import lbry from "./lbry.js"; const querystring = require("querystring"); const keytar = require("keytar"); const lbryio = { enabled: true, _authenticationPromise: null, _exchangePromise: null, _exchangeLastFetched: null, }; const CONNECTION_STRING = process.env.LBRY_APP_API_URL ? process.env.LBRY_APP_API_URL.replace(/\/*$/, "/") // exactly one slash at the end : ""; const EXCHANGE_RATE_TIMEOUT = 20 * 60 * 1000; lbryio.getExchangeRates = function() { if ( !lbryio._exchangeLastFetched || - lbryio._exchangeLastFetched > EXCHANGE_RATE_TIMEOUT ) { lbryio._exchangePromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { lbryio .call("lbc", "exchange_rate", {}, "get", true) .then(({ lbc_usd, lbc_btc, btc_usd }) => { const rates = { lbc_usd, lbc_btc, btc_usd }; resolve(rates); }) .catch(reject); }); lbryio._exchangeLastFetched =; } return lbryio._exchangePromise; }; = function(resource, action, params = {}, method = "get") { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (!lbryio.enabled && (resource != "discover" || action != "list")) { console.log(__("Internal API disabled")); reject(new Error(__("LBRY internal API is disabled"))); return; } const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.addEventListener("error", function(event) { reject( new Error(__("Something went wrong making an internal API call.")) ); }); xhr.addEventListener("timeout", function() { reject(new Error(__("XMLHttpRequest connection timed out"))); }); xhr.addEventListener("load", function() { const response = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText); if (!response.success) { if (reject) { const error = new Error(response.error); error.xhr = xhr; reject(error); } else { document.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent("unhandledError", { detail: { connectionString: connectionString, method: action, params: params, message: response.error.message, ...( ? { data: } : {}), }, }) ); } } else { resolve(; } }); lbryio .getAuthToken() .then(token => { const fullParams = { auth_token: token, ...params }; if (method == "get") { "get", CONNECTION_STRING + resource + "/" + action + "?" + querystring.stringify(fullParams), true ); xhr.send(); } else if (method == "post") {"post", CONNECTION_STRING + resource + "/" + action, true); xhr.setRequestHeader( "Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" ); xhr.send(querystring.stringify(fullParams)); } else { reject(new Error(__("Invalid method"))); } }) .catch(reject); }); }; lbryio.getAuthToken = () => { return keytar.getPassword("LBRY", "auth_token").then(token => { return token ? token.toString().trim() : null; }); }; lbryio.setAuthToken = token => { return keytar.setPassword( "LBRY", "auth_token", token ? token.toString().trim() : null ); }; lbryio.getCurrentUser = () => { return"user", "me"); }; lbryio.authenticate = function() { if (!lbryio.enabled) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { resolve({ id: 1, language: "en", has_email: true, has_verified_email: true, is_reward_approved: false, is_reward_eligible: false, }); }); } if (lbryio._authenticationPromise === null) { lbryio._authenticationPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { lbryio .getAuthToken() .then(token => { if (!token || token.length > 60) { return false; } // check that token works return lbryio .getCurrentUser() .then(() => { return true; }) .catch(() => { return false; }); }) .then(isTokenValid => { if (isTokenValid) { return; } let app_id; return lbry .status() .then(status => { // first try swapping app_id = status.installation_id; return "user", "token_swap", { auth_token: "", app_id: app_id }, "post" ); }) .catch(err => { if (err.xhr.status == 403) { // cannot swap. either app_id doesn't exist, or app_id already swapped. pretend its the former and create a new user. if we get another error, then its the latter return "user", "new", { auth_token: "", language: "en", app_id: app_id }, "post" ); } throw err; }) .then(response => { if (!response.auth_token) { throw new Error(__("auth_token is missing from response")); } return lbryio.setAuthToken(response.auth_token); }); }) .then(lbryio.getCurrentUser) .then(resolve, reject); }); } return lbryio._authenticationPromise; }; export default lbryio;