// @flow import React, { useEffect, useRef, useState } from 'react'; import Button from 'component/button'; import * as ICONS from 'constants/icons'; import classnames from 'classnames'; import videojs from 'video.js/dist/video.min.js'; import 'video.js/dist/alt/video-js-cdn.min.css'; import eventTracking from 'videojs-event-tracking'; import * as OVERLAY from './overlays'; import './plugins/videojs-mobile-ui/plugin'; import hlsQualitySelector from './plugins/videojs-hls-quality-selector/plugin'; import qualityLevels from 'videojs-contrib-quality-levels'; import isUserTyping from 'util/detect-typing'; import analytics from 'analytics'; const isDev = process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production'; export type Player = { on: (string, (any) => void) => void, one: (string, (any) => void) => void, isFullscreen: () => boolean, exitFullscreen: () => boolean, requestFullscreen: () => boolean, play: () => Promise, volume: (?number) => number, muted: (?boolean) => boolean, dispose: () => void, currentTime: (?number) => number, ended: () => boolean, error: () => any, loadingSpinner: any, getChild: (string) => any, playbackRate: (?number) => number, readyState: () => number, userActive: (?boolean) => boolean, overlay: (any) => void, mobileUi: (any) => void, controlBar: { addChild: (string, any) => void, }, }; type Props = { source: string, sourceType: string, poster: ?string, onPlayerReady: (Player) => void, isAudio: boolean, startMuted: boolean, autoplay: boolean, toggleVideoTheaterMode: () => void, }; type VideoJSOptions = { controls: boolean, preload: string, playbackRates: Array, responsive: boolean, poster?: string, muted?: boolean, }; const videoPlaybackRates = [0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2]; const IS_IOS = (/iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(navigator.platform) || (navigator.platform === 'MacIntel' && navigator.maxTouchPoints > 1)) && !window.MSStream; const VIDEO_JS_OPTIONS: VideoJSOptions = { preload: 'auto', playbackRates: videoPlaybackRates, responsive: true, controls: true, html5: { nativeControlsForTouch: IS_IOS, hls: { overrideNative: !videojs.browser.IS_ANY_SAFARI, }, }, }; const F11_KEYCODE = 122; const SPACE_BAR_KEYCODE = 32; const SMALL_F_KEYCODE = 70; const SMALL_M_KEYCODE = 77; const SMALL_T_KEYCODE = 84; const ARROW_LEFT_KEYCODE = 37; const ARROW_UP_KEYCODE = 38; const ARROW_RIGHT_KEYCODE = 39; const ARROW_DOWN_KEYCODE = 40; const COMMA_KEYCODE = 188; const PERIOD_KEYCODE = 190; const SMALL_J_KEYCODE = 74; const SMALL_K_KEYCODE = 75; const SMALL_L_KEYCODE = 76; const FULLSCREEN_KEYCODE = SMALL_F_KEYCODE; const MUTE_KEYCODE = SMALL_M_KEYCODE; const THEATER_MODE_KEYCODE = SMALL_T_KEYCODE; const VOLUME_UP_KEYCODE = ARROW_UP_KEYCODE; const VOLUME_DOWN_KEYCODE = ARROW_DOWN_KEYCODE; const SEEK_FORWARD_KEYCODE = SMALL_L_KEYCODE; const SEEK_BACKWARD_KEYCODE = SMALL_J_KEYCODE; const SEEK_FORWARD_KEYCODE_5 = ARROW_RIGHT_KEYCODE; const SEEK_BACKWARD_KEYCODE_5 = ARROW_LEFT_KEYCODE; const SEEK_STEP_5 = 5; const SEEK_STEP = 10; // time to seek in seconds if (!Object.keys(videojs.getPlugins()).includes('eventTracking')) { videojs.registerPlugin('eventTracking', eventTracking); } if (!Object.keys(videojs.getPlugins()).includes('hlsQualitySelector')) { videojs.registerPlugin('hlsQualitySelector', hlsQualitySelector); } if (!Object.keys(videojs.getPlugins()).includes('qualityLevels')) { videojs.registerPlugin('qualityLevels', qualityLevels); } // **************************************************************************** // LbryVolumeBarClass // **************************************************************************** const VIDEOJS_CONTROL_BAR_CLASS = 'ControlBar'; const VIDEOJS_VOLUME_PANEL_CLASS = 'VolumePanel'; const VIDEOJS_VOLUME_CONTROL_CLASS = 'VolumeControl'; const VIDEOJS_VOLUME_BAR_CLASS = 'VolumeBar'; class LbryVolumeBarClass extends videojs.getComponent(VIDEOJS_VOLUME_BAR_CLASS) { constructor(player, options = {}) { super(player, options); } static replaceExisting(player) { try { const volumeControl = player .getChild(VIDEOJS_CONTROL_BAR_CLASS) .getChild(VIDEOJS_VOLUME_PANEL_CLASS) .getChild(VIDEOJS_VOLUME_CONTROL_CLASS); const volumeBar = volumeControl.getChild(VIDEOJS_VOLUME_BAR_CLASS); volumeControl.removeChild(volumeBar); volumeControl.addChild(new LbryVolumeBarClass(player)); } catch (error) { // In case it slips in 'Production', the original volume bar will be used and the site should still be working // (just not exactly the way we want). if (isDev) throw Error('\n\nvideojs.jsx: Volume Panel hierarchy changed?\n\n' + error); } } handleMouseDown(event) { super.handleMouseDown(event); event.stopPropagation(); } handleMouseMove(event) { super.handleMouseMove(event); event.stopPropagation(); } } // **************************************************************************** // VideoJs // **************************************************************************** /* properties for this component should be kept to ONLY those that if changed should REQUIRE an entirely new videojs element */ export default React.memo(function VideoJs(props: Props) { const { autoplay, startMuted, source, sourceType, poster, isAudio, onPlayerReady, toggleVideoTheaterMode } = props; const [reload, setReload] = useState('initial'); const playerRef = useRef(); const containerRef = useRef(); const videoJsOptions = { ...VIDEO_JS_OPTIONS, autoplay: autoplay, muted: startMuted, sources: [ { src: source, type: sourceType, }, ], poster: poster, // thumb looks bad in app, and if autoplay, flashing poster is annoying plugins: { eventTracking: true, overlay: OVERLAY.OVERLAY_DATA, }, }; const tapToUnmuteRef = useRef(); const tapToRetryRef = useRef(); const TAP = { NONE: 'NONE', UNMUTE: 'UNMUTE', RETRY: 'RETRY', }; function showTapButton(tapButton) { const setButtonVisibility = (theRef, newState) => { // Use the DOM to control the state of the button to prevent re-renders. if (theRef.current) { const curState = theRef.current.style.visibility === 'visible'; if (newState !== curState) { theRef.current.style.visibility = newState ? 'visible' : 'hidden'; } } }; switch (tapButton) { case TAP.NONE: setButtonVisibility(tapToUnmuteRef, false); setButtonVisibility(tapToRetryRef, false); break; case TAP.UNMUTE: setButtonVisibility(tapToUnmuteRef, true); setButtonVisibility(tapToRetryRef, false); break; case TAP.RETRY: setButtonVisibility(tapToUnmuteRef, false); setButtonVisibility(tapToRetryRef, true); break; default: if (isDev) throw new Error('showTapButton: unexpected ref'); break; } } function unmuteAndHideHint() { const player = playerRef.current; if (player) { player.muted(false); if (player.volume() === 0) { player.volume(1.0); } } showTapButton(TAP.NONE); } function retryVideoAfterFailure() { const player = playerRef.current; if (player) { setReload(Date.now()); showTapButton(TAP.NONE); } } function resolveCtrlText(e) { // Override the player's control text. We override to: // 1. Add keyboard shortcut to the tool-tip. // 2. Override videojs' i18n and use our own (don't want to have 2 systems). // // Notes: // - For dynamic controls (e.g. play/pause), those unfortunately need to be // updated again at their event-listener level (that's just the way videojs // updates the text), hence the need to listen to 'play', 'pause' and 'volumechange' // on top of just 'loadstart'. // - videojs changes the MuteToggle text at 'loadstart', so this was chosen // as the listener to update static texts. const player = playerRef.current; if (player) { const controlBar = player.getChild('controlBar'); switch (e.type) { case 'play': controlBar.getChild('PlayToggle').controlText(__('Pause (space)')); break; case 'pause': controlBar.getChild('PlayToggle').controlText(__('Play (space)')); break; case 'volumechange': controlBar .getChild('VolumePanel') .getChild('MuteToggle') .controlText(player.muted() || player.volume() === 0 ? __('Unmute (m)') : __('Mute (m)')); break; case 