import videojs from 'video.js'; import {version as VERSION} from './package.json'; import ConcreteButton from './ConcreteButton'; import ConcreteMenuItem from './ConcreteMenuItem'; // Default options for the plugin. const defaults = {}; // Cross-compatibility for Video.js 5 and 6. const registerPlugin = videojs.registerPlugin || videojs.plugin; /** * VideoJS HLS Quality Selector Plugin class. */ class HlsQualitySelectorPlugin { /** * Plugin Constructor. * * @param {Player} player - The videojs player instance. * @param {Object} options - The plugin options. */ constructor(player, options) { this.player = player; this.config = options; // Ensure dependencies are met if (!this.player.qualityLevels) { console.error(`Error: Missing video.js quality levels plugin (required) - videojs-hls-quality-selector`); return; } this.setupPlugin(); } setupPlugin() { // Create the quality button. this.createQualityButton(); // Bind event listeners this.bindPlayerEvents(); // Listen for source changes this.player.on('loadedmetadata', (e) => { this.updatePlugin(); }); } updatePlugin() { // If there is the HLS tech if (this.getHls()) { // Show quality selector; } else { // Hide quality selector this._qualityButton.hide(); } } /** * Returns HLS Plugin * * @return {*} - videojs-hls-contrib plugin. */ getHls() { return{ IWillNotUseThisInPlugins: true }).hls; } /** * Binds listener for quality level changes. */ bindPlayerEvents() { this.player.qualityLevels().on('addqualitylevel', this.onAddQualityLevel.bind(this)); } /** * Adds the quality menu button to the player control bar. */ createQualityButton() { const player = this.player; this._qualityButton = new ConcreteButton(player); const placementIndex = player.controlBar.children().length - 2; const concreteButtonInstance = player.controlBar.addChild(this._qualityButton, {componentClass: 'qualitySelector'}, this.config.placementIndex || placementIndex); concreteButtonInstance.addClass('vjs-quality-selector'); if (!this.config.displayCurrentQuality) { const icon = ` ${this.config.vjsIconClass || 'vjs-icon-hd'}`; concreteButtonInstance .menuButton_.$('.vjs-icon-placeholder').className += icon; } else { this.setButtonInnerText('auto'); } concreteButtonInstance.removeClass('vjs-hidden'); } /** *Set inner button text. * * @param {string} text - the text to display in the button. */ setButtonInnerText(text) { this._qualityButton .menuButton_.$('.vjs-icon-placeholder').innerHTML = text; } /** * Builds individual quality menu items. * * @param {Object} item - Individual quality menu item. * @return {ConcreteMenuItem} - Menu item */ getQualityMenuItem(item) { const player = this.player; return new ConcreteMenuItem(player, item, this._qualityButton, this); } /** * Executed when a quality level is added from HLS playlist. */ onAddQualityLevel() { const player = this.player; const qualityList = player.qualityLevels(); const levels = qualityList.levels_ || []; const levelItems = []; for (let i = 0; i < levels.length; ++i) { if (!levelItems.filter(_existingItem => { return _existingItem.item && _existingItem.item.value === levels[i].height; }).length) { const levelItem =, { label: levels[i].height + 'p', value: levels[i].height, }); levelItems.push(levelItem); } } levelItems.sort((current, next) => { if ((typeof current !== 'object') || (typeof next !== 'object')) { return -1; } if (current.item.value < next.item.value) { return -1; } if (current.item.value > next.item.value) { return 1; } return 0; }); levelItems.push(, { label: player.localize('Auto'), value: 'auto', selected: true })); if (this._qualityButton) { this._qualityButton.createItems = function() { return levelItems; }; this._qualityButton.update(); } } /** * Sets quality (based on media height) * * @param {number} height - A number representing HLS playlist. */ setQuality(height) { const qualityList = this.player.qualityLevels(); // Set quality on plugin this._currentQuality = height; if (this.config.displayCurrentQuality) { this.setButtonInnerText(height === 'auto' ? height : `${height}p`); } for (let i = 0; i < qualityList.length; ++i) { const quality = qualityList[i]; quality.enabled = (quality.height === height || height === 'auto'); } this._qualityButton.unpressButton(); } /** * Return the current set quality or 'auto' * * @return {string} the currently set quality */ getCurrentQuality() { return this._currentQuality || 'auto'; } } /** * Function to invoke when the player is ready. * * This is a great place for your plugin to initialize itself. When this * function is called, the player will have its DOM and child components * in place. * * @function onPlayerReady * @param {Player} player * A Video.js player object. * * @param {Object} [options={}] * A plain object containing options for the plugin. */ const onPlayerReady = (player, options) => { player.addClass('vjs-hls-quality-selector'); player.hlsQualitySelector = new HlsQualitySelectorPlugin(player, options); }; /** * A video.js plugin. * * In the plugin function, the value of `this` is a video.js `Player` * instance. You cannot rely on the player being in a "ready" state here, * depending on how the plugin is invoked. This may or may not be important * to you; if not, remove the wait for "ready"! * * @function hlsQualitySelector * @param {Object} [options={}] * An object of options left to the plugin author to define. */ const hlsQualitySelector = function(options) { this.ready(() => { onPlayerReady(this, videojs.mergeOptions(defaults, options)); }); }; // Register the plugin with video.js. registerPlugin('hlsQualitySelector', hlsQualitySelector); // Include the version number. hlsQualitySelector.VERSION = VERSION; export default hlsQualitySelector;