import { useState, useEffect } from 'react'; // export default function useMedia(queries, values, defaultValue) { // Array containing a media query list for each query const mediaQueryLists = => window.matchMedia(q)); // Function that gets value based on matching media query const getValue = () => { // Get index of first media query that matches const index = mediaQueryLists.findIndex(mql => mql.matches); // Return related value or defaultValue if none return typeof values[index] !== 'undefined' ? values[index] : defaultValue; }; // State and setter for matched value const [value, setValue] = useState(getValue); useEffect( () => { // Event listener callback // Note: By defining getValue outside of useEffect we ensure that it has ... // ... current values of hook args (as this hook callback is created once on mount). const handler = () => setValue(getValue); // Set a listener for each media query with above handler as callback. mediaQueryLists.forEach(mql => mql.addListener(handler)); // Remove listeners on cleanup return () => mediaQueryLists.forEach(mql => mql.removeListener(handler)); }, [] // Empty array ensures effect is only run on mount and unmount ); return value; }