import videojs from 'video.js';
import './touchOverlay.js';
import window from 'global/window';
import './plugin.scss';

const VERSION = '0.4.1';

// Default options for the plugin.
const defaults = {
  fullscreen: {
    enterOnRotate: true,
    lockOnRotate: true,
    iOS: false,
  touchControls: {
    seekSeconds: 5,
    tapTimeout: 300,
    disableOnEnd: false,

const screen = window.screen;

const angle = () => {
  // iOS
  if (typeof window.orientation === 'number') {
    return window.orientation;
  // Android
  if (screen && screen.orientation && screen.orientation.angle) {
    return window.orientation;
  videojs.log('angle unknown');
  return 0;

// Cross-compatibility for Video.js 5 and 6.
const registerPlugin = videojs.registerPlugin || videojs.plugin;

 * Add UI and event listeners
 * @function onPlayerReady
 * @param    {Player} player
 *           A Video.js player object.
 * @param    {Object} [options={}]
 *           A plain object containing options for the plugin.
const onPlayerReady = (player, options) => {

  if (options.touchControls.disableOnEnd || typeof player.endscreen === 'function') {

  if (
    options.fullscreen.iOS &&
    videojs.browser.IS_IOS &&
    videojs.browser.IOS_VERSION > 9 &&
  ) {
    player.tech_.el_.setAttribute('playsinline', 'playsinline');
    player.tech_.supportsFullScreen = function() {
      return false;

  const controlBar = player.getChild('ControlBar');

  // Insert before the ControlBar:
  const controlBarIdx = player.children_.indexOf(controlBar);
  player.addChild('touchOverlay', options.touchControls, controlBarIdx);

  // Make the TouchOverlay the new parent of the ControlBar.
  // This allows the ControlBar to listen to the same classes as TouchOverlay.
  const touchOverlay = player.getChild('touchOverlay');

  // Tweak controlBar to Mobile style:
  controlBar.removeChild('PlayToggle'); // Use Overlay's instead.

  let locked = false;

  const rotationHandler = () => {
    const currentAngle = angle();

    if (currentAngle === 90 || currentAngle === 270 || currentAngle === -90) {
      if (player.paused() === false) {
        if (options.fullscreen.lockOnRotate && screen.orientation && screen.orientation.lock) {
            .then(() => {
              locked = true;
            .catch(() => {
              videojs.log('orientation lock not allowed');
    if (currentAngle === 0 || currentAngle === 180) {
      if (player.isFullscreen()) {

  if (videojs.browser.IS_IOS) {
    window.addEventListener('orientationchange', rotationHandler);
  } else {
    // addEventListener('orientationchange') is not a user interaction on Android
    screen.orientation.onchange = rotationHandler;

  player.on('ended', _ => {
    if (locked === true) {
      locked = false;

 * A video.js plugin.
 * Adds a monile UI for player control, and fullscreen orientation control
 * @function mobileUi
 * @param    {Object} [options={}]
 *           Plugin options.
 * @param    {Object} [options.fullscreen={}]
 *           Fullscreen options.
 * @param    {boolean} [options.fullscreen.enterOnRotate=true]
 *           Whether to go fullscreen when rotating to landscape
 * @param    {boolean} [options.fullscreen.lockOnRotate=true]
 *           Whether to lock orientation when rotating to landscape
 *           Unlocked when exiting fullscreen or on 'ended'
 * @param    {boolean} [options.fullscreen.iOS=false]
 *           Whether to disable iOS's native fullscreen so controls can work
 * @param    {Object} [options.touchControls={}]
 *           Touch UI options.
 * @param    {int} [options.touchControls.seekSeconds=10]
 *           Number of seconds to seek on double-tap
 * @param    {int} [options.touchControls.tapTimeout=300]
 *           Interval in ms to be considered a doubletap
 * @param    {boolean} [options.touchControls.disableOnEnd=false]
 *           Whether to disable when the video ends (e.g., if there is an endscreen)
 *           Never shows if the endscreen plugin is present
const mobileUi = function(options) {
  // if (videojs.browser.IS_ANDROID || videojs.browser.IS_IOS) {
  if (videojs.browser.IS_ANDROID) {
    this.ready(() => {
      onPlayerReady(this, videojs.mergeOptions(defaults, options));

// Register the plugin with video.js.
registerPlugin('mobileUi', mobileUi);

// Include the version number.

export default mobileUi;