import React from 'react'; import lbry from '../lbry.js'; import {Link, WatchLink} from '../component/link.js'; import {Menu, MenuItem} from '../component/menu.js'; import Modal from '../component/modal.js'; import {BusyMessage, Thumbnail} from '../component/common.js'; var moreMenuStyle = { position: 'absolute', display: 'block', top: '26px', right: '13px', }; var MyFilesRowMoreMenu = React.createClass({ propTypes: { title: React.PropTypes.string.isRequired, path: React.PropTypes.string.isRequired, completed: React.PropTypes.bool.isRequired, lbryUri: React.PropTypes.string.isRequired, }, handleRevealClicked: function() { lbry.revealFile(this.props.path); }, handleRemoveClicked: function() { lbry.deleteFile(this.props.lbryUri, false); }, handleDeleteClicked: function() { this.setState({ modal: 'confirmDelete', }); }, handleDeleteConfirmed: function() { lbry.deleteFile(this.props.lbryUri); this.setState({ modal: null, }); }, closeModal: function() { this.setState({ modal: null, }); }, getInitialState: function() { return { modal: null, }; }, render: function() { return ( <div style={moreMenuStyle}> <Menu {...this.props}> <section className="card"> <MenuItem onClick={this.handleRevealClicked} label="Reveal file" /> {/* @TODO: Switch to OS specific wording */} <MenuItem onClick={this.handleRemoveClicked} label="Remove from LBRY" /> <MenuItem onClick={this.handleDeleteClicked} label="Remove and delete file" /> </section> </Menu> <Modal isOpen={this.state.modal == 'confirmDelete'} type="confirm" confirmButtonLabel="Delete File" onConfirmed={this.handleDeleteConfirmed} onAborted={this.closeModal}> Are you sure you'd like to delete <cite>{this.props.title}</cite>? This will {this.props.completed ? ' stop the download and ' : ''} permanently remove the file from your system. </Modal> </div> ); } }); var moreButtonColumnStyle = { height: '120px', display: 'flex', alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'center', }, moreButtonContainerStyle = { display: 'block', position: 'relative', }, moreButtonStyle = { fontSize: '1.3em', }, progressBarStyle = { height: '15px', width: '230px', backgroundColor: '#444', border: '2px solid #eee', display: 'inline-block', }, artStyle = { maxHeight: '100px', maxWidth: '100%', display: 'block', marginLeft: 'auto', marginRight: 'auto', }; var MyFilesRow = React.createClass({ onPauseResumeClicked: function() { if (this.props.stopped) { lbry.startFile(this.props.lbryUri); } else { lbry.stopFile(this.props.lbryUri); } }, render: function() { //@TODO: Convert progress bar to reusable component var progressBarWidth = 230; if (this.props.completed) { var pauseLink = null; var curProgressBarStyle = {display: 'none'}; } else { var pauseLink = <Link icon={this.props.stopped ? 'icon-play' : 'icon-pause'} label={this.props.stopped ? 'Resume download' : 'Pause download'} onClick={() => { this.onPauseResumeClicked() }} />; var curProgressBarStyle = Object.assign({}, progressBarStyle); curProgressBarStyle.width = Math.floor(this.props.ratioLoaded * progressBarWidth) + 'px'; curProgressBarStyle.borderRightWidth = progressBarWidth - Math.ceil(this.props.ratioLoaded * progressBarWidth) + 2; } if (this.props.showWatchButton) { var watchButton = <WatchLink streamName={this.props.lbryUri} /> } else { var watchButton = null; } return ( <section className="card"> <div className="row-fluid"> <div className="span3"> <Thumbnail src={this.props.imgUrl} alt={'Photo for ' + this.props.title} style={artStyle} /> </div> <div className="span8"> <h3>{this.props.pending ? this.props.title : <a href={'/?show=' + this.props.lbryUri}>{this.props.title}</a>}</h3> {this.props.pending ? <em>This file is pending confirmation</em> : ( <div> <div className={this.props.completed ? 'hidden' : ''} style={curProgressBarStyle}></div> { ' ' } {this.props.completed ? (this.props.isMine ? 