import { createSelector } from 'reselect'; import { parseURI, buildURI } from 'util/lbryURI'; import { selectClaimsById, selectMyClaimsWithoutChannels, selectResolvingUris, selectClaimsByUri, } from 'redux/selectors/claims'; const selectState = (state) => state.publish || {}; export const selectIsStillEditing = createSelector(selectState, (publishState) => { const { editingURI, uri } = publishState; if (!editingURI || !uri) { return false; } const { isChannel: currentIsChannel, streamName: currentClaimName, channelName: currentContentName } = parseURI(uri); const { isChannel: editIsChannel, streamName: editClaimName, channelName: editContentName } = parseURI(editingURI); // Depending on the previous/current use of a channel, we need to compare different things // ex: going from a channel to anonymous, the new uri won't return contentName, so we need to use claimName const currentName = currentIsChannel ? currentContentName : currentClaimName; const editName = editIsChannel ? editContentName : editClaimName; return currentName === editName; }); export const selectPublishFormValues = createSelector( selectState, (state) => state.settings, selectIsStillEditing, (publishState, settingsState, isStillEditing) => { const { languages, ...formValues } = publishState; const language = languages && languages.length && languages[0]; const { clientSettings } = settingsState; const { language: languageSet } = clientSettings; let actualLanguage; // Sets default if editing a claim with a set language if (!language && isStillEditing && languageSet) { actualLanguage = languageSet; } else { actualLanguage = language || languageSet || 'en'; } return { ...formValues, language: actualLanguage }; } ); export const makeSelectPublishFormValue = (item) => createSelector(selectState, (state) => state[item]); export const selectMyClaimForUri = createSelector( selectPublishFormValues, selectIsStillEditing, selectClaimsById, selectMyClaimsWithoutChannels, ({ editingURI, uri }, isStillEditing, claimsById, myClaims) => { const { channelName: contentName, streamName: claimName } = parseURI(uri); const { streamClaimId: editClaimId } = parseURI(editingURI); // If isStillEditing // They clicked "edit" from the file page // They haven't changed the channel/name after clicking edit // Get the claim so they can edit without re-uploading a new file return isStillEditing ? claimsById[editClaimId] : myClaims.find((claim) => !contentName ? === claimName : === contentName || === claimName ); } ); export const selectIsResolvingPublishUris = createSelector( selectState, selectResolvingUris, ({ uri, name }, resolvingUris) => { if (uri) { const isResolvingUri = resolvingUris.includes(uri); const { isChannel } = parseURI(uri); let isResolvingShortUri; if (isChannel && name) { const shortUri = buildURI({ streamName: name }); isResolvingShortUri = resolvingUris.includes(shortUri); } return isResolvingUri || isResolvingShortUri; } return false; } ); export const selectTakeOverAmount = createSelector( selectState, selectMyClaimForUri, selectClaimsByUri, ({ name }, myClaimForUri, claimsByUri) => { if (!name) { return null; } // We only care about the winning claim for the short uri const shortUri = buildURI({ streamName: name }); const claimForShortUri = claimsByUri[shortUri]; if (!myClaimForUri && claimForShortUri) { return claimForShortUri.meta.effective_amount; } else if (myClaimForUri && claimForShortUri) { // // We should check the current effective_amount on my claim to see how much additional lbc // is needed to win the claim. Currently this is not possible during a takeover. // With this, we could say something like, "You have x lbc in support, if you bid y additional LBC you will control the claim" // For now just ignore supports. We will just show the winning claim's bid amount return claimForShortUri.meta.effective_amount || claimForShortUri.amount; } return null; } );