// @flow import React from 'react'; import { Modal } from 'modal/modal'; import { DOMAIN } from 'config'; type Props = { upload: WebFile => void, file: WebFile, closeModal: () => void, updatePublishForm: ({}) => void, }; class ModalConfirmThumbnailUpload extends React.PureComponent<Props> { upload() { const { upload, updatePublishForm, closeModal, file } = this.props; upload(file); updatePublishForm({ thumbnailPath: file.path }); closeModal(); } render() { const { closeModal, file } = this.props; return ( <Modal isOpen title={__('Upload thumbnail')} contentLabel={__('Confirm Thumbnail Upload')} type="confirm" confirmButtonLabel={__('Upload')} onConfirmed={() => this.upload()} onAborted={closeModal} > <label>{__('Are you sure you want to upload this thumbnail to %domain%', { domain: DOMAIN })}?</label> <blockquote>{file.path || file.name}</blockquote> </Modal> ); } } export default ModalConfirmThumbnailUpload;