'fullscreenchange': controlBar .getChild('FullscreenToggle') .controlText(player.isFullscreen() ? __('Exit Fullscreen (f)') : __('Fullscreen (f)')); break; case 'loadstart': // --- Do everything --- controlBar.getChild('PlaybackRateMenuButton').controlText(__('Playback Rate (<, >)')); controlBar.getChild('QualityButton').controlText(__('Quality')); resolveCtrlText({ type: 'play' }); resolveCtrlText({ type: 'pause' }); resolveCtrlText({ type: 'volumechange' }); resolveCtrlText({ type: 'fullscreenchange' }); // (1) The 'Theater mode' button should probably be changed to a class // so that we can use getChild() with a specific name. There might be // clashes if we add a new button in the future. // (2) We'll have to get 'makeSelectClientSetting(SETTINGS.VIDEO_THEATER_MODE)' // as a prop here so we can say "Theater mode|Default mode" instead of // "Toggle Theather mode". controlBar.getChild('Button').controlText(__('Toggle Theater mode (t)')); break; default: if (isDev) throw Error('Unexpected: ' + e.type); break; } } } function onInitialPlay() { const player = playerRef.current; if (player && (player.muted() || player.volume() === 0)) { // The css starts as "hidden". We make it visible here without // re-rendering the whole thing. showTapButton(TAP.UNMUTE); } } function onVolumeChange() { const player = playerRef.current; if (player && !player.muted()) { showTapButton(TAP.NONE); } } function onError() { const player = playerRef.current; showTapButton(TAP.RETRY); if (player && player.loadingSpinner) { player.loadingSpinner.hide(); } } function onEnded() { showTapButton(TAP.NONE); } function handleKeyDown(e: KeyboardEvent) { const player = playerRef.current; const videoNode: ?HTMLVideoElement = containerRef.current && containerRef.current.querySelector('video, audio'); if (!videoNode || !player || isUserTyping()) { return; } if (e.keyCode === SPACE_BAR_KEYCODE || e.keyCode === SMALL_K_KEYCODE) { videoNode.paused ? videoNode.play() : videoNode.pause(); } // Fullscreen toggle shortcuts if (e.keyCode === FULLSCREEN_KEYCODE || e.keyCode === F11_KEYCODE) { if (!player.isFullscreen()) { player.requestFullscreen(); } else { player.exitFullscreen(); } } // Mute/Unmute Shortcuts if (e.keyCode === MUTE_KEYCODE) { videoNode.muted = !videoNode.muted; } if (e.keyCode === VOLUME_DOWN_KEYCODE) { player.volume(player.volume() - 0.05); OVERLAY.showVolumeverlay(player, Math.round(player.volume() * 100)); player.userActive(true); } if (e.keyCode === VOLUME_UP_KEYCODE) { player.volume(player.volume() + 0.05); OVERLAY.showVolumeverlay(player, Math.round(player.volume() * 100)); player.userActive(true); } // Seeking Shortcuts if (!e.altKey) { const duration = videoNode.duration; const currentTime = videoNode.currentTime; if (e.keyCode === SEEK_FORWARD_KEYCODE) { const newDuration = currentTime + SEEK_STEP; videoNode.currentTime = newDuration > duration ? duration : newDuration; OVERLAY.showSeekedOverlay(player, SEEK_STEP, true); player.userActive(true); } else if (e.keyCode === SEEK_BACKWARD_KEYCODE) { const newDuration = currentTime - SEEK_STEP; videoNode.currentTime = newDuration < 0 ? 0 : newDuration; OVERLAY.showSeekedOverlay(player, SEEK_STEP, false); player.userActive(true); } if (e.keyCode === SEEK_FORWARD_KEYCODE_5) { const newDuration = currentTime + SEEK_STEP_5; videoNode.currentTime = newDuration < 0 ? 0 : newDuration; OVERLAY.showSeekedOverlay(player, SEEK_STEP_5, true); player.userActive(true); } else if (e.keyCode === SEEK_BACKWARD_KEYCODE_5) { const newDuration = currentTime - SEEK_STEP_5; videoNode.currentTime = newDuration < 0 ? 