// @flow import { createSelector } from 'reselect'; import { selectMutedChannels } from 'redux/selectors/blocked'; import { selectShowMatureContent } from 'redux/selectors/settings'; import { selectBlacklistedOutpointMap, selectFilteredOutpointMap } from 'lbryinc'; import { selectClaimsById, isClaimNsfw, selectMyActiveClaims } from 'lbry-redux'; const selectState = (state) => state.comments || {}; export const selectCommentsById = createSelector(selectState, (state) => state.commentById || {}); export const selectIsFetchingComments = createSelector(selectState, (state) => state.isLoading); export const selectIsPostingComment = createSelector(selectState, (state) => state.isCommenting); export const selectIsFetchingReacts = createSelector(selectState, (state) => state.isFetchingReacts); export const selectOthersReactsById = createSelector(selectState, (state) => state.othersReactsByCommentId); export const selectModerationBlockList = createSelector(selectState, (state) => state.moderationBlockList ? state.moderationBlockList.reverse() : [] ); export const selectBlockingByUri = createSelector(selectState, (state) => state.blockingByUri); export const selectUnBlockingByUri = createSelector(selectState, (state) => state.unBlockingByUri); export const selectFetchingModerationBlockList = createSelector( selectState, (state) => state.fetchingModerationBlockList ); export const selectCommentsByClaimId = createSelector(selectState, selectCommentsById, (state, byId) => { const byClaimId = state.byId || {}; const comments = {}; // replace every comment_id in the list with the actual comment object Object.keys(byClaimId).forEach((claimId: string) => { const commentIds = byClaimId[claimId]; comments[claimId] = Array(commentIds === null ? 0 : commentIds.length); for (let i = 0; i < commentIds.length; i++) { comments[claimId][i] = byId[commentIds[i]]; } }); return comments; }); export const selectSuperchatsByUri = createSelector(selectState, (state) => state.superChatsByUri); export const selectTopLevelCommentsByClaimId = createSelector(selectState, selectCommentsById, (state, byId) => { const byClaimId = state.topLevelCommentsById || {}; const comments = {}; // replace every comment_id in the list with the actual comment object Object.keys(byClaimId).forEach((claimId) => { const commentIds = byClaimId[claimId]; comments[claimId] = Array(commentIds === null ? 0 : commentIds.length); for (let i = 0; i < commentIds.length; i++) { comments[claimId][i] = byId[commentIds[i]]; } }); return comments; }); export const makeSelectCommentForCommentId = (commentId: string) => createSelector(selectCommentsById, (comments) => comments[commentId]); export const selectRepliesByParentId = createSelector(selectState, selectCommentsById, (state, byId) => { const byParentId = state.repliesByParentId || {}; const comments = {}; // replace every comment_id in the list with the actual comment object Object.keys(byParentId).forEach((id) => { const commentIds = byParentId[id]; comments[id] = Array(commentIds === null ? 0 : commentIds.length); for (let i = 0; i < commentIds.length; i++) { comments[id][i] = byId[commentIds[i]]; } }); return comments; }); // previously this used a mapping from claimId -> Array<Comments> /* export const selectCommentsById = createSelector( selectState, state => state.byId || {} ); */ export const selectCommentsByUri = createSelector(selectState, (state) => { const byUri = state.commentsByUri || {}; const comments = {}; Object.keys(byUri).forEach((uri) => { const claimId = byUri[uri]; if (claimId === null) { comments[uri] = null; } else { comments[uri] = claimId; } }); return comments; }); export const makeSelectCommentIdsForUri = (uri: string) => createSelector(selectState, selectCommentsByUri, selectClaimsById, (state, byUri) => { const claimId = byUri[uri]; return state.byId[claimId]; }); export const makeSelectMyReactionsForComment = (commentId: string) => createSelector(selectState, (state) => { if (!state.myReactsByCommentId) { return []; } return state.myReactsByCommentId[commentId] || []; }); export const makeSelectOthersReactionsForComment = (commentId: string) => createSelector(selectState, (state) => { if (!state.othersReactsByCommentId) { return {}; } return state.othersReactsByCommentId[commentId] || {}; }); export const selectPendingCommentReacts = createSelector(selectState, (state) => state.pendingCommentReactions); export const selectSettingsByChannelId = createSelector(selectState, (state) => state.settingsByChannelId); export const selectFetchingCreatorSettings = createSelector(selectState, (state) => state.fetchingSettings); export const selectFetchingBlockedWords = createSelector(selectState, (state) => state.fetchingBlockedWords); export const makeSelectCommentsForUri = (uri: