// @flow import React from 'react'; import { FormField } from 'component/common/form'; import Button from 'component/button'; import * as DAEMON_SETTINGS from 'constants/daemon_settings'; import { isTrulyANumber } from 'util/number'; import * as ICONS from 'constants/icons'; import * as KEYCODES from 'constants/keycodes'; import { convertGbToMbStr, isValidHostingAmount } from 'util/hosting'; type SetDaemonSettingArg = boolean | string | number; type Props = { // --- select --- viewBlobSpace: number, viewHostingLimit: number, disabled?: boolean, isSetting: boolean, // --- perform --- setDaemonSetting: (string, ?SetDaemonSettingArg) => void, cleanBlobs: () => string, getDaemonStatus: () => void, diskSpace: DiskSpace, }; const TWENTY_PERCENT = 0.2; const TEN_PERCENT = 0.1; const MINIMUM_VIEW_SETTING = '0.01'; function SettingViewHosting(props: Props) { const { diskSpace, viewHostingLimit, viewBlobSpace, setDaemonSetting, cleanBlobs, getDaemonStatus, disabled, isSetting, } = props; // best effort to recommend a hosting amount default for the user const totalMB = diskSpace && Math.floor(Number(diskSpace.total) / 1024); const freeMB = diskSpace && Math.floor(Number(diskSpace.free) / 1024); const getGB = (val) => (Number(val) / 1024).toFixed(2); const recommendedSpace = freeMB > totalMB * TWENTY_PERCENT // plenty of space? ? Math.ceil(Number(getGB(totalMB * TEN_PERCENT))) // 10% of total : Math.ceil(Number(getGB(viewBlobSpace))); // current amount to avoid deleting // daemon settings come in as 'number', but we manage them as 'String'. const [contentBlobSpaceLimitGB, setContentBlobSpaceLimit] = React.useState( viewHostingLimit === 0 ? String(recommendedSpace) : String(viewHostingLimit / 1024) ); const [unlimited, setUnlimited] = React.useState(viewHostingLimit === 0); function handleContentLimitChange(gb) { if (gb === '') { setContentBlobSpaceLimit(''); } else if (gb === '0') { setContentBlobSpaceLimit(MINIMUM_VIEW_SETTING); // setting 0 means unlimited. } else { if (isTrulyANumber(Number(gb))) { setContentBlobSpaceLimit(gb); } } } async function handleApply() { if (unlimited) { await setDaemonSetting(DAEMON_SETTINGS.BLOB_STORAGE_LIMIT_MB, '0'); } else { await setDaemonSetting( DAEMON_SETTINGS.BLOB_STORAGE_LIMIT_MB, contentBlobSpaceLimitGB === MINIMUM_VIEW_SETTING ? '1' : convertGbToMbStr(contentBlobSpaceLimitGB) ); } await cleanBlobs(); getDaemonStatus(); } function handleKeyDown(e) { if (e.keyCode === KEYCODES.ESCAPE) { e.preventDefault(); setContentBlobSpaceLimit(String(viewHostingLimit / 1024)); } else if (e.keyCode === KEYCODES.ENTER) { e.preventDefault(); handleApply(); } } React.useEffect(() => { if (unlimited) { handleApply(); } }, [unlimited]); return ( <>
setUnlimited(!unlimited)} />
); } export default SettingViewHosting;