// @flow import React from 'react'; import { FormField } from 'component/common/form'; type Props = { autoLaunch: string, showToast: ({}) => void, setAutoLaunch: (boolean) => void, noLabels?: boolean, }; function SettingAutoLaunch(props: Props) { const { autoLaunch, setAutoLaunch, noLabels } = props; return ( <React.Fragment> <FormField type="checkbox" name="autolaunch" onChange={(e) => { setAutoLaunch(e.target.checked); }} checked={autoLaunch} label={noLabels ? '' : __('Start minimized')} helper={ noLabels ? '' : __('Improve view speed and help the LBRY network by allowing the app to cuddle up in your system tray.') } /> </React.Fragment> ); } export default SettingAutoLaunch;