// @flow import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react'; import FileRender from 'component/fileRender'; import LoadingScreen from 'component/common/loading-screen'; import { NON_STREAM_MODES } from 'constants/file_render_modes'; type Props = { isPlaying: boolean, fileInfo: FileListItem, uri: string, renderMode: string, streamingUrl?: string, triggerAnalyticsView: (string, number) => Promise, claimRewards: () => void, costInfo: any, claimWasPurchased: boolean, }; export default function FileRenderInline(props: Props) { const { isPlaying, fileInfo, uri, streamingUrl, triggerAnalyticsView, claimRewards, renderMode, costInfo, claimWasPurchased, } = props; const [playTime, setPlayTime] = useState(); const isFree = !costInfo || (costInfo.cost !== undefined && costInfo.cost === 0); const isReadyToView = fileInfo && fileInfo.completed; const isReadyToPlay = streamingUrl || isReadyToView; // Render if any source is ready let renderContent = isReadyToPlay; // Force non-streaming content to wait for download if (NON_STREAM_MODES.includes(renderMode)) { renderContent = isReadyToView; } useEffect(() => { if (isPlaying) { setPlayTime(Date.now()); } }, [isPlaying, setPlayTime, uri]); useEffect(() => { /* note: code can currently double fire with videoViewer logic if a video is rendered by FileRenderInline (currently this never happens) */ if (playTime && isReadyToPlay) { const timeToStart = Date.now() - playTime; triggerAnalyticsView(uri, timeToStart).then(() => { claimRewards(); setPlayTime(null); }); } }, [setPlayTime, claimRewards, triggerAnalyticsView, isReadyToPlay, playTime, uri]); if (!isPlaying) { return null; } if (!isFree && !claimWasPurchased) { return null; } return renderContent ? : ; }