import React from 'react'; import lbry from 'lbry.js'; import lbryuri from 'lbryuri.js'; import Link from 'component/link'; import { FileActions } from 'component/file-actions.js'; import {Thumbnail, TruncatedText, FilePrice} from 'component/common.js'; import UriIndicator from 'component/channel-indicator.js'; /*should be merged into FileTile once FileTile is refactored to take a single id*/ const FileTileStream = React.createClass({ _fileInfoSubscribeId: null, _isMounted: null, propTypes: { uri: React.PropTypes.string, metadata: React.PropTypes.object, contentType: React.PropTypes.string.isRequired, outpoint: React.PropTypes.string, hasSignature: React.PropTypes.bool, signatureIsValid: React.PropTypes.bool, hideOnRemove: React.PropTypes.bool, hidePrice: React.PropTypes.bool, obscureNsfw: React.PropTypes.bool }, getInitialState: function() { return { showNsfwHelp: false, isHidden: false, } }, getDefaultProps: function() { return { obscureNsfw: !lbry.getClientSetting('showNsfw'), hidePrice: false, hasSignature: false, } }, componentDidMount: function() { this._isMounted = true; if (this.props.hideOnRemove) { this._fileInfoSubscribeId = lbry.fileInfoSubscribe(this.props.outpoint, this.onFileInfoUpdate); } }, componentWillUnmount: function() { if (this._fileInfoSubscribeId) { lbry.fileInfoUnsubscribe(this.props.outpoint, this._fileInfoSubscribeId); } }, onFileInfoUpdate: function(fileInfo) { if (!fileInfo && this._isMounted && this.props.hideOnRemove) { this.setState({ isHidden: true }); } }, handleMouseOver: function() { if (this.props.obscureNsfw && this.props.metadata && this.props.metadata.nsfw) { this.setState({ showNsfwHelp: true, }); } }, handleMouseOut: function() { if (this.state.showNsfwHelp) { this.setState({ showNsfwHelp: false, }); } }, render: function() { if (this.state.isHidden) { return null; } const uri = lbryuri.normalize(this.props.uri); const metadata = this.props.metadata; const isConfirmed = !!metadata; const title = isConfirmed ? metadata.title : uri; const obscureNsfw = this.props.obscureNsfw && isConfirmed && metadata.nsfw; const { navigate } = this.props return (
{ !this.props.hidePrice ? : null}


{isConfirmed ? metadata.description : This file is pending confirmation.}

{this.state.showNsfwHelp ?

This content is Not Safe For Work. To view adult content, please change your .

: null}
); } }); export default FileTileStream