string) => createSelector( selectCommentsByClaimId, selectCommentsByUri, selectClaimsById, selectMyActiveClaims, selectMutedChannels, selectBlacklistedOutpointMap, selectFilteredOutpointMap, selectShowMatureContent, (byClaimId, byUri, claimsById, myClaims, blockedChannels, blacklistedMap, filteredMap, showMatureContent) => { const claimId = byUri[uri]; const comments = byClaimId && byClaimId[claimId]; return comments ? comments.filter((comment) => { if (!comment) { // It may have been recently deleted after being blocked return false; } const channelClaim = claimsById[comment.channel_id]; // Return comment if `channelClaim` doesn't exist so the component knows to resolve the author if (channelClaim) { if (myClaims && myClaims.size > 0) { const claimIsMine = channelClaim.is_my_output || myClaims.has(channelClaim.claim_id); if (claimIsMine) { return true; } } const outpoint = `${channelClaim.txid}:${channelClaim.nout}`; if (blacklistedMap[outpoint] || filteredMap[outpoint]) { return false; } if (!showMatureContent) { const claimIsMature = isClaimNsfw(channelClaim); if (claimIsMature) { return false; } } } return !blockedChannels.includes(comment.channel_url); }) : []; } ); export const makeSelectTopLevelCommentsForUri = (uri: string) => createSelector( selectTopLevelCommentsByClaimId, selectCommentsByUri, selectClaimsById, selectMyActiveClaims, selectMutedChannels, selectBlacklistedOutpointMap, selectFilteredOutpointMap, selectShowMatureContent, (byClaimId, byUri, claimsById, myClaims, blockedChannels, blacklistedMap, filteredMap, showMatureContent) => { const claimId = byUri[uri]; const comments = byClaimId && byClaimId[claimId]; return comments ? comments.filter((comment) => { if (!comment) { return false; } const channelClaim = claimsById[comment.channel_id]; // Return comment if `channelClaim` doesn't exist so the component knows to resolve the author if (channelClaim) { if (myClaims && myClaims.size > 0) { const claimIsMine = channelClaim.is_my_output || myClaims.has(channelClaim.claim_id); if (claimIsMine) { return true; } } const outpoint = `${channelClaim.txid}:${channelClaim.nout}`; if (blacklistedMap[outpoint] || filteredMap[outpoint]) { return false; } if (!showMatureContent) { const claimIsMature = isClaimNsfw(channelClaim); if (claimIsMature) { return false; } } } return !blockedChannels.includes(comment.channel_url); }) : []; } ); export const makeSelectRepliesForParentId = (id: string) => createSelector( selectState, // no selectRepliesByParentId selectCommentsById, selectClaimsById, selectMyActiveClaims, selectMutedChannels, selectBlacklistedOutpointMap, selectFilteredOutpointMap, selectShowMatureContent, (state, commentsById, claimsById, myClaims, blockedChannels, blacklistedMap, filteredMap, showMatureContent) => { // const claimId = byUri[uri]; // just parentId (id) const replyIdsByParentId = state.repliesByParentId; const replyIdsForParent = replyIdsByParentId[id] || []; if (!replyIdsForParent.length) return null; const comments = []; replyIdsForParent.forEach((cid) => { comments.push(commentsById[cid]); }); // const comments = byParentId && byParentId[id]; return comments ? comments.filter((comment) => { if (!comment) { return false; } const channelClaim = claimsById[comment.channel_id]; // Return comment if `channelClaim` doesn't exist so the component knows to resolve the author if (channelClaim) { if (myClaims && myClaims.size > 0) { const claimIsMine = channelClaim.is_my_output || myClaims.has(channelClaim.claim_id); if (claimIsMine) { return true; } } const outpoint = `${channelClaim.txid}:${channelClaim.nout}`; if (blacklistedMap[outpoint] || filteredMap[outpoint]) { return false; } if (!showMatureContent) { const claimIsMature = isClaimNsfw(channelClaim); if (claimIsMature) { return false; } } } return !blockedChannels.includes(comment.channel_url); }) : []; } ); export const makeSelectTotalCommentsCountForUri = (uri: string) => createSelector(makeSelectCommentsForUri(uri), (comments) => { return comments ? comments.length : 0; }); export const makeSelectChannelIsBlocked = (uri: string) => createSelector(selectModerationBlockList, (blockedChannelUris) => { if (!blockedChannelUris || !blockedChannelUris) { return false; } return blockedChannelUris.includes(uri); }); export const makeSelectUriIsBlockingOrUnBlocking = (uri: string) => createSelector(selectBlockingByUri, selectUnBlockingByUri, (blockingByUri, unBlockingByUri) => { return blockingByUri[uri] || unBlockingByUri[uri]; }); export const makeSelectSuperChatDataForUri = (uri: string) => createSelector(selectSuperchatsByUri, (byUri) => { return byUri[uri]; }); export const makeSelectSuperChatsForUri = (uri: string) => createSelector(makeSelectSuperChatDataForUri(uri), (superChatData) => { if (!superChatData) { return undefined; } return superChatData.comments; }); export const makeSelectSuperChatTotalAmountForUri = (uri: string) => createSelector(makeSelectSuperChatDataForUri(uri), (superChatData) => { if (!superChatData) { return 0; } return superChatData.totalAmount; });