// @flow import * as ACTIONS from 'constants/action_types'; import * as MODALS from 'constants/modal_types'; // @if TARGET='app' import { ipcRenderer } from 'electron'; // @endif import { doOpenModal } from 'redux/actions/app'; import { makeSelectClaimForUri, selectClaimForUri, makeSelectClaimIsMine, makeSelectClaimWasPurchased, } from 'redux/selectors/claims'; import { makeSelectFileInfoForUri, selectFileInfosByOutpoint, makeSelectUriIsStreamable, selectDownloadingByOutpoint, } from 'redux/selectors/file_info'; import { makeSelectUrlsForCollectionId } from 'redux/selectors/collections'; import { doToast } from 'redux/actions/notifications'; import { doPurchaseUri } from 'redux/actions/file'; import Lbry from 'lbry'; import * as SETTINGS from 'constants/settings'; import { selectCostInfoForUri, Lbryio } from 'lbryinc'; import { makeSelectClientSetting, selectosNotificationsEnabled, selectDaemonSettings } from 'redux/selectors/settings'; const DOWNLOAD_POLL_INTERVAL = 1000; export function doUpdateLoadStatus(uri: string, outpoint: string) { // Updates the loading status for a uri as it's downloading // Calls file_list and checks the written_bytes value to see if the number has increased // Not needed on web as users aren't actually downloading the file // @if TARGET='app' return (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: GetState) => { const setNextStatusUpdate = () => setTimeout(() => { // We need to check if outpoint still exists first because user are able to delete file (outpoint) while downloading. // If a file is already deleted, no point to still try update load status const byOutpoint = selectFileInfosByOutpoint(getState()); if (byOutpoint[outpoint]) { dispatch(doUpdateLoadStatus(uri, outpoint)); } }, DOWNLOAD_POLL_INTERVAL); Lbry.file_list({ outpoint, full_status: true, page: 1, page_size: 1, }).then((result) => { const { items: fileInfos } = result; const fileInfo = fileInfos[0]; if (!fileInfo || fileInfo.written_bytes === 0) { // download hasn't started yet setNextStatusUpdate(); } else if (fileInfo.completed) { // TODO this isn't going to get called if they reload the client before // the download finished dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.DOWNLOADING_COMPLETED, data: { uri, outpoint, fileInfo, }, }); // If notifications are disabled(false) just return if (!selectosNotificationsEnabled(getState()) || !fileInfo.written_bytes) return; const notif = new window.Notification(__('LBRY Download Complete'), { body: fileInfo.metadata.title, silent: false, }); // @if TARGET='app' notif.onclick = () => { ipcRenderer.send('focusWindow', 'main'); }; // @ENDIF } else { // ready to play const { total_bytes: totalBytes, written_bytes: writtenBytes } = fileInfo; const progress = (writtenBytes / totalBytes) * 100; dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.DOWNLOADING_PROGRESSED, data: { uri, outpoint, fileInfo, progress, }, }); setNextStatusUpdate(); } }); }; // @endif } export function doSetPrimaryUri(uri: ?string) { return (dispatch: Dispatch) => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.SET_PRIMARY_URI, data: { uri }, }); }; } export const doClearPlayingUri = () => (dispatch: Dispatch) => dispatch(doSetPlayingUri({ uri: null })); export function doSetPlayingUri({ uri, source, pathname, commentId, collectionId, }: { uri: ?string, source?: string, commentId?: string, pathname?: string, collectionId?: string, }) { return (dispatch: Dispatch) => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.SET_PLAYING_URI, data: { uri, source, pathname, commentId, collectionId }, }); }; } export function doPurchaseUriWrapper(uri: string, cost: number, saveFile: boolean, cb: ?(GetResponse) => void) { return (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: () => any) => { function onSuccess(fileInfo) { if (saveFile) { dispatch(doUpdateLoadStatus(uri, fileInfo.outpoint)); } if (cb) { cb(fileInfo); } } dispatch(doPurchaseUri(uri, { cost }, saveFile, onSuccess)); }; } export function doPlayUri( uri: string, skipCostCheck: boolean = false, saveFileOverride: boolean = false, cb?: () => void, hideFailModal: boolean = false ) { return (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: () => any) => { const state = getState(); const isMine = makeSelectClaimIsMine(uri)(state); const fileInfo = makeSelectFileInfoForUri(uri)(state); const uriIsStreamable = makeSelectUriIsStreamable(uri)(state); const downloadingByOutpoint = selectDownloadingByOutpoint(state); const claimWasPurchased = makeSelectClaimWasPurchased(uri)(state); const alreadyDownloaded = fileInfo && (fileInfo.completed || (fileInfo.blobs_remaining === 0 && uriIsStreamable)); const alreadyDownloading = fileInfo && !!downloadingByOutpoint[fileInfo.outpoint]; if (alreadyDownloading || alreadyDownloaded) { attemptPlay(); return; } const daemonSettings = selectDaemonSettings(state); const costInfo = selectCostInfoForUri(state, uri); const cost = (costInfo && Number(costInfo.cost)) || 0; const saveFile = !uriIsStreamable ? true : daemonSettings.save_files || saveFileOverride || cost > 0; const instantPurchaseEnabled = makeSelectClientSetting(SETTINGS.INSTANT_PURCHASE_ENABLED)(state); const instantPurchaseMax = makeSelectClientSetting(SETTINGS.INSTANT_PURCHASE_MAX)(state); function beginGetFile() { dispatch(doPurchaseUriWrapper(uri, cost, saveFile, cb)); } function attemptPlay(instantPurchaseMax = null) { // If you have a file_list entry, you have already purchased the file if ( !isMine && !fileInfo && !claimWasPurchased && (!instantPurchaseMax || !instantPurchaseEnabled || cost > instantPurchaseMax) ) { if (!hideFailModal) dispatch(doOpenModal(MODALS.AFFIRM_PURCHASE, { uri })); } else { beginGetFile(); } } if (fileInfo && saveFile && (!fileInfo.download_path || !fileInfo.written_bytes)) { beginGetFile(); return; } if (cost === 0 || skipCostCheck) { beginGetFile(); return; } if (instantPurchaseEnabled) { if (instantPurchaseMax.currency === 'LBC') { attemptPlay(instantPurchaseMax.amount); } else { // Need to convert currency of instant purchase maximum before trying to play Lbryio.getExchangeRates().then(({ LBC_USD }) => { attemptPlay(instantPurchaseMax.amount / LBC_USD); }); } } else { attemptPlay(); } }; } export function savePosition(uri: string, position: number) { return (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: () => any) => { const state = getState(); const claim = selectClaimForUri(state, uri); const { claim_id: claimId, txid, nout } = claim; const outpoint = `${txid}:${nout}`; dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.SET_CONTENT_POSITION, data: { claimId, outpoint, position }, }); }; } export function clearPosition(uri: string) { return (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: () => any) => { const state = getState(); const claim = makeSelectClaimForUri(uri)(state); const { claim_id: claimId, txid, nout } = claim; const outpoint = `${txid}:${nout}`; dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.CLEAR_CONTENT_POSITION, data: { claimId, outpoint }, }); }; } export function doSetContentHistoryItem(uri: string) { return (dispatch: Dispatch) => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.SET_CONTENT_LAST_VIEWED, data: { uri, lastViewed: Date.now() }, }); }; } export function doClearContentHistoryUri(uri: string) { return (dispatch: Dispatch) => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.CLEAR_CONTENT_HISTORY_URI, data: { uri }, }); }; } export function doClearContentHistoryAll() { return (dispatch: Dispatch) => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.CLEAR_CONTENT_HISTORY_ALL }); }; } export const doRecommendationUpdate = (claimId: string, urls: Array<string>, id: string, parentId: string) => ( dispatch: Dispatch ) => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.RECOMMENDATION_UPDATED, data: { claimId, urls, id, parentId }, }); }; export const doRecommendationClicked = (claimId: string, index: number) => (dispatch: Dispatch) => { if (index !== undefined && index !== null) { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.RECOMMENDATION_CLICKED, data: { claimId, index }, }); } }; export function doToggleLoopList(collectionId: string, loop: boolean, hideToast: boolean) { return (dispatch: Dispatch) => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.TOGGLE_LOOP_LIST, data: { collectionId, loop }, }); if (!hideToast) { dispatch( doToast({ message: loop ? __('Loop is on.') : __('Loop is off.'), }) ); } }; } export function doToggleShuffleList(currentUri: string, collectionId: string, shuffle: boolean, hideToast: boolean) { return (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: () => any) => { if (shuffle) { const state = getState(); const urls = makeSelectUrlsForCollectionId(collectionId)(state); let newUrls = urls .map((item) => ({ item, sort: Math.random() })) .sort((a, b) => a.sort - b.sort) .map(({ item }) => item); // the currently playing URI should be first in list or else // can get in strange position where it might be in the middle or last // and the shuffled list ends before scrolling through all entries if (currentUri && currentUri !== '') { newUrls.splice(newUrls.indexOf(currentUri), 1); newUrls.splice(0, 0, currentUri); } dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.TOGGLE_SHUFFLE_LIST, data: { collectionId, newUrls }, }); } else { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.TOGGLE_SHUFFLE_LIST, data: { collectionId, newUrls: false }, }); } if (!hideToast) { dispatch( doToast({ message: shuffle ? __('Shuffle is on.') : __('Shuffle is off.'), }) ); } }; }