// @flow import React from 'react'; import { Modal } from 'modal/modal'; import Card from 'component/common/card'; import Button from 'component/button'; import I18nMessage from 'component/i18nMessage'; type Props = { doHideModal: () => void, doSignOut: () => void, }; function ModalRepost(props: Props) { const { doHideModal, doSignOut } = props; return ( <Modal isOpen type="card"> <Card title={__('Sign Out')} subtitle={ <I18nMessage tokens={{ rename_wallet_instructions: ( <Button button="link" label={__('rename your existing wallet')} href="https://lbry.com/faq/lbry-directories" /> ), }} > Your wallet data will remain intact. If you sign in with a different account, the wallets will be merged. To prevent this, you need to %rename_wallet_instructions% in the lbry/wallets directory. </I18nMessage> } actions={ <div className="section__actions"> <Button button="primary" label={__('Sign Out')} onClick={doSignOut} /> <Button button="link" label={__('Cancel')} onClick={doHideModal} /> </div> } /> </Modal> ); } export default ModalRepost;