// @flow import { useEffect } from 'react'; import { getChannelFromClaim } from 'util/claim'; export default function useGetUserMemberships( shouldFetchUserMemberships: ?boolean, arrayOfContentUris: ?Array<string>, convertClaimUrlsToIds: any, // doFetchUserMemberships: (string) => void, // fetch membership values and save in redux dependency?: any, alreadyClaimIds?: boolean ) { // instantiate variable if it doesn't exist yet if (!window.checkedMemberships) window.checkedMemberships = {}; useEffect(() => { // run if there's uris to check if (shouldFetchUserMemberships && arrayOfContentUris && arrayOfContentUris.length > 0) { const urisToFetch = arrayOfContentUris; let claimIds; // convert content urls to channel claim ids if (!alreadyClaimIds) { claimIds = urisToFetch.map((uri) => { // get claim id const contentClaimId = convertClaimUrlsToIds[uri]; // return channel claim id if (contentClaimId) return getChannelFromClaim(contentClaimId)?.claim_id; }); } else { // call already comes with an array of channel claim ids claimIds = arrayOfContentUris; } // remove dupes and falsey values const dedupedChannelIds = [...new Set(claimIds)].filter(Boolean); // check if channel id has already been fetched const channelsToFetch = dedupedChannelIds.filter( // if value exists or is null it's been through the backend (channelClaimId) => !window.checkedMemberships[channelClaimId] && window.checkedMemberships[channelClaimId] !== null ); // create csv string for backend const commaSeparatedStringOfIds = channelsToFetch.join(','); // new channels to hit, hit check api and save in state if (channelsToFetch && channelsToFetch.length > 0) { // setup object to be added to window let membershipsToAdd = {}; for (const channelToFetch of channelsToFetch) { // mark as waiting while waiting for backend, so won't recall membershipsToAdd[channelToFetch] = 'waiting'; } // update checked memberships window.checkedMemberships = Object.assign(window.checkedMemberships, membershipsToAdd); // hit membership/check and save it in redux if (doFetchUserMemberships) { doFetchUserMemberships(commaSeparatedStringOfIds); } } } // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, dependency || [arrayOfContentUris]); }