// @flow import * as ACTIONS from 'constants/action_types'; import * as ABANDON_STATES from 'constants/abandon_states'; // @if TARGET='app' import { shell } from 'electron'; // @endif import Lbry from 'lbry'; import { makeSelectClaimForUri } from 'redux/selectors/claims'; import { doAbandonClaim } from 'redux/actions/claims'; import { batchActions } from 'util/batch-actions'; import { doHideModal } from 'redux/actions/app'; import { goBack } from 'connected-react-router'; import { doSetPlayingUri } from 'redux/actions/content'; import { selectPlayingUri } from 'redux/selectors/content'; import { doToast } from 'redux/actions/notifications'; import { selectBalance } from 'redux/selectors/wallet'; import { makeSelectFileInfoForUri, selectDownloadingByOutpoint, makeSelectStreamingUrlForUri, } from 'redux/selectors/file_info'; type Dispatch = (action: any) => any; type GetState = () => { claims: any, file: FileState, content: any, user: User }; export function doOpenFileInFolder(path: string) { return () => { shell.showItemInFolder(path); }; } export function doOpenFileInShell(path: string) { return (dispatch: Dispatch) => { const success = shell.openPath(path); if (!success) { dispatch(doOpenFileInFolder(path)); } }; } export function doDeleteFile( outpoint: string, deleteFromComputer?: boolean, abandonClaim?: boolean, cb: any, claim: Claim ) { return (dispatch: Dispatch) => { if (abandonClaim) { dispatch(doAbandonClaim(claim, cb)); } // @if TARGET='app' Lbry.file_delete({ outpoint, delete_from_download_dir: deleteFromComputer, }); dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.FILE_DELETE, data: { outpoint, }, }); // @endif }; } export function doDeleteFileAndMaybeGoBack( uri: string, deleteFromComputer?: boolean, abandonClaim?: boolean, doGoBack: (any) => void, claim: Claim ) { return (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: GetState) => { const state = getState(); const playingUri = selectPlayingUri(state); const { outpoint } = makeSelectFileInfoForUri(uri)(state) || ''; const { nout, txid } = makeSelectClaimForUri(uri)(state); const claimOutpoint = `${txid}:${nout}`; const actions = []; if (!abandonClaim) { actions.push(doHideModal()); } actions.push( doDeleteFile( outpoint || claimOutpoint, deleteFromComputer, abandonClaim, (abandonState) => { if (abandonState === ABANDON_STATES.DONE) { if (abandonClaim) { if (doGoBack) { dispatch(goBack()); } dispatch(doHideModal()); } } }, claim ) ); if (playingUri && playingUri.uri === uri) { actions.push(doSetPlayingUri({ uri: null })); } // it would be nice to stay on the claim if you just want to delete it // we need to alter autoplay to not start downloading again after you delete it dispatch(batchActions(...actions)); }; } export function doFileGet(uri: string, saveFile: boolean = true, onSuccess?: (GetResponse) => any) { return (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: () => any) => { const state = getState(); const { nout, txid } = makeSelectClaimForUri(uri)(state); const outpoint = `${txid}:${nout}`; dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.FETCH_FILE_INFO_STARTED, data: { outpoint, }, }); // set save_file argument to True to save the file (old behaviour) Lbry.get({ uri, save_file: saveFile }) .then((streamInfo: GetResponse) => { const timeout = streamInfo === null || typeof streamInfo !== 'object' || streamInfo.error === 'Timeout'; if (timeout) { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.FETCH_FILE_INFO_FAILED, data: { outpoint }, }); dispatch(doToast({ message: `File timeout for uri ${uri}`, isError: true })); } else { if (streamInfo.purchase_receipt || streamInfo.content_fee) { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.PURCHASE_URI_COMPLETED, data: { uri, purchaseReceipt: streamInfo.purchase_receipt || streamInfo.content_fee }, }); } dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.FETCH_FILE_INFO_COMPLETED, data: { fileInfo: streamInfo, outpoint: outpoint, }, }); if (onSuccess) { onSuccess(streamInfo); } } }) .catch((error) => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.PURCHASE_URI_FAILED, data: { uri, error }, }); dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.FETCH_FILE_INFO_FAILED, data: { outpoint }, }); dispatch( doToast({ message: `Failed to view ${uri}, please try again. If this problem persists, visit https://odysee.com/@OdyseeHelp:b?view=about for support.`, isError: true, }) ); }); }; } export function doPurchaseUri( uri: string, costInfo: { cost: number }, saveFile: boolean = true, onSuccess?: (GetResponse) => any ) { return (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: GetState) => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.PURCHASE_URI_STARTED, data: { uri }, }); const state = getState(); const balance = selectBalance(state); const fileInfo = makeSelectFileInfoForUri(uri)(state); const downloadingByOutpoint = selectDownloadingByOutpoint(state); const alreadyDownloading = fileInfo && !!downloadingByOutpoint[fileInfo.outpoint]; const alreadyStreaming = makeSelectStreamingUrlForUri(uri)(state); if (!saveFile && (alreadyDownloading || alreadyStreaming)) { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.PURCHASE_URI_FAILED, data: { uri, error: `Already fetching uri: ${uri}` }, }); if (onSuccess) { onSuccess(fileInfo); } return; } const { cost } = costInfo; if (parseFloat(cost) > balance) { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.PURCHASE_URI_FAILED, data: { uri, error: 'Insufficient credits' }, }); Promise.resolve(); return; } dispatch(doFileGet(uri, saveFile, onSuccess)); }; } export function doClearPurchasedUriSuccess() { return { type: ACTIONS.CLEAR_PURCHASED_URI_SUCCESS, }; }