// @flow import * as PAGES from 'constants/pages'; import * as SETTINGS from 'constants/settings'; import React from 'react'; import classnames from 'classnames'; import { useHistory } from 'react-router'; import UserEmailNew from 'component/userEmailNew'; import UserEmailVerify from 'component/userEmailVerify'; import UserChannelFollowIntro from 'component/userChannelFollowIntro'; import UserTagFollowIntro from 'component/userTagFollowIntro'; import REWARDS from 'rewards'; import Spinner from 'component/spinner'; import useFetched from 'effects/use-fetched'; import usePrevious from 'effects/use-previous'; import { SHOW_TAGS_INTRO } from 'config'; const REDIRECT_PARAM = 'redirect'; const REDIRECT_IMMEDIATELY_PARAM = 'immediate'; const STEP_PARAM = 'step'; type Props = { user: ?User, emailToVerify: ?string, channels: ?Array<string>, balance: ?number, fetchingChannels: boolean, claimingReward: boolean, claimConfirmEmailReward: () => void, claimNewUserReward: () => void, fetchUser: () => void, claimedRewards: Array<Reward>, youtubeChannels: Array<any>, syncEnabled: boolean, hasSynced: boolean, syncingWallet: boolean, creatingChannel: boolean, setClientSetting: (string, boolean, ?boolean) => void, followingAcknowledged: boolean, tagsAcknowledged: boolean, rewardsAcknowledged: boolean, interestedInYoutubeSync: boolean, doToggleInterestedInYoutubeSync: () => void, prefsReady: boolean, }; function UserSignUp(props: Props) { const { emailToVerify, user, claimingReward, claimedRewards, claimConfirmEmailReward, claimNewUserReward, balance, fetchUser, syncEnabled, syncingWallet, hasSynced, fetchingChannels, creatingChannel, followingAcknowledged, tagsAcknowledged, rewardsAcknowledged, setClientSetting, interestedInYoutubeSync, doToggleInterestedInYoutubeSync, prefsReady, } = props; const { location: { search, pathname }, replace, } = useHistory(); const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(search); const redirect = urlParams.get(REDIRECT_PARAM); const step = urlParams.get(STEP_PARAM); const shouldRedirectImmediately = urlParams.get(REDIRECT_IMMEDIATELY_PARAM); const [initialSignInStep, setInitialSignInStep] = React.useState(); const hasVerifiedEmail = user && user.has_verified_email; const passwordSet = user && user.password_set; const hasFetchedReward = useFetched(claimingReward); const previousHasVerifiedEmail = usePrevious(hasVerifiedEmail); const hasClaimedEmailAward = claimedRewards.some((reward) => reward.reward_type === REWARDS.TYPE_CONFIRM_EMAIL); // Complexity warning // We can't just check if we are currently fetching something // We may want to keep a component rendered while something is being fetched, instead of replacing it with the large spinner // The verbose variable names are an attempt to alleviate _some_ of the confusion from handling all edge cases that come from // reward claiming, channel creation, account syncing, and youtube transfer // The possible screens for the sign in flow const showEmail = !hasVerifiedEmail; const showEmailVerification = (emailToVerify && !hasVerifiedEmail) || (!hasVerifiedEmail && passwordSet); const showFollowIntro = step === 'channels' || (hasVerifiedEmail && !followingAcknowledged); const showTagsIntro = SHOW_TAGS_INTRO && (step === 'tags' || (hasVerifiedEmail && !tagsAcknowledged)); const canHijackSignInFlowWithSpinner = hasVerifiedEmail && !showFollowIntro && !showTagsIntro && !rewardsAcknowledged; const isCurrentlyFetchingSomething = fetchingChannels || claimingReward || syncingWallet || creatingChannel; const isWaitingForSomethingToFinish = // If