// @flow import React from 'react'; import classnames from 'classnames'; type Props = { title: string, subtitle?: string, multirow?: boolean, // Displays the Value widget(s) below the Label instead of on the right. useVerticalSeparator?: boolean, // Show a separator line between Label and Value. Useful when there are multiple Values. disabled?: boolean, children?: React$Node, }; export default function SettingsRow(props: Props) { const { title, subtitle, multirow, useVerticalSeparator, disabled, children } = props; return ( <div className={classnames('card__main-actions settings__row', { 'section__actions--between': !multirow, 'opacity-30': disabled, })} > <div className="settings__row--title"> <p>{title}</p> {subtitle && <p className="settings__row--subtitle">{subtitle}</p>} </div> <div className={classnames('settings__row--value', { 'settings__row--value--multirow': multirow, 'settings__row--value--vertical-separator': useVerticalSeparator, })} > {children && children} </div> </div> ); }