import * as types from 'constants/action_types' import lbry from 'lbry' import lbryio from 'lbryio' import lbryuri from 'lbryuri' import rewards from 'rewards' import { selectBalance, } from 'selectors/wallet' import { selectFileInfoForUri, selectUrisDownloading, } from 'selectors/file_info' import { selectResolvingUris } from 'selectors/content' import { selectCostInfoForUri, } from 'selectors/cost_info' import { selectClaimsByUri, } from 'selectors/claims' import { doOpenModal, } from 'actions/app' export function doResolveUri(uri) { return function(dispatch, getState) { uri = lbryuri.normalize(uri) const state = getState() const alreadyResolving = selectResolvingUris(state).indexOf(uri) !== -1 if (!alreadyResolving) { dispatch({ type: types.RESOLVE_URI_STARTED, data: { uri } }) lbry.resolve({ uri }).then((resolutionInfo) => { const { claim, certificate, } = resolutionInfo ? resolutionInfo : { claim : null, certificate: null } dispatch({ type: types.RESOLVE_URI_COMPLETED, data: { uri, claim, certificate, } }) }) } } } export function doCancelResolveUri(uri) { return function(dispatch, getState) { lbry.cancelResolve({ uri }) dispatch({ type: types.RESOLVE_URI_CANCELED, data: { uri } }) } } export function doFetchFeaturedUris() { return function(dispatch, getState) { const state = getState() dispatch({ type: types.FETCH_FEATURED_CONTENT_STARTED, }) const success = ({ Categories, Uris }) => { let featuredUris = {} Categories.forEach((category) => { if (Uris[category] && Uris[category].length) { featuredUris[category] = Uris[category] } }) dispatch({ type: types.FETCH_FEATURED_CONTENT_COMPLETED, data: { categories: Categories, uris: featuredUris, } }) } const failure = () => { dispatch({ type: types.FETCH_FEATURED_CONTENT_COMPLETED, data: { categories: [], uris: {} } }) }'discover', 'list', { version: "early-access" } ) .then(success, failure) } } export function doUpdateLoadStatus(uri, outpoint) { return function(dispatch, getState) { const state = getState() lbry.file_list({ outpoint: outpoint, full_status: true, }).then(([fileInfo]) => { if(!fileInfo || fileInfo.written_bytes == 0) { // download hasn't started yet setTimeout(() => { dispatch(doUpdateLoadStatus(uri, outpoint)) }, 250) } else if (fileInfo.completed) { // TODO this isn't going to get called if they reload the client before // the download finished dispatch({ type: types.DOWNLOADING_COMPLETED, data: { uri, outpoint, fileInfo, } }) } else { // ready to play const { total_bytes, written_bytes, } = fileInfo const progress = (written_bytes / total_bytes) * 100 dispatch({ type: types.DOWNLOADING_PROGRESSED, data: { uri, outpoint, fileInfo, progress, } }) setTimeout(() => { dispatch(doUpdateLoadStatus(uri, outpoint)) }, 250) } }) } } export function doDownloadFile(uri, streamInfo) { return function(dispatch, getState) { const state = getState() lbry.file_list({ outpoint: streamInfo.outpoint, full_status: true }).then(([fileInfo]) => { dispatch({ type: types.DOWNLOADING_STARTED, data: { uri, outpoint: streamInfo.outpoint, fileInfo, } }) })'file', 'view', { uri: uri, outpoint: streamInfo.outpoint, claim_id: streamInfo.claim_id, }).catch(() => {}) rewards.claimEligiblePurchaseRewards() dispatch(doUpdateLoadStatus(uri, streamInfo.outpoint)) } } export function doLoadVideo(uri) { return function(dispatch, getState) { const state = getState() dispatch({ type: types.LOADING_VIDEO_STARTED, data: { uri } }) lbry.get({ uri }).then(streamInfo => { const timeout = streamInfo === null || typeof streamInfo !== 'object' || streamInfo.error == 'Timeout' if(timeout) { dispatch({ type: types.LOADING_VIDEO_FAILED, data: { uri } }) dispatch(doOpenModal('timedOut')) } else { dispatch(doDownloadFile(uri, streamInfo)) } }) } } export function doPurchaseUri(uri) { return function(dispatch, getState) { const state = getState() const balance = selectBalance(state) const fileInfo = selectFileInfoForUri(state, { uri }) const downloadingByUri = selectUrisDownloading(state) const alreadyDownloading = !!downloadingByUri[uri] // we already fully downloaded the file. if (fileInfo && fileInfo.completed) { // If written_bytes is false that means the user has deleted/moved the // file manually on their file system, so we need to dispatch a // doLoadVideo action to reconstruct the file from the blobs if (!fileInfo.written_bytes) dispatch(doLoadVideo(uri)) return Promise.resolve() } // we are already downloading the file if (alreadyDownloading) { return Promise.resolve() } const costInfo = selectCostInfoForUri(state, { uri }) const { cost } = costInfo // the file is free or we have partially downloaded it if (cost <= 0.01 || (fileInfo && fileInfo.download_directory)) { dispatch(doLoadVideo(uri)) return Promise.resolve() } if (cost > balance) { dispatch(doOpenModal('notEnoughCredits')) } else { dispatch(doOpenModal('affirmPurchase')) } return Promise.resolve() } } export function doFetchClaimsByChannel(uri) { return function(dispatch, getState) { dispatch({ type: types.FETCH_CHANNEL_CLAIMS_STARTED, data: { uri } }) lbry.resolve({ uri }).then((resolutionInfo) => { const { claims_in_channel, } = resolutionInfo ? resolutionInfo : { claims_in_channel: [] } dispatch({ type: types.FETCH_CHANNEL_CLAIMS_COMPLETED, data: { uri, claims: claims_in_channel } }) }) } } export function doClaimListMine() { return function(dispatch, getState) { dispatch({ type: types.CLAIM_LIST_MINE_STARTED }) lbry.claim_list_mine().then((claims) => { dispatch({ type: types.CLAIM_LIST_MINE_COMPLETED, data: { claims } }) }) } }