the user has claimed the email award, we need to wait until the balance updates sometime in the future (!hasFetchedReward && !hasClaimedEmailAward) || (syncEnabled && !hasSynced); const showLoadingSpinner = canHijackSignInFlowWithSpinner && (isCurrentlyFetchingSomething || isWaitingForSomethingToFinish); function setSettingAndSync(setting, value) { setClientSetting(setting, value, true); } React.useEffect(() => { fetchUser(); }, [fetchUser]); React.useEffect(() => { if (previousHasVerifiedEmail === false && hasVerifiedEmail && prefsReady) { setSettingAndSync(SETTINGS.FIRST_RUN_STARTED, true); } }, [hasVerifiedEmail, previousHasVerifiedEmail, prefsReady]); React.useEffect(() => { // Don't claim the reward if sync is enabled until after a sync has been completed successfully // If we do it before, we could end up trying to sync a wallet with a non-zero balance which will fail to sync const delayForSync = syncEnabled && !hasSynced; if (hasVerifiedEmail && !hasClaimedEmailAward && !hasFetchedReward && !delayForSync) { claimConfirmEmailReward(); } }, [ hasVerifiedEmail, claimConfirmEmailReward, hasClaimedEmailAward, hasFetchedReward, syncEnabled, hasSynced, balance, ]); // Loop through this list from the end, until it finds a matching component // If it never finds one, assume the user has completed every step and redirect them const SIGN_IN_FLOW = [ showEmail && ( <UserEmailNew interestedInYoutubSync={interestedInYoutubeSync} doToggleInterestedInYoutubeSync={doToggleInterestedInYoutubeSync} /> ), showEmailVerification && <UserEmailVerify />, showFollowIntro && ( <UserChannelFollowIntro onContinue={() => { if (urlParams.get('reset_scroll')) { urlParams.delete('reset_scroll'); urlParams.append('reset_scroll', '2'); } urlParams.delete(STEP_PARAM); setSettingAndSync(SETTINGS.FOLLOWING_ACKNOWLEDGED, true); replace(`${pathname}?${urlParams.toString()}`); }} onBack={() => { if (urlParams.get('reset_scroll')) { urlParams.delete('reset_scroll'); urlParams.append('reset_scroll', '3'); } setSettingAndSync(SETTINGS.FOLLOWING_ACKNOWLEDGED, false); replace(`${pathname}?${urlParams.toString()}`); }} /> ), showTagsIntro && ( <UserTagFollowIntro onContinue={() => { let url = `/$/${PAGES.AUTH}?reset_scroll=1&${STEP_PARAM}=channels`; if (redirect) { url += `&${REDIRECT_PARAM}=${redirect}`; } if (shouldRedirectImmediately) { url += `&${REDIRECT_IMMEDIATELY_PARAM}=true`; } replace(url); setSettingAndSync(SETTINGS.TAGS_ACKNOWLEDGED, true); }} /> ), showLoadingSpinner && ( <div className="main--empty"> <Spinner /> </div> ), ]; // $FlowFixMe function getSignInStep() { for (var i = SIGN_IN_FLOW.length - 1; i > -1; i--) { const Component = SIGN_IN_FLOW[i]; if (Component) { // If we want to redirect immediately, // remember the first step so we can redirect once a new step has been reached // Ignore the loading step if (redirect && shouldRedirectImmediately) { if (!initialSignInStep) { setInitialSignInStep(i); } else if (i !== initialSignInStep && i !== SIGN_IN_FLOW.length - 1) { replace(redirect); } } const scrollableSteps = [2, 4, 5]; const isScrollable = scrollableSteps.includes(i); return [Component, isScrollable]; } } return [undefined, false]; } const [componentToRender, isScrollable] = getSignInStep(); React.useEffect(() => { if (!componentToRender) { claimNewUserReward(); } }, [componentToRender, claimNewUserReward]); if (!componentToRender) { replace(redirect || '/'); } return ( <section className={classnames('main--contained', { 'main--hoisted': isScrollable })}>{componentToRender}</section> ); } export default UserSignUp;