// React Feather icons // https://github.com/carmelopullara/react-feather // Note: Icons should be named for their purpose, rather than the actual icon. // The goal being to reduce multiple uses of the same icon for different purposes. export const REWARDS = 'Award'; export const LOCAL = 'Folder'; export const ALERT = 'AlertCircle'; export const INFO = 'InfoCircle'; export const COPY = 'Clipboard'; export const ARROW_LEFT = 'ChevronLeft'; export const ARROW_RIGHT = 'ChevronRight'; export const DOWNLOAD = 'Download'; export const PUBLISH = 'UploadCloud'; export const FETCH = 'Fetch'; export const REMOVE = 'X'; export const ADD = 'Plus'; export const SUBTRACT = 'Subtract'; export const EDIT = 'Edit'; export const DELETE = 'Trash'; export const REPORT = 'Flag'; export const HELP = 'HelpCircle'; export const CHAT = 'MessageCircle'; export const FEEDBACK = 'MessageSquare'; export const SEARCH = 'Search'; export const CHANNEL = 'AtSign'; export const REFRESH = 'RefreshCw'; export const HISTORY = 'Clock'; export const HOME = 'Home'; export const OVERVIEW = 'Activity'; export const WALLET = 'List'; export const COIN_SWAP = 'CoinSwap'; export const PHONE = 'Phone'; export const COMPLETE = 'Check'; export const COMPLETED = 'CheckCircle'; export const NOT_COMPLETED = 'Circle'; export const SUBSCRIBE = 'Heart'; export const SUBSCRIBED = 'HeartSolid'; export const UNSUBSCRIBE = 'BrokenHeart'; export const BELL = 'Bell'; export const BELL_ON = 'BellOn'; export const UNLOCK = 'Unlock'; export const LOCK = 'Lock'; export const WEB = 'Globe'; export const SHARE = 'Share2'; export const EXTERNAL = 'ExternalLink'; export const PLAY = 'Play'; export const PLAY_PREVIOUS = 'Play Previous'; export const FACEBOOK = 'Facebook'; export const TWITTER = 'Twitter'; export const TELEGRAM = 'Telegram'; export const REDDIT = 'Reddit'; export const LINKEDIN = 'LinkedIn'; export const EMBED = 'Embed'; export const MORE = 'More'; export const SHARE_LINK = 'ShareLink'; export const COPY_LINK = 'CopyLink'; export const ACCOUNT = 'User'; export const SETTINGS = 'Settings'; export const FILTER = 'Filter'; export const INVITE = 'Users'; export const FILE = 'File'; export const FULLSCREEN = 'Maximize'; export const OPTIONS = 'Sliders'; export const YES = 'ThumbsUp'; export const NO = 'ThumbsDown'; export const UP = 'ChevronUp'; export const UP_TOP = 'ChevronUpTop'; export const DOWN = 'ChevronDown'; export const DOWN_BOTTOM = 'ChevronDownBottom'; export const DRAG = 'DragAndDrop'; export const SECURE = 'Lock'; export const MENU = 'Menu'; export const BACKUP = 'Database'; export const TRANSACTIONS = 'FileText'; export const LBRY = 'Lbry'; export const LBC = 'LBC'; export const DISCOVER = 'Compass'; export const VISUALIZER_ON = 'Eye'; export const VISUALIZER_OFF = 'EyeOff'; export const MUSIC_DETAILS_ON = 'AlignLeft'; export const MUSIC_DETAILS_OFF = 'AlignLeft'; export const MUSIC_ART_ON = 'Image'; export const MUSIC_ART_OFF = 'Image'; export const MUSIC_ALBUM = 'Disc'; export const MUSIC_ARTIST = 'Mic'; export const MUSIC_SONG = 'Music'; export const MUSIC_EQUALIZER = 'Sliders'; export const LIGHT = 'Sun'; export const DARK = 'Moon'; export const LIBRARY = 'Folder'; export const TAG = 'Tag'; export const SUPPORT = 'TrendingUp'; export const BLOCK = 'Slash'; export const MUTE = 'VolumeX'; export const UNBLOCK = 'Circle'; export const VIEW = 'View'; export const EYE = 'Eye'; export const EYE_OFF = 