import React from 'react'; import lbryio from 'lbryio.js'; import lbryuri from 'lbryuri' import FileCard from 'component/fileCard'; import {BusyMessage} from 'component/common.js'; import ToolTip from 'component/tooltip.js'; const communityCategoryToolTipText = ('Community Content is a public space where anyone can share content with the ' + 'rest of the LBRY community. Bid on the names "one," "two," "three," "four" and ' + '"five" to put your content here!'); const FeaturedCategory = (props) => { const { category, names, } = props return

{category} {category && category.match(/^community/i) && }

{names && => )}
} class DiscoverPage extends React.Component{ componentWillMount() { this.props.fetchFeaturedUris() } render() { const { featuredUris, fetchingFeaturedUris, } = this.props return (
{ fetchingFeaturedUris && } { typeof featuredUris === "object" && Object.keys(featuredUris).map(category => ( featuredUris[category].length ? : '' )) } { typeof featuredUris !== undefined &&
Failed to load landing content.
) } } export default DiscoverPage;