import React from 'react'; import Icon from 'component/common/icon'; import * as ICONS from 'constants/icons'; import ReactDOMServer from 'react-dom/server'; import './plugins/videojs-overlay/plugin'; import './plugins/videojs-overlay/plugin.scss'; // **************************************************************************** // **************************************************************************** const OVERLAY_NAME_ONE_OFF = 'one-off'; const OVERLAY_CLASS_PLAYBACK_RATE = 'vjs-overlay-playrate'; const OVERLAY_CLASS_SEEKED = 'vjs-overlay-seeked'; // **************************************************************************** // **************************************************************************** /** * Overlays that will always be registered with the plugin. * @type {*[]} */ const PERMANENT_OVERLAYS = [ // Nothing for now. // --- Example: --- // { // content: 'Video is now playing', // start: 'play', // end: 'pause', // align: 'center', // }, ]; export const OVERLAY_DATA = { // overlays: [...PERMANENT_OVERLAYS], }; /** * Wrapper to hide away the complexity of adding dynamic content, which the * plugin currently does not support. To change the 'content' of an overlay, * we need to re-create the entire array. * This wrapper ensures the PERMANENT_OVERLAYS (and potentially other overlays) * don't get lost. */ function showOneOffOverlay(player, className, overlayJsx, align) { // Delete existing: OVERLAY_DATA.overlays = OVERLAY_DATA.overlays.filter(x => !== OVERLAY_NAME_ONE_OFF); // Create new one: OVERLAY_DATA.overlays.push({ name: OVERLAY_NAME_ONE_OFF, class: className, content: ReactDOMServer.renderToStaticMarkup(overlayJsx), start: 'immediate', align: align, }); // Display it: player.overlay(OVERLAY_DATA); } /** * Displays a transient "Playback Rate" overlay. * * @param player The videojs instance. * @param newRate The current playback rate value. * @param isSpeedUp true if the change was speeding up, false otherwise. */ export function showPlaybackRateOverlay(player, newRate, isSpeedUp) { const overlayJsx = ( <div> <p>{newRate}x</p> <p> <Icon icon={isSpeedUp ? ICONS.ARROW_RIGHT : ICONS.ARROW_LEFT} size={48} /> </p> </div> ); showOneOffOverlay(player, OVERLAY_CLASS_PLAYBACK_RATE, overlayJsx, 'center'); } /** * Displays a transient "Seeked" overlay. * * @param player The videojs instance. * @param duration The seek delta duration. * @param isForward true if seeking forward, false otherwise. */ export function showSeekedOverlay(player, duration, isForward) { const overlayJsx = ( <div> <p> {isForward ? '+' : '-'} {duration} </p> </div> ); showOneOffOverlay(player, OVERLAY_CLASS_SEEKED, overlayJsx, 'center'); }