__('Your email')}{' '} <Button button="link" label={__('Update mailing preferences')} href={`http://lbry.io/list/edit/${accessToken}`} /> </React.Fragment> } inputButton={<UserSignOutButton button="secondary" />} value={email || ''} /> ) : ( <Button button="primary" label={__('Log In')} navigate={`/$/${PAGES.AUTH}`} /> ) } /> ); } export default UserEmail;