import * as ACTIONS from 'constants/action_types'; import moment from 'moment'; import SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES from 'constants/supported_languages'; import { ACTIONS as LBRY_REDUX_ACTIONS, SETTINGS, SHARED_PREFERENCES } from 'lbry-redux'; import { getSubsetFromKeysArray } from 'util/sync-settings'; import { UNSYNCED_SETTINGS } from 'config'; const { CLIENT_SYNC_KEYS } = SHARED_PREFERENCES; const settingsToIgnore = (UNSYNCED_SETTINGS && UNSYNCED_SETTINGS.trim().split(' ')) || []; const clientSyncKeys = settingsToIgnore.length ? CLIENT_SYNC_KEYS.filter(k => !settingsToIgnore.includes(k)) : CLIENT_SYNC_KEYS; const reducers = {}; let settingLanguage = []; try { let appLanguage = window.localStorage.getItem(SETTINGS.LANGUAGE); settingLanguage.push(appLanguage); } catch (e) {} settingLanguage.push(window.navigator.language.slice(0, 2)); settingLanguage.push('en'); const defaultState = { isNight: false, findingFFmpeg: false, loadedLanguages: [...Object.keys(window.i18n_messages), 'en'] || ['en'], customWalletServers: [], syncEnabledPref: undefined, // set this during sign in, copy it to clientSettings immediately after prefGet after signedin but before sync sharedPreferences: {}, daemonSettings: {}, daemonStatus: { ffmpeg_status: {} }, clientSettings: { // UX [SETTINGS.EMAIL_COLLECTION_ACKNOWLEDGED]: false, [SETTINGS.ENABLE_SYNC]: IS_WEB, // UI [SETTINGS.LANGUAGE]: settingLanguage.find(language => SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES[language]), [SETTINGS.THEME]: __('light'), [SETTINGS.THEMES]: [__('light'), __('dark')], [SETTINGS.HIDE_SPLASH_ANIMATION]: false, [SETTINGS.HIDE_BALANCE]: false, [SETTINGS.OS_NOTIFICATIONS_ENABLED]: true, [SETTINGS.AUTOMATIC_DARK_MODE_ENABLED]: false, [SETTINGS.DARK_MODE_TIMES]: { from: { hour: '21', min: '00', formattedTime: '21:00' }, to: { hour: '8', min: '00', formattedTime: '8:00' }, }, // Purchasing [SETTINGS.INSTANT_PURCHASE_ENABLED]: false, [SETTINGS.INSTANT_PURCHASE_MAX]: { currency: 'LBC', amount: 0.1, }, // Content [SETTINGS.SHOW_MATURE]: false, [SETTINGS.AUTOPLAY]: true, [SETTINGS.AUTOPLAY_NEXT]: true, [SETTINGS.FLOATING_PLAYER]: true, [SETTINGS.AUTO_DOWNLOAD]: true, [SETTINGS.HIDE_REPOSTS]: false, // OS [SETTINGS.AUTO_LAUNCH]: true, [SETTINGS.TO_TRAY_WHEN_CLOSED]: true, }, }; reducers[ACTIONS.REHYDRATE] = (state, action) => { const { clientSettings } = state; if (action && action.payload && action.payload.settings) { const persistedSettings = action.payload && action.payload.settings; const persistedClientSettings = persistedSettings.clientSettings; const newClientSettings = { ...clientSettings, ...persistedClientSettings }; return Object.assign({}, state, { ...persistedSettings, clientSettings: newClientSettings }); } return Object.assign({}, state, { clientSettings }); }; reducers[ACTIONS.FINDING_FFMPEG_STARTED] = state => Object.assign({}, state, { findingFFmpeg: true, }); reducers[ACTIONS.FINDING_FFMPEG_COMPLETED] = state => Object.assign({}, state, { findingFFmpeg: false, }); reducers[LBRY_REDUX_ACTIONS.DAEMON_SETTINGS_RECEIVED] = (state, action) => Object.assign({}, state, { daemonSettings:, }); reducers[LBRY_REDUX_ACTIONS.DAEMON_STATUS_RECEIVED] = (state, action) => Object.assign({}, state, { daemonStatus:, }); reducers[ACTIONS.CLIENT_SETTING_CHANGED] = (state, action) => { const { key, value } =; const clientSettings = Object.assign({}, state.clientSettings); clientSettings[key] = value; return Object.assign({}, state, { clientSettings, }); }; reducers[ACTIONS.UPDATE_IS_NIGHT] = state => { const { from, to } = state.clientSettings[SETTINGS.DARK_MODE_TIMES]; const momentNow = moment(); const startNightMoment = moment(from.formattedTime, 'HH:mm'); const endNightMoment = moment(to.formattedTime, 'HH:mm'); const isNight = !(momentNow.isAfter(endNightMoment) && momentNow.isBefore(startNightMoment)); return Object.assign({}, state, { isNight, }); }; reducers[ACTIONS.DOWNLOAD_LANGUAGE_SUCCESS] = (state, action) => { const { loadedLanguages } = state; const { language } =; if (language && loadedLanguages && !loadedLanguages.includes(language)) { return Object.assign({}, state, { loadedLanguages: [...loadedLanguages, language], }); } else { return state; } }; reducers[LBRY_REDUX_ACTIONS.SHARED_PREFERENCE_SET] = (state, action) => { const { key, value } =; const sharedPreferences = Object.assign({}, state.sharedPreferences); sharedPreferences[key] = value; return Object.assign({}, state, { sharedPreferences, }); }; reducers[ACTIONS.SYNC_CLIENT_SETTINGS] = state => { const { clientSettings } = state; const sharedPreferences = Object.assign({}, state.sharedPreferences); const selectedClientSettings = getSubsetFromKeysArray(clientSettings, clientSyncKeys); const newSharedPreferences = { ...sharedPreferences, ...selectedClientSettings }; return Object.assign({}, state, { sharedPreferences: newSharedPreferences }); }; reducers[ACTIONS.SYNC_PREFERENCE_CHANGED] = (state, action) => { return Object.assign({}, state, { syncEnabledPref:, }); }; reducers[LBRY_REDUX_ACTIONS.USER_STATE_POPULATE] = (state, action) => { const { clientSettings: currentClientSettings, syncEnabledPref } = state; const { settings: sharedPreferences } =; // we have to update the signin sync checkbox in here // where we can simulataneously set the checkbox temp value to undefined, and // update the sync setting before sync happens // temp box must be undefined to trigger the items in the syncSubscribe effect const syncSettingOrEmpty = syncEnabledPref !== undefined ? { enable_sync: syncEnabledPref } : {}; const selectedSettings = sharedPreferences ? getSubsetFromKeysArray(sharedPreferences, clientSyncKeys) : {}; const mergedClientSettings = { ...currentClientSettings, ...selectedSettings, ...syncSettingOrEmpty }; const newSharedPreferences = sharedPreferences || {}; return Object.assign({}, state, { sharedPreferences: newSharedPreferences, clientSettings: mergedClientSettings, syncEnabledPref: undefined, }); }; reducers[LBRY_REDUX_ACTIONS.SAVE_CUSTOM_WALLET_SERVERS] = (state, action) => { return Object.assign({}, state, { customWalletServers: }); }; export default function reducer(state = defaultState, action) { const handler = reducers[action.type]; if (handler) return handler(state, action); return state; }