import amplitude from 'amplitude-js'; import App from 'component/app'; import SnackBar from 'component/snackBar'; import SplashScreen from 'component/splash'; import * as ACTIONS from 'constants/action_types'; import { ipcRenderer, remote, shell } from 'electron'; import lbry from 'lbry'; /* eslint-disable react/jsx-filename-extension */ import React from 'react'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; import { Provider } from 'react-redux'; import { doConditionalAuthNavigate, doDaemonReady, doShowSnackBar } from 'redux/actions/app'; import { doNavigate } from 'redux/actions/navigation'; import { doDownloadLanguages } from 'redux/actions/settings'; import { doUserEmailVerify } from 'redux/actions/user'; import 'scss/all.scss'; import store from 'store'; import app from './app'; const { contextMenu } = remote.require('./main.js'); window.addEventListener('contextmenu', event => { contextMenu.showContextMenu( remote.getCurrentWindow(), event.x, event.y, app.env === 'development' ); event.preventDefault(); }); ipcRenderer.on('open-uri-requested', (event, uri, newSession) => { if (uri && uri.startsWith('lbry://')) { if (uri.startsWith('lbry://?verify=')) { let verification = {}; try { verification = JSON.parse(atob(uri.substring(15))); } catch (error) { console.log(error); } if (verification.token && verification.recaptcha) {;, verification.recaptcha)); } else {{ message: 'Invalid Verification URI' })); } } else {'/show', { uri })); } } }); ipcRenderer.on('open-menu', (event, uri) => { if (uri && uri.startsWith('/help')) {'/help')); } }); const { dock } =; ipcRenderer.on('window-is-focused', () => { if (!dock) return;{ type: ACTIONS.WINDOW_FOCUSED }); dock.setBadge(''); }); ((history, ...args) => { const { replaceState } = history; const newHistory = history; newHistory.replaceState = (_, __, path) => { amplitude.getInstance().logEvent('NAVIGATION', { destination: path ? path.slice(1) : path }); return replaceState.apply(history, args); }; })(window.history); document.addEventListener('click', event => { let { target } = event; while (target && target !== document) { if (target.matches('a') || target.matches('button')) { // TODO: Look into using accessiblity labels (this would also make the app more accessible) const hrefParts = window.location.href.split('#'); const element = target.title || (target.textContent && target.textContent.trim()); if (element) { amplitude.getInstance().logEvent('CLICK', { target: element, location: hrefParts.length > 1 ? hrefParts[hrefParts.length - 1] : '/', }); } else { amplitude.getInstance().logEvent('UNMARKED_CLICK', { location: hrefParts.length > 1 ? hrefParts[hrefParts.length - 1] : '/', source: target.outerHTML, }); } } if (target.matches('a[href^="http"]') || target.matches('a[href^="mailto"]')) { event.preventDefault(); shell.openExternal(target.href); return; } target = target.parentNode; } }); const init = () => {; function onDaemonReady() { lbry.status().then(info => { amplitude.getInstance().init( // Amplitude API Key '0b130efdcbdbf86ec2f7f9eff354033e', info.lbry_id, null, () => { window.sessionStorage.setItem('loaded', 'y'); // once we've made it here once per session, we don't need to show splash again; ReactDOM.render(
, document.getElementById('app') ); } ); }); } if (window.sessionStorage.getItem('loaded') === 'y') { onDaemonReady(); } else { ReactDOM.render( , document.getElementById('app') ); } }; init();