'EyeOff'; export const SIGN_OUT = 'SignOut'; export const SIGN_IN = 'SignIn'; export const SIGN_UP = 'Key'; export const TRENDING = 'Trending'; export const TOP = 'Top'; export const NEW = 'New'; export const MORE_VERTICAL = 'MoreVertical'; export const IMAGE = 'Image'; export const AUDIO = 'HeadPhones'; export const VIDEO = 'Video'; export const VOLUME_MUTED = 'VolumeX'; export const TEXT = 'FileText'; export const DOWNLOADABLE = 'Downloadable'; export const POST = 'Post'; export const REPOST = 'Repeat'; export const VALIDATED = 'Check'; export const SLIDERS = 'Sliders'; export const SCIENCE = 'Science'; export const ANALYTICS = 'BarChart2'; export const PURCHASED = 'Key'; export const CIRCLE = 'Circle'; export const PINNED = 'Pinned'; export const BUY = 'Buy'; export const SEND = 'Send'; export const RECEIVE = 'Receive'; export const CAMERA = 'Camera'; export const OPEN_LOG = 'FilePlus'; export const OPEN_LOG_FOLDER = 'Folder'; export const LBRY_STATUS = 'BarChart'; export const NOTIFICATION = 'Bell'; export const LAYOUT = 'Layout'; export const REPLY = 'Reply'; export const YOUTUBE = 'Youtube'; export const UPVOTE = 'Upvote'; export const DOWNVOTE = 'Downvote'; export const CONTROVERSIAL = 'Controversial'; export const RABBIT_HOLE = 'Droplet'; export const TECH = 'Speaker'; export const NEWS = 'Aperature'; export const FINANCE = 'DollarSign'; export const ENLIGHTENMENT = 'Anchor'; export const GAMING = 'Gaming'; export const COMMUNITY = 'Community'; export const FIRE_ACTIVE = 'FireActive'; export const SLIME_ACTIVE = 'SlimeActive'; export const FIRE = 'Fire'; export const SLIME = 'Slime'; export const PIN = 'Pin'; export const BEST = 'Best'; export const CREATOR_LIKE = 'CreatorLike'; export const CHEF = 'Chef'; export const ANONYMOUS = 'Anonymous'; export const CHANNEL_LEVEL_1 = 'ChannelLevel1'; export const CHANNEL_LEVEL_2 = 'ChannelLevel2'; export const CHANNEL_LEVEL_3 = 'ChannelLevel3'; export const CHANNEL_LEVEL_4 = 'ChannelLevel4'; export const CHANNEL_LEVEL_5 = 'ChannelLevel5'; export const MOVIES = 'Movies'; export const WILD_WEST = 'WildWest'; export const UNIVERSE = 'Universe'; export const CHEESE = 'Cheese'; export const PEACE = 'Peace'; export const PORK_BUN = 'PorkBun'; export const MIND_BLOWN = 'MindBlown'; export const LIVESTREAM = 'Livestream'; export const LIVESTREAM_SOLID = 'LivestreamSolid'; export const LIVESTREAM_MONOCHROME = 'LivestreamMono'; export const STACK = 'stack'; export const TIME = 'time'; export const GLOBE = 'globe'; export const RSS = 'rss'; export const APPEARANCE = 'Appearance'; export const CONTENT = 'Content'; export const STAR = 'star'; export const MUSIC = 'MusicCategory'; export const BADGE_MOD = 'BadgeMod'; export const BADGE_STREAMER = 'BadgeStreamer'; export const REPLAY = 'Replay'; export const REPEAT = 'Repeat'; export const SHUFFLE = 'Shuffle'; export const HOLD_PHONE = 'HoldPhone'; export const LIFE = 'Life'; export const ARTISTS = 'Artists'; export const MYSTERIES = 'Mysteries'; export const TECHNOLOGY = 'Technology'; export const EMOJI = 'Emoji'; export const STICKER = 'Sticker'; export const EDUCATION = 'Education'; export const POP_CULTURE = 'Pop Culture'; export const ODYSEE_LOGO = 'OdyseeLogo'; export const ODYSEE_WHITE_TEXT = 'OdyseeLogoWhiteText'; export const ODYSEE_DARK_TEXT = 'OdyseeLogoDarkText'; export const FEATURED = 'Featured'; export const DISMISS_ALL = 'DismissAll'; export const SUBMIT = 'Submit';