// @flow import * as ICONS from 'constants/icons'; import React, { useRef } from 'react'; import Button from 'component/button'; import useHover from 'effects/use-hover'; import { COLLECTIONS_CONSTS } from 'lbry-redux'; type Props = { uri: string, claim: StreamClaim, focusable: boolean, hasClaimInWatchLater: boolean, doToast: ({ message: string }) => void, doCollectionEdit: (string, any) => void, }; function FileWatchLaterLink(props: Props) { const { claim, hasClaimInWatchLater, doToast, doCollectionEdit, focusable = true } = props; const buttonRef = useRef(); let isHovering = useHover(buttonRef); if (!claim) { return null; } function handleWatchLater(e) { e.preventDefault(); doToast({ message: hasClaimInWatchLater ? __('Item removed from Watch Later') : __('Item added to Watch Later'), linkText: !hasClaimInWatchLater && __('See All'), linkTarget: !hasClaimInWatchLater && '/list/watchlater', }); doCollectionEdit(COLLECTIONS_CONSTS.WATCH_LATER_ID, { claims: [claim], remove: hasClaimInWatchLater, type: 'playlist', }); } // text that will show if you keep cursor over button const title = hasClaimInWatchLater ? __('Remove from Watch Later') : __('Add to Watch Later'); // label that is shown after hover const label = !hasClaimInWatchLater ? __('Add') : __('Added'); return ( <Button ref={buttonRef} requiresAuth={IS_WEB} title={title} label={label} className="button--file-action" icon={ (hasClaimInWatchLater && (isHovering ? ICONS.REMOVE : ICONS.COMPLETED)) || (isHovering ? ICONS.COMPLETED : ICONS.TIME) } onClick={(e) => handleWatchLater(e)} tabIndex={focusable ? 0 : -1} /> ); } export default FileWatchLaterLink;