import { connect } from 'react-redux'; import { makeSelectClaimIsMine, makeSelectClaimForUri, selectMyChannelClaims, makeSelectClaimIsPending, makeSelectCollectionIsMine, makeSelectEditedCollectionForId, } from 'lbry-redux'; import { makeSelectCostInfoForUri } from 'lbryinc'; import { doToast } from 'redux/actions/notifications'; import { doOpenModal } from 'redux/actions/app'; import { selectListShuffle } from 'redux/selectors/content'; import { doPlayUri, doSetPlayingUri, doToggleShuffleList, doToggleLoopList } from 'redux/actions/content'; import CollectionActions from './view'; const select = (state, props) => { let firstItem; const collectionUrls = props.collectionUrls; if (collectionUrls) { // this will help play the first valid claim in a list // in case the first urls have been deleted => { const claim = makeSelectClaimForUri(url)(state); if (firstItem === undefined && claim) { firstItem = claim.permanent_url; } }); } const collectionId = props.collectionId; const shuffleList = selectListShuffle(state); const shuffle = shuffleList && shuffleList.collectionId === collectionId && shuffleList.newUrls; const playNextUri = shuffle && shuffle[0]; const playNextClaim = makeSelectClaimForUri(playNextUri)(state); return { claim: makeSelectClaimForUri(props.uri)(state), claimIsMine: makeSelectClaimIsMine(props.uri)(state), costInfo: makeSelectCostInfoForUri(props.uri)(state), myChannels: selectMyChannelClaims(state), claimIsPending: makeSelectClaimIsPending(props.uri)(state), isMyCollection: makeSelectCollectionIsMine(collectionId)(state), collectionHasEdits: Boolean(makeSelectEditedCollectionForId(collectionId)(state)), firstItem, playNextUri, playNextClaim, }; }; const perform = (dispatch) => ({ openModal: (modal, props) => dispatch(doOpenModal(modal, props)), doToast: (options) => dispatch(doToast(options)), doPlayUri: (uri) => dispatch(doPlayUri(uri)), doSetPlayingUri: (uri) => dispatch(doSetPlayingUri({ uri })), doToggleShuffleList: (collectionId, shuffle) => dispatch(doToggleShuffleList(undefined, collectionId, shuffle, true)), doToggleLoopList: (collectionId, loop) => dispatch(doToggleLoopList(collectionId, loop)), }); export default connect(select, perform)(CollectionActions);