// @flow import React, { useState } from 'react'; import Button from 'component/button'; import I18nMessage from 'component/i18nMessage'; import { FormField } from 'component/common/form-components/form-field'; import { Form } from 'component/common/form-components/form'; import { withRouter } from 'react-router-dom'; // $FlowFixMe cannot resolve ... import image from 'static/img/unlocklbry.svg'; import { WELCOME_VERSION } from 'config'; const FREE = 'free'; const LIMITED = 'limited'; const NONE = 'none'; type Props = { setWelcomeVersion: number => void, signOut: () => void, setShareDataInternal: boolean => void, setShareDataThirdParty: boolean => void, history: { replace: string => void }, authenticated: boolean, authenticateIfSharingData: () => void, }; function PrivacyAgreement(props: Props) { const { setWelcomeVersion, setShareDataInternal, setShareDataThirdParty, history, authenticated, signOut, authenticateIfSharingData, } = props; const [share, setShare] = useState(undefined); // preload const [agree, setAgree] = useState(false); // preload function handleSubmit() { if (share === FREE) { setShareDataInternal(true); setShareDataThirdParty(true); } else if (share === LIMITED) { setShareDataInternal(true); setShareDataThirdParty(false); } else { setShareDataInternal(false); setShareDataThirdParty(false); } if (share === FREE || share === LIMITED) { authenticateIfSharingData(); } setWelcomeVersion(WELCOME_VERSION); history.replace(`/`); } return ( <section className="main--contained"> <div className={'columns'}> <div> <h1 className="section__title--large">{__('Welcome')}</h1> <h3 className="section__subtitle"> {__( `LBRY takes privacy and choice seriously. Just a few questions before you enter the land of content freedom.` )} </h3> </div> <div> <img src={image} className="privacy-img" /> </div> </div> <hr /> <p className="section__body section__subtitle"> {__('Can this app send information about your usage to inform publishers and improve the software?')} </p> <Form onSubmit={handleSubmit} className="section__body"> <fieldset> <FormField name={'shareFreely'} type="radio" label={ <> {__('Yes, including with third-party analytics platforms')} <span>😄</span> </> } helper={__(`Sending information to third parties (e.g. Google Analytics or Mixpanel) allows us to use detailed analytical reports to improve all aspects of LBRY.`)} checked={share === FREE} onChange={e => setShare(FREE)} /> <FormField name={'shareWithLBRY'} type="radio" checked={share === LIMITED} label={ <> {__('Yes, but only with LBRY, Inc.')} <span>🙂</span> </> } helper={__( `Sharing information with LBRY, Inc. allows us to report to publishers how their content is doing, as well as track basic usage and performance. This is the minimum required to earn rewards from LBRY, Inc.` )} onChange={e => setShare(LIMITED)} /> <FormField disabled={authenticated} name={'shareNot'} type="radio" checked={share === NONE} label={ <> {__('No')} <span>😢</span> </> } helper={__(`No information will be sent directly to LBRY, Inc. or third-parties about your usage. Note that as peer-to-peer software, your IP address and potentially other system information can be sent to other users, though this information is not stored permanently.`)} onChange={e => setShare(NONE)} /> {authenticated && ( <div className="card--inline section--padded"> <p className="help--inline"> <I18nMessage tokens={{ signout_button: <Button button="link" label={__('Sign Out')} onClick={signOut} />, }} > You are signed into lbry.tv which automatically shares data with LBRY inc. %signout_button%. </I18nMessage> </p> </div> )} </fieldset> <div className="section__body"> <p className="section__subtitle"> <I18nMessage tokens={{ terms: ( <Button button="link" href="https://www.lbry.com/termsofservice" label={__('Terms of Service')} /> ), }} > Do you agree to the %terms%? </I18nMessage> </p> <fieldset> <FormField name={'agreeButton'} type="radio" label={'Yes'} checked={agree === true} onChange={e => setAgree(e.target.checked)} /> <FormField name={'disagreeButton'} type="radio" checked={agree === false} label={__('No')} onChange={e => setAgree(!e.target.checked)} /> </fieldset> </div> <div className={'card__actions'}> <Button button="primary" label={__(`Let's go`)} disabled={!share || !agree} type="submit" /> </div> {share === NONE && ( <p className="help"> {__( 'While we respect the desire for maximally private usage, please note that choosing this option hurts the ability for creators to understand how their content is performing.' )} </p> )} </Form> </section> ); } export default withRouter(PrivacyAgreement);