0 : newDuration; OVERLAY.showSeekedOverlay(player, SEEK_STEP_5, false); player.userActive(true); } } // Playback-Rate Shortcuts ('>' = speed up, '<' = speed down) if (e.shiftKey && (e.keyCode === PERIOD_KEYCODE || e.keyCode === COMMA_KEYCODE)) { const isSpeedUp = e.keyCode === PERIOD_KEYCODE; const rate = player.playbackRate(); let rateIndex = videoPlaybackRates.findIndex((x) => x === rate); if (rateIndex >= 0) { rateIndex = isSpeedUp ? Math.min(rateIndex + 1, videoPlaybackRates.length - 1) : Math.max(rateIndex - 1, 0); const nextRate = videoPlaybackRates[rateIndex]; OVERLAY.showPlaybackRateOverlay(player, nextRate, isSpeedUp); player.userActive(true); player.playbackRate(nextRate); } } // Theater Mode shortcut if (e.keyCode === THEATER_MODE_KEYCODE) { toggleVideoTheaterMode(); if (player.isFullscreen()) { player.exitFullscreen(); } } } // Create the video DOM element and wrapper function createVideoPlayerDOM(container) { if (!container) { return; } // This seems like a poor way to generate the DOM for video.js const wrapper = document.createElement('div'); wrapper.setAttribute('data-vjs-player', 'true'); const el = document.createElement(isAudio ? 'audio' : 'video'); el.className = 'video-js'; wrapper.appendChild(el); container.appendChild(wrapper); return el; } // Initialize video.js function initializeVideoPlayer(el) { if (!el) { return; } const vjs = videojs(el, videoJsOptions, () => { const player = playerRef.current; // this seems like a weird thing to have to check for here if (!player) { return; } // Add various event listeners to player player.one('play', onInitialPlay); player.on('play', resolveCtrlText); player.on('pause', resolveCtrlText); player.on('loadstart', resolveCtrlText); player.on('fullscreenchange', resolveCtrlText); player.on('volumechange', resolveCtrlText); player.on('volumechange', onVolumeChange); player.on('error', onError); player.on('ended', onEnded); // Replace volume bar with custom LBRY volume bar LbryVolumeBarClass.replaceExisting(player); // initialize mobile UI player.mobileUi(); // Inits mobile version. No-op if Desktop. // I think this is a callback function onPlayerReady(player); }); // fixes #3498 (https://github.com/lbryio/lbry-desktop/issues/3498) // summary: on firefox the focus would stick to the fullscreen button which caused buggy behavior with spacebar vjs.on('fullscreenchange', () => document.activeElement && document.activeElement.blur()); return vjs; } // This lifecycle hook is only called once (on mount), or when `isAudio` changes. useEffect(() => { const vjsElement = createVideoPlayerDOM(containerRef.current); const vjsPlayer = initializeVideoPlayer(vjsElement); // Add reference to player to global scope window.player = vjsPlayer; // Set reference in component state playerRef.current = vjsPlayer; // Add event listener for keyboard shortcuts window.addEventListener('keydown', handleKeyDown); // Cleanup return () => { window.removeEventListener('keydown', handleKeyDown); const player = playerRef.current; if (player) { window.player = undefined; player.dispose(); } }; }, [isAudio]); // Update video player and reload when source URL changes useEffect(() => { const fetchStartedAt = performance.now(); // For some reason the video player is responsible for detecting content type this way fetch(source, { method: 'HEAD', cache: 'no-store' }).then((response) => { const deltaFetch = performance.now() - fetchStartedAt; // console.log(`Prefetch took: ${deltaFetch.toFixed(3)}ms`); // Send fetch duration analytic event (in ms) analytics.videoFetchDuration(source, deltaFetch); const player = playerRef.current; if (!player) { return; } let type = sourceType; // override type if we receive an .m3u8 (transcoded mp4) if (response && response.redirected && response.url && response.url.endsWith('m3u8')) { type = 'application/x-mpegURL'; } // Update player poster // note: the poster prop seems to return null usually. if (poster) player.poster(poster); // Update player source player.src({ src: source, type: type, }); // Add quality selector to player player.hlsQualitySelector({ displayCurrentQuality: true, }); // Update player source player.src({ src: source, type: type, }); // PR #5570: Temp workaround to avoid double Play button until the next re-architecture. if (!player.paused()) { player.bigPlayButton.hide(); } }); }, [source, reload]); return ( // $FlowFixMe
); });