// @flow import React from 'react'; import { FormField, FormFieldPrice } from 'component/common/form'; import Card from 'component/common/card'; type Props = { contentIsFree: boolean, fee: Fee, disabled: boolean, updatePublishForm: ({}) => void, }; function PublishPrice(props: Props) { const { contentIsFree, fee, updatePublishForm, disabled } = props; return ( <Card actions={ <React.Fragment> <FormField type="radio" name="content_free" label={__('Free')} checked={contentIsFree} disabled={disabled} onChange={() => updatePublishForm({ contentIsFree: true })} /> <FormField type="radio" name="content_cost" label={__('Add a price to this file')} checked={!contentIsFree} disabled={disabled} onChange={() => updatePublishForm({ contentIsFree: false })} /> {!contentIsFree && ( <FormFieldPrice name="content_cost_amount" min={0} price={fee} onChange={newFee => updatePublishForm({ fee: newFee })} /> )} {fee && fee.currency !== 'LBC' && ( <p className="form-field__help"> {__( 'All content fees are charged in LBC. For non-LBC payment methods, the number of credits charged will be adjusted based on the value of LBRY credits at the time of purchase.' )} </p> )} </React.Fragment> } /> ); } export default PublishPrice;