'Published' : 'Download complete') : (parseInt(this.props.ratioLoaded * 100) + '%')} <div>{ pauseLink }</div> <div>{ watchButton }</div> </div> ) } </div> <div className="span1" style={moreButtonColumnStyle}> {this.props.pending ? null : <div style={moreButtonContainerStyle}> <Link style={moreButtonStyle} ref="moreButton" icon="icon-ellipsis-h" title="More Options" /> <MyFilesRowMoreMenu toggleButton={this.refs.moreButton} title={this.props.title} completed={this.props.completed} lbryUri={this.props.lbryUri} fileName={this.props.fileName} path={this.props.path}/> </div> } </div> </div> </section> ); } }); var MyFilesPage = React.createClass({ _fileTimeout: null, _fileInfoCheckRate: 300, _fileInfoCheckNum: 0, _filesOwnership: {}, getInitialState: function() { return { filesInfo: null, filesOwnershipLoaded: false, filesAvailable: {}, }; }, getDefaultProps: function() { return { show: null, }; }, componentDidMount: function() { document.title = "My Files"; }, componentWillMount: function() { this.getFilesOwnership(); this.updateFilesInfo(); }, componentWillUnmount: function() { if (this._fileTimeout) { clearTimeout(this._fileTimeout); } }, getFilesOwnership: function() { lbry.getFilesInfo((filesInfo) => { if (!filesInfo) { this.setState({ filesOwnershipLoaded: true, }); return; } var ownershipLoadedCount = 0; for (let i = 0; i < filesInfo.length; i++) { let fileInfo = filesInfo[i];'get_my_claim', {name: fileInfo.lbry_uri}, (claim) => { this._filesOwnership[fileInfo.lbry_uri] = !!claim; ownershipLoadedCount++; if (ownershipLoadedCount >= filesInfo.length) { this.setState({ filesOwnershipLoaded: true, }); } }, (claim) => { this._filesOwnership[fileInfo.lbry_uri] = true; ownershipLoadedCount++; if (ownershipLoadedCount >= filesInfo.length) { this.setState({ filesOwnershipLoaded: true, }); } }); } }); }, updateFilesInfo: function() { lbry.getFilesInfo((filesInfo) => { if (!filesInfo) { filesInfo = []; } let newFilesAvailable; if (!(this._fileInfoCheckNum % this._fileInfoCheckRate)) { // Time to update file availability status newFilesAvailable = {}; let filePeersCheckCount = 0; for (let fileInfo of filesInfo) { lbry.getPeersForBlobHash(fileInfo.sd_hash, (peers) => { filePeersCheckCount++; newFilesAvailable[fileInfo.sd_hash] = peers.length >= 0; if (filePeersCheckCount >= filesInfo.length) { this.setState({ filesAvailable: newFilesAvailable, }); } }); } } this._fileInfoCheckNum += 1; this.setState({ filesInfo: filesInfo, }); this._fileTimeout = setTimeout(() => { this.updateFilesInfo() }, 1000); }); }, render: function() { if (this.state.filesInfo === null || !this.state.filesOwnershipLoaded) { return ( <main className="page"> <BusyMessage message="Loading" /> </main> ); } if (!this.state.filesInfo.length) { var content = <span>You haven't downloaded anything from LBRY yet. Go <Link href="/" label="search for your first download" />!</span>; } else { var content = [], seenUris = {}; for (let fileInfo of this.state.filesInfo) { let {completed, written_bytes, total_bytes, lbry_uri, file_name, download_path, stopped, metadata, sd_hash} = fileInfo; var isMine = this._filesOwnership[lbry_uri]; if (!metadata || seenUris[lbry_uri] || ( == 'downloaded' && isMine) || ( == 'published' && !isMine)) { continue; } seenUris[lbry_uri] = true; let {title, thumbnail} = metadata; if (!fileInfo.pending && typeof metadata == 'object') { var {title, thumbnail} = metadata; var pending = false; } else { var title = null; var thumbnail = null; var pending = true; } var ratioLoaded = written_bytes / total_bytes; var mediaType = lbry.getMediaType(metadata.content_type, file_name); var showWatchButton = (mediaType == 'video'); content.push(<MyFilesRow key={lbry_uri} lbryUri={lbry_uri} title={title || ('lbry://' + lbry_uri)} completed={completed} stopped={stopped} ratioLoaded={ratioLoaded} imgUrl={thumbnail} path={download_path} showWatchButton={showWatchButton} pending={pending} available={this.state.filesAvailable[sd_hash]} isMine={isMine} />); } } return ( <main className="page"> {content} </main> ); } }); export default MyFilesPage;