LBRY App -
The LBRY app is a graphical browser for the decentralized content marketplace provided by the
[LBRY]( protocol. It is essentially the
[lbry daemon]( bundled with a UI using

## Table of Contents
1. [Install](#install)
2. [Usage](#usage)
3. [Running from Source](#running-from-source)
4. [Contributing](#contributing)
5. [License](#license)
6. [Security](#security)
7. [Contact](#contact)
## Install
We provide installers for Windows, macOS (v10.12.4, Sierra, or greater), and Debian-based Linux. See community maintained builds section for alternative Linux installations.
| | Windows | macOS | Linux |
| --------------------- | --------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------- |
| Latest Stable Release | [Download]( | [Download]( | [Download]( |
| Latest Pre-release | [Download]( | [Download]( | [Download]( |
Our [releases page]( also contains the latest
release, pre-releases, and past builds.
_Note: If the deb fails to install using the Ubuntu Software Center, install manually via `sudo dpkg -i `. You'll need to run `sudo apt-get install -f` if this is the first time installing it to install dependencies_
To install from source or make changes to the application, continue to the next section below.
**Community maintained** builds for Arch Linux and Flatpak are available, see below. These installs will need to be updated manually as the in-app update process only supports Debian installs at this time.
_Note: If coming from a deb install, the directory structure is different and you'll need to [migrate data](
| | Flatpak | Arch | Raspberry Pi |
| -------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------- |
| Latest Release | [FlatHub Page]( | [AUR Package]( | [Pi Installer]( |
| Maintainers | [@kcSeb]( | [@kcSeb]([@TimurKiyivinski]( | [@Madiator2011]( |
## Usage
Double click the installed application to interact with the LBRY network.
## Running from Source
You can run the web version (, the electron app, or both at the same time.
#### Prerequisites
- [Git](
- [Node.js]( (v10 required)
- [Yarn](
1. Clone (or [fork]( this repository: `git clone`
2. Change directory into the cloned repository: `cd lbry-desktop`
3. Install the dependencies: `yarn`
#### Run the electron app
`yarn compile:electron` (this is only needed the first time you run the app)
`yarn dev`
- If you want to build and launch the production app you can run `yarn build`. This will give you an executable inside the `/dist` folder. We use [electron-builder]( to create distributable packages.
#### Run the web app
`yarn compile:web` (this is only needed the first time you run the app)
`yarn dev:web`
- This uses webpack-dev-server and includes hot-reloading. If you want to debug the [web server we use in production]( you can run `yarn dev:web-server`. This starts a server at `localhost:1337` and does not include hot reloading.
#### Run both at the same time
Run the two commands above in separate terminal windows
yarn dev
// in another terminal window
yarn dev:web
#### Resetting your Packages
If the app isn't building, or `yarn xxx` commands aren't working you may need to just reset your `node_modules`. To do so you can run: `rm -r node_modules && yarn` or `del /s /q node_modules && yarn` on Windows.
If you _really_ think something might have gone wrong, you can force your repo to clear everything that doesn't match the repo with `git reset --hard HEAD && git clean -fxd && git pull -r`
## Contributing
We :heart: contributions from everyone and contributions to this project are encouraged, and compensated. We welcome [bug reports](, [bug fixes]( and feedback is always appreciated. For more details, see [](
## []( [](
## License
This project is MIT licensed. For the full license, see [LICENSE](LICENSE).
## Security
We take security seriously. Please contact regarding any security issues. Our PGP key is [here]( if you need it. All releases are signed by [Sean Yesmunt](
## Contact
The primary contact for this project is [@seanyesmunt](