var lbry = { isConnected: false, rootPath: '.', colors: { primary: '#155B4A' } }; = function(method, params, callback) { /* * XHR magic */ //when XHR returns and is successful // callback(JSON.parse(xhr.responseText)); } //core lbry.connect = function(callback) { //dummy connect function - one of the first things we should do is dump people to get help if it can't connect setTimeout(function() { lbry.isConnected = true; callback(); }, 1500); } lbry.getBalance = function(callback) {"get_balance", {}, callback); } = function(query, callback) { //simulate searching via setTimeout with setTimeout(function() {"search_nametrie", { query: query }, callback); }, 300); } //utilities lbry.formatCredits = function(amount, precision) { return amount.toFixed(precision || 1); } lbry.loadJs = function(src, type, onload) { var lbryScriptTag = document.getElementById('lbry'), newScriptTag = document.createElement('script'), type = type || 'text/javascript'; newScriptTag.src = src; newScriptTag.type = type; if (onload) { newScript.onload = onload; } lbryScriptTag.parentNode.insertBefore(newScriptTag, lbryScriptTag); } lbry.imagePath = function(file) { return lbry.rootPath + '/img/' + file; }