// @flow import { Combobox, ComboboxInput, ComboboxPopover, ComboboxList } from '@reach/combobox'; import { matchSorter } from 'match-sorter'; import { SEARCH_OPTIONS } from 'constants/search'; import * as KEYCODES from 'constants/keycodes'; import { regexInvalidURI } from 'util/lbryURI'; import React from 'react'; import Spinner from 'component/spinner'; import TextareaSuggestionsItem from 'component/textareaSuggestionsItem'; import TextareaTopSuggestion from 'component/textareaTopSuggestion'; import type { ElementRef } from 'react'; import useLighthouse from 'effects/use-lighthouse'; import useThrottle from 'effects/use-throttle'; const mentionRegex = /@[^\s"=?!@$%^&*;,{}<>/\\]*/gm; const INPUT_DEBOUNCE_MS = 1000; const LIGHTHOUSE_MIN_CHARACTERS = 4; const SEARCH_SIZE = 10; type Props = { canonicalCommentors: Array, canonicalCreatorUri: string, canonicalSubscriptions: Array, className?: string, commentorUris: Array, doResolveUris: (Array) => void, hideSuggestions?: boolean, inputRef: any, isLivestream?: boolean, maxLength?: number, name: string, noTopSuggestion?: boolean, placeholder?: string, showMature: boolean, type?: string, value: any, onChange: (any) => any, }; export default function TextareaWithSuggestions(props: Props) { const { canonicalCommentors, canonicalCreatorUri, canonicalSubscriptions, className, commentorUris, doResolveUris, hideSuggestions, inputRef, isLivestream, maxLength, name, noTopSuggestion, placeholder, showMature, type, value: commentValue, onChange, } = props; const inputProps = { className, placeholder }; const comboboxListRef: ElementRef = React.useRef(); const [suggestionValue, setSuggestionValue] = React.useState(undefined); const [debouncedTerm, setDebouncedTerm] = React.useState(''); const [topSuggestion, setTopSuggestion] = React.useState(''); const [canonicalSearchUris, setCanonicalSearchUris] = React.useState([]); const suggestionTerm = suggestionValue && suggestionValue.term; const isUriFromTermValid = suggestionTerm && !regexInvalidURI.test(suggestionTerm.substring(1)); const additionalOptions = { isBackgroundSearch: false, [SEARCH_OPTIONS.CLAIM_TYPE]: SEARCH_OPTIONS.INCLUDE_CHANNELS }; const { results, loading } = useLighthouse(debouncedTerm, showMature, SEARCH_SIZE, additionalOptions, 0); const stringifiedResults = JSON.stringify(results); const shouldFilter = (uri, previousLists) => uri !== canonicalCreatorUri && (!previousLists || !previousLists.includes(uri)); const filteredCommentors = canonicalCommentors.filter((uri) => shouldFilter(uri)); const filteredSubs = canonicalSubscriptions.filter((uri) => shouldFilter(uri, filteredCommentors)); const filteredTop = shouldFilter(topSuggestion, [...filteredCommentors, ...filteredSubs]) && topSuggestion; const filteredSearch = canonicalSearchUris && canonicalSearchUris.filter((uri) => shouldFilter(uri, [...filteredCommentors, ...filteredSubs, filteredTop || ''])); const creatorUriMatch = useSuggestionMatch(suggestionTerm || '', [canonicalCreatorUri]); const subscriptionsMatch = useSuggestionMatch(suggestionTerm || '', filteredSubs); const commentorsMatch = useSuggestionMatch(suggestionTerm || '', filteredCommentors); const hasMinSearchLength = suggestionTerm && suggestionTerm.length >= LIGHTHOUSE_MIN_CHARACTERS; const isTyping = suggestionValue && debouncedTerm !== suggestionValue.term; const showPlaceholder = hasMinSearchLength && (isTyping || loading); /** --------- **/ /** Functions **/ /** --------- **/ function handleChange(e: SyntheticInputEvent<*>) { onChange(e); if (hideSuggestions) return; const { value } = e.target; const cursorIndex = inputRef && inputRef.current && inputRef.current.selectionStart; const mentionMatches = value.match(mentionRegex); const matchIndexes = []; let mentionIndex; let mentionLastIndex; const mentionValue = mentionMatches && mentionMatches.find((match, index) => { const previousIndex = matchIndexes[index - 1] + 1 || 0; mentionIndex = value.substring(previousIndex).search(mentionRegex) + previousIndex; matchIndexes.push(mentionIndex); // the current mention term will be the one on the text cursor's range, // in case of there being more in the same comment message if (matchIndexes) { mentionLastIndex = mentionIndex + match.length; if (cursorIndex >= mentionIndex && cursorIndex <= mentionLastIndex) { return match; } } }); if (mentionValue) { // $FlowFixMe setSuggestionValue({ term: mentionValue, index: mentionIndex, lastIndex: mentionLastIndex }); } else if (suggestionValue) { setSuggestionValue(undefined); } } const handleSelect = React.useCallback( (selectedValue: string) => { if (!suggestionValue) return; const newValue = commentValue.substring(0, suggestionValue.index) + // 1) From start of comment value until term start `${selectedValue}` + // 2) Add the selected value (commentValue.length > suggestionValue.lastIndex // 3) If there is more content until the the end of the comment value: ? commentValue.substring(suggestionValue.index + 1, commentValue.length) // 3.a) from term end, add the rest of comment value : ' '); // 3.b) or else, add a space for new input after onChange({ target: { value: newValue } }); inputRef.current.focus(); }, [commentValue, inputRef, onChange, suggestionValue] ); /** ------- **/ /** Effects **/ /** ------- **/ React.useEffect(() => { const timer = setTimeout(() => { if (isTyping && suggestionValue) setDebouncedTerm(!hasMinSearchLength ? '' : suggestionValue.term); }, INPUT_DEBOUNCE_MS); return () => clearTimeout(timer); }, [hasMinSearchLength, isTyping, suggestionValue]); React.useEffect(() => { if (!stringifiedResults) return; const arrayResults = JSON.parse(stringifiedResults); if (doResolveUris && arrayResults && arrayResults.length > 0) { // $FlowFixMe doResolveUris(arrayResults) .then((response) => { try { // $FlowFixMe const canonical_urls = Object.values(response).map(({ canonical_url }) => canonical_url); setCanonicalSearchUris(canonical_urls); } catch (e) {} }) .catch((e) => {}); } }, [doResolveUris, stringifiedResults]); // Only resolve commentors on Livestreams when actually mentioning/looking for it React.useEffect(() => { if (isLivestream && commentorUris && suggestionValue) doResolveUris(commentorUris); }, [commentorUris, doResolveUris, isLivestream, suggestionValue]); React.useEffect(() => { if (!inputRef || !suggestionValue) return; function handleKeyDown(e: SyntheticKeyboardEvent<*>) { const { keyCode } = e; const activeSelection = document.querySelector('[data-reach-combobox-option][data-highlighted]'); const firstValue = document.querySelectorAll('[data-reach-combobox-option] .textareaSuggestion__value')[0]; if (keyCode === KEYCODES.UP || keyCode === KEYCODES.DOWN) { const selectedId = activeSelection && activeSelection.getAttribute('id'); const selectedItem = selectedId && document.querySelector(`li[id="${selectedId}"]`); if (selectedItem) selectedItem.scrollIntoView({ block: 'nearest', inline: 'nearest' }); } else if (keyCode === KEYCODES.TAB) { e.preventDefault(); const activeValue = document.querySelector( '[data-reach-combobox-option][data-highlighted] .textareaSuggestion__value' ); if (activeValue && activeValue.innerText) { handleSelect(activeValue.innerText); } else if (firstValue && firstValue.innerText) { handleSelect(firstValue.innerText); } } } window.addEventListener('keydown', handleKeyDown); return () => window.removeEventListener('keydown', handleKeyDown); }, [handleSelect, inputRef, suggestionValue]); /** ------ **/ /** Render **/ /** ------ **/ const suggestionsRow = (label: string, suggestions: any) => (
{suggestions.map((suggestion) => ( ))}
); return ( {/* Regular Textarea Field */} handleChange(e)} ref={inputRef} selectOnClick type={type} autocomplete={false} /> {/* Possible Suggestions Box */} {suggestionValue && isUriFromTermValid && ( {creatorUriMatch && creatorUriMatch.length > 0 && suggestionsRow(__('Creator'), creatorUriMatch)} {subscriptionsMatch && subscriptionsMatch.length > 0 && suggestionsRow(__('Following'), subscriptionsMatch)} {commentorsMatch && commentorsMatch.length > 0 && suggestionsRow(__('From comments'), commentorsMatch)} {hasMinSearchLength && (showPlaceholder ? ( ) : ( results && ( <> {!noTopSuggestion && ( )} {filteredSearch && filteredSearch.length > 0 && suggestionsRow(__('From search'), filteredSearch)} ) ))} )} ); } function useSuggestionMatch(term: string, list: Array) { const throttledTerm = useThrottle(term); return React.useMemo(() => { return !throttledTerm || throttledTerm.trim() === '' ? undefined : matchSorter(list, term, { keys: [(item) => item] }); }, [list, term, throttledTerm]); }