// @flow import * as PAGES from 'constants/pages'; import { VIDEO_ALMOST_FINISHED_THRESHOLD } from 'constants/player'; import * as React from 'react'; import classnames from 'classnames'; import { lazyImport } from 'util/lazyImport'; import Page from 'component/page'; import * as RENDER_MODES from 'constants/file_render_modes'; import FileTitleSection from 'component/fileTitleSection'; import FileRenderInitiator from 'component/fileRenderInitiator'; import FileRenderInline from 'component/fileRenderInline'; import FileRenderDownload from 'component/fileRenderDownload'; import RecommendedContent from 'component/recommendedContent'; import CollectionContent from 'component/collectionContentSidebar'; import Button from 'component/button'; import Empty from 'component/common/empty'; import SwipeableDrawer from 'component/swipeableDrawer'; import DrawerExpandButton from 'component/swipeableDrawerExpand'; import { useIsMobile, useIsMobileLandscape } from 'effects/use-screensize'; const CommentsList = lazyImport(() => import('component/commentsList' /* webpackChunkName: "comments" */)); const PostViewer = lazyImport(() => import('component/postViewer' /* webpackChunkName: "postViewer" */)); export const PRIMARY_PLAYER_WRAPPER_CLASS = 'file-page__video-container'; export const PRIMARY_IMAGE_WRAPPER_CLASS = 'file-render__img-container'; type Props = { costInfo: ?{ includesData: boolean, cost: number }, fileInfo: FileListItem, uri: string, channelId?: string, renderMode: string, obscureNsfw: boolean, isMature: boolean, linkedCommentId?: string, threadCommentId?: string, hasCollectionById?: boolean, collectionId: string, videoTheaterMode: boolean, claimIsMine: boolean, contentCommentsDisabled: boolean, isLivestream: boolean, position: number, audioVideoDuration: ?number, commentsListTitle: string, settingsByChannelId: { [channelId: string]: PerChannelSettings }, isPlaying?: boolean, claimWasPurchased: boolean, doFetchCostInfoForUri: (uri: string) => void, doSetContentHistoryItem: (uri: string) => void, doSetPrimaryUri: (uri: ?string) => void, clearPosition: (uri: string) => void, doClearPlayingUri: () => void, doToggleAppDrawer: () => void, doFileGet: (uri: string) => void, }; export default function FilePage(props: Props) { const { uri, channelId, renderMode, fileInfo, obscureNsfw, isMature, costInfo, linkedCommentId, threadCommentId, videoTheaterMode, claimIsMine, contentCommentsDisabled, hasCollectionById, collectionId, isLivestream, position, audioVideoDuration, commentsListTitle, settingsByChannelId, claimWasPurchased, doFetchCostInfoForUri, doSetContentHistoryItem, doSetPrimaryUri, clearPosition, doToggleAppDrawer, doFileGet, } = props; const isMobile = useIsMobile(); const isLandscapeRotated = useIsMobileLandscape(); const theaterMode = renderMode === 'video' || renderMode === 'audio' ? videoTheaterMode : false; const channelSettings = channelId ? settingsByChannelId[channelId] : undefined; const commentSettingDisabled = channelSettings && !channelSettings.comments_enabled; const cost = costInfo ? costInfo.cost : null; const hasFileInfo = fileInfo !== undefined; const isMarkdown = renderMode === RENDER_MODES.MARKDOWN; const videoPlayedEnoughToResetPosition = React.useMemo(() => { // I've never seen 'fileInfo' contain metadata lately, but retaining as historical fallback. const durationInSecs = audioVideoDuration || (fileInfo && fileInfo.metadata && fileInfo.metadata.video ? fileInfo.metadata.video.duration : 0); const isVideoTooShort = durationInSecs <= 45; const almostFinishedPlaying = position / durationInSecs >= VIDEO_ALMOST_FINISHED_THRESHOLD; return durationInSecs ? isVideoTooShort || almostFinishedPlaying : false; }, [audioVideoDuration, fileInfo, position]); React.useEffect(() => { if ((linkedCommentId || threadCommentId) && isMobile) { doToggleAppDrawer(); } // only on mount, otherwise clicking on a comments timestamp and linking it // would trigger the drawer // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, []); React.useEffect(() => { // always refresh file info when entering file page to see if we have the file // this could probably be refactored into more direct components now if (fileInfo && videoPlayedEnoughToResetPosition) { clearPosition(uri); } // See https://github.com/lbryio/lbry-desktop/pull/1563 for discussion doFetchCostInfoForUri(uri); doSetContentHistoryItem(uri); doSetPrimaryUri(uri); if (claimWasPurchased && !hasFileInfo) doFileGet(uri); return () => doSetPrimaryUri(null); }, [ uri, hasFileInfo, fileInfo, videoPlayedEnoughToResetPosition, collectionId, clearPosition, doFetchCostInfoForUri, doSetContentHistoryItem, doSetPrimaryUri, doFileGet, claimWasPurchased, ]); function renderFilePageLayout() { if (RENDER_MODES.FLOATING_MODES.includes(renderMode)) { return (
{/* playables will be rendered and injected by */}
); } if (RENDER_MODES.UNRENDERABLE_MODES.includes(renderMode) && !isMature) { return ( <> ); } if (isMarkdown) { return ( ); } if (RENDER_MODES.TEXT_MODES.includes(renderMode)) { return ( <> ); } if (renderMode === RENDER_MODES.IMAGE) { return ( <>
); } return ( <> ); } const rightSideProps = { hasCollectionById, collectionId, uri }; if (obscureNsfw && isMature) { return (
{!isMarkdown && !theaterMode && }
); } const commentsListProps = { uri, linkedCommentId, threadCommentId }; const emptyMsgProps = { padded: !isMobile }; return (
{renderFilePageLayout()} {!isMarkdown && (
{claimIsMine && isLivestream && (

{__('Only visible to you')}

{__( 'People who view this link will be redirected to your livestream. Make sure to use this for sharing so your title and thumbnail are displayed properly.' )}
)} {RENDER_MODES.FLOATING_MODES.includes(renderMode) && } {contentCommentsDisabled ? ( ) : commentSettingDisabled ? ( ) : isMobile && !isLandscapeRotated ? ( <> ) : ( )}
{!isMarkdown && theaterMode && }
{!isMarkdown ? !theaterMode && : !contentCommentsDisabled && (
); } type RightSideProps = { hasCollectionById?: boolean, collectionId?: string, uri: string, }; const RightSideContent = (rightSideProps: RightSideProps) => { const { hasCollectionById, collectionId, uri } = rightSideProps; return hasCollectionById